Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Tue Mar 24 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Run testsuite
* Sun Mar 22 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.1
  * simplify markdown of readme so PyPI renders better
  * make tests for bitarray.util required (instead of warning when
    they cannot be imported)
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * add bitarray.util module which provides useful utility functions
  * deprecate `bitarray.bitdiff` in favor of `bitarray.util.count_xor`
  * use markdown for documentation
  * fix bug in .count() on 32bit systems in special cases when array size
    is 2^29 bits or larger
  * simplified tests by using bytes syntax
  * update smallints and sieve example to use new utility module
  * simplified mandel example to use numba
  * use file context managers in tests
- Update to version 1.1.0
  * add frozenbitarray object
  * add optional start and stop parameters to .count() method
  * add official Python 3.8 support
  * optimize setrange() C-function by using memset
  * fix issue #74, bitarray is hashable on Python 2
  * fix issue #68, `unittest.TestCase.assert_` deprecated
  * improved test suite - tests should run in about 1 second
  * update documentation to use positional-only syntax in docstrings
  * update readme to pass Python 3 doctest
  * add utils module to examples
- Specfile cleanup
* Fri Jul 19 2019 Andres Ayala <>
Version 1.0.1:
- fix readme to pass ``twine check``
* Mon Jul 15 2019
Version 1.0.0:
- fix bitarrays beings created from unicode in Python 2
- use ``PyBytes_*`` in C code, treating the Py3k function names as default,
  which also removes all redefinitions of ``PyString_*``
- handle negative arguments of .index() method consistently with how
  they are treated for lists
- add a few more comments to the C code
- move imports outside tests: pickle, io, etc.
- drop Python 2.5 support
* Mon May 20 2019
Version 0.9.3:
- refactor resize() - only shrink allocated memory if new size falls
  lower than half the allocated size
- improve error message when trying to initialize from float or complex
* Mon Apr 29 2019
Version 0.9.2:
- fix fail to compile on Windows with VS 2015, issue #72
* Sun Apr 28 2019
Version 0.9.1:
- fix types to actually be types, #29
- check for ambiguous prefix codes when building binary tree for decoding
- remove Python level methods: encode, decode, iterdecode (in favor of
  having these implemented on the C-level along with check_codedict)
- fix self tests for Python 2.5 and 2.6
- move all Huffman code related example code into examples/huffman
- add code to generate graphviz .dot file of Huffman tree to examples
* Mon Apr 22 2019
Version 0.9:
- more efficient decode and iterdecode by using C-level binary tree
  instead of a python one, #54
- added buffer protocol support for Python 3, #55
- fixed invalid pointer exceptions in pypy, #47
- made all examples Py3k compatible
- add gene sequence example
- add official Python 3.7 support
- drop Python 2.4, 3.1 and 3.2 support
* Wed May 02 2018
- Migrate to singlespec
* Thu Oct 24 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Thu May 16 2013
- Rename test skip patch
* Sat May 11 2013
- Initial release