* Mon Mar 19 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Add a missing build dependency: python2.
* Fri Dec 23 2016 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Replace purple-plugin_pack-autoprofile-crash.patch with
purple-plugin-pack-fix-autoprofile-crash.patch, a very simple
patch to do the job.
* Thu Jan 19 2012 vuntz@opensuse.org
- Add pkgconfig(json-glib-1.0) BuildRequires to build new Ning,
OkCupid and Omegle protocol plugins.
- Create extras subpackages:
+ The main reason is to mitigate the risk of license
incompatibilities between GPL-3.0+ plugins and other plugins
that could be non-GPL-3.0-compatible.
+ Move the GPL-3.0+ plugins to extras subpackages.
+ Clearly document in summaries and descriptions why we have
extras subpackages.
+ This should fix bnc#741195.
* Sat Dec 03 2011 christoph.miebach@web.de
- Version update to 2.7.0
+ Added German translation
+ Added capsnot plugin
+ Added icon-override plugin
+ Added translate plugin
+ Added Ning protocol plugin
+ Added OkCupid protocol plugin
+ Added Omegle protocol plugin
+ Fix a use-after-free in IRC Helper.
+ IRC Helper delays autojoins until after identifying with Purple
2.7.0 or newer.
+ Support new Freenode IDENTIFY syntax in IRC Helper so users can
log into services even when using an alternate or new nick.
+ IRC Helper now properly supports and suppresses new Freenode
welcome and identified messages.
+ Updated website string to reflect project move from Trac to
+ Changed package name from purple-plugin_pack to
+ The Album plugin should no longer crash on non-buddies.
- Renamed source package from purple-plugin_pack to
purple-plugin-pack, following upstream change. This also results
+ purple-plugin_pack Provides/Obsoletes in libpurple-plugin-pack
(see below for why it's purple-plugin_pack
+ pidgin-plugin_pack Provides/Obsoletes in pidgin-plugin-pack.
- Drop purple-plugin_pack-de-l10n.patch.bz2 and
purple-plugin_pack-fix-localedir.patch: fixed upstream.
- Remove call to autoreconf that was only needed for patches above.
- Properly package libpurple plugins in libpurple-plugin-pack
instead of purple-plugin-pack.
* Thu Sep 29 2011 vuntz@opensuse.org
- Cleanup for inclusion in Factory.
* Mon Aug 01 2011 christoph.miebach@web.de
- Version update to 2.6.3
+ Add support for Spidernet to IRC Helper plugin.
+ IRC Helper now supports suppressing messages from the Freenode
bot frigg.
+ IRC-More now builds when you pass --with-plugins=irc-more to
+ IRC-More no longer tries to set umodes on connect if none are
+ IRC-More now provides a channel autojoin list. Autojoins
happen with a 6-second delay to allow IRC Helper to do its job
- Added german translation not available at buildtime of 2.6.3
- Patch to find and use the translations
- Patch preventing crash in Autoprofile not run in english
- Patch fixing portability issue
* Fri Feb 13 2009 gryffus@hkfree.org
- Disabled xmmsremote plugin
* Wed Feb 11 2009 gryffus@hkfree.org
- Version upgrade to 2.5.1
- Added debuginfo and debugsource packages
- Fixes in .spec
* Mon Dec 29 2008 contact@i-nz.net
- Fixes for openSUSE 11.1
* Fri Aug 24 2007 michel.sylvan@gmail.com
- Add missing BRs on libxml2-devel and NetworkManager-devel
* Fri Aug 24 2007 michel.sylvan@gmail.com
- Update to 2.1.1, rename to purple-plugin_pack
- Move changelog to .changes file
* Sun May 06 2007 contact@i-nz.net
- new package