Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Wed Nov 17 2021 Andreas Schneider <>
- Update to version 1.3.9
  * Sets Autofield
  * Fix RemovedInDjango41Warning
  * Create codeql-analysis.yml
  * Codecov_fixes. Got coverage again
  * Feature/improves multiple databases support
  * Fix for SSL errors in #422
  * Fixes #314 - Convert func to its import path str so that
    resubmitting failed task works
  * Add "qmemory" command
  * Allow tasks to be scheduled on a specific cluster
  * Fixes #225 - Successful tasks grow beyond SAVE_LIMIT
  * Update documentation for new retry time default
  * Fixes deprecated count method
  * Adds long polling support
  * Use 'timezone.localtime()' when calculating the next run time
  * Add a warning for misconfiguration.
  * Add broker name in Schedule and enhanced Queued Tasks list
    display admin
  * Add example of http health check
  * Added german translation
  * Try to get SQS queue before creating it
  * Empty dictionary as configuration value for SQS
  * Model.unicode() has no effect in Python 3.X
  * Fix deprecation warning RemovedInDjango40Warning
  * Fix for #424 TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects
  * [WIP]Change Django documentation links and URLs to a
    supported version (v1.8 -> v2.2)
  * Add attempt_count to limit the number of times a filed task
    will be re-attempted
  * Updates to Django 3.1
  * Resource limits: max rss memory limit for workers
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Marketa Calabkova <>
- Update to 1.3.1
  - Ability to customize schedule creation
  - django-picklefield 3.0.1 has requirement Django>=2.2
  - select_for_update could not be used outside of a transaction
  - Support for Cron expressions
  - Updates packages
  - Adds hint, some linting and a release drafter
  - Use 'force_str' instead of deprecated 'force_text'
  - Add missing migration
* Fri Jun 12 2020 Ond?ej Súkup <>
- Update to 1.2.4
  * When sync=True, re-raise exceptions from the worker
  * Fix issue when using USE_TZ=False with MySQL
  * Fix issues when using multiple databases with a database router
  * Expose list of workers and their states via API
  * Add missing migration
Version: 1.2.1-bp152.1.17
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Tomá? Chvátal <>
- Update to 1.2.1:
  * Convert to f-strings #415 (Koed00)
  * Run task at a specific time #407
  * Question about Multiple Clusters #401
  * Ability to use a Redis URI #402
  * Latest versions of Arrow will break django-q #377
  * Timeout override is lost when sent to broker #332
  * "InterfaceError: connection already closed" being raised when a test is run #326
  * scheduler creating duplicate tasks in multiple cluster environment #231
* Mon Jan 13 2020
- be able to test also for 15
* Mon Dec 02 2019
- call spec-cleaner
* Wed Oct 02 2019
- initial version 1.0.2, needed by HyperKitty [SLE-7686]