Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP3





Change Logs

Version: 1.3.4-bp152.1.25
* Fri Aug 23 2019 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Trim bias and filler wording from description.
* Wed Aug 21 2019 Tomá? Chvátal <>
- Update to 1.3.7:
  * Enormous changelog, please see docs/changelog.html
* Tue Apr 18 2017
- Update to version 1.2.4
  * Enormous changelog, please see docs/changelog.html
- Implement single-spec version.
* Sat Aug 25 2012
- Updated to 1.1.1
  * Minilib is now imported only if full paver is not available (github issue #13)
  * Option instances may now be passed to @cmdopts (github issues #41 and #42, thanks to David Cramer)
  * --propagate-traceback option for debugging ``BuildFailure``s (github issue #43)
  * Fix misleading error message when non-task is passed to @needs (github issue #37)
  * @no_help to provide a way to hide task from paver help (github issue #36)
  * @might_call for more complex dependencies (see docs, not only github issue #16)
  * bundled upgraded to patched version 2.2.2 (github issue #15)
- Updated to 1.0.5
  1.0.5 (October 21, 2011)
  * Ability to share command line options between tasks (github issue `#7 <>`_)
  * Flush after print (github issue `#17 <>`_, thanks to Honza Kral)
  * Minilib is now compatible with zipimport (github issue `#19 <>`_, thanks to Piet Delport)
  * Auto task is now properly not called when target task is decorated with no_auto
    (github issue `#4 <>`_)
  1.0.4 (January 16, 2011)
  * Fixed md5 deprecation warnings in the bundled cog (thanks to jszakmeister, issue #56)
  * Project moved to github
  * Fixed problems with negative command-line options for distutils
    (thanks to Nao Nakashima for bugreport, github `issue #2 <>`_)
  * Japanese translation moved to `  <>`_
  * Tasks take cmdopts even from grandparents (thanks to aurelianito, github issue #4)
  * Task description is taken from the first sentence, where the end of the sentence is dot
    followed by alphanumeric character (google code bug #44). Description is also stripped now.
  1.0.3 (June 1, 2010)
  * Fixed deadlock problem when there's a lot of output from a subprocess (thanks to Jeremy Rossi)
  * Fixed unit tests (thanks to Elias Alma)
  1.0.2 (March 8, 2010)
  * FIXED A command that outputs to stderr containing formatting directives (%s) or something
    that looks like one would cause an error. Thanks to disturbyte for the patch.
  * Tasks can take normal keyword arguments
  * Returns exit code 1 if any tasks fail
  * stderr is no longer swallowed up by sh() (issue #37, thanks to Marc Sibson for
    the patch)