Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Wed Nov 02 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to version 1.13:
  * xml_attribute::set_value, xml_node::set_value and xml_text::set
    now have overloads that accept pointer to non-null-terminated
    string and size.
  * Fix error handling in xml_document::save_file that could result
    in the function succeeding while running out of disk space.
  * Fix memory leak during error handling of some out-of-memory
    conditions during xml_document::load.
* Thu Feb 17 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to version 1.12.1:
  * Update PUGIXML_VERSION macro to 1.12.
- Run test suite on build.
* Wed Feb 09 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to version 1.12:
  * Fix a bug in xml_document move construction when the source of
    the move is empty.
  * Fix const-correctness issues with iterator objects to support
    C++20 ranges.
  * Improved detection of overly complex queries that may result in
    stack overflow during parsing.
Version: 1.11.4-bp154.1.78
* Mon Jan 11 2021 Dirk Müller <>
- update to 1.11.4:
  * Add xml_node::remove_attributes and xml_node::remove_children
  * Add a way to customize floating point precision via xml_attribute::set and
  xml_text::set overloads
  * XPath parser now limits recursion depth which prevents stack overflow on
  malicious queries
  * Exported CMake target name changed to pugixml::pugixml; see subsequent
  patch releases
  * Regression bugfixes
* Tue Feb 04 2020 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to version 1.10:
  * XPath union operation now is ~2x faster to compute and results
    in a stable order that doesn't depend on pointer order.
  * Add format_skip_control_chars formatting flag to skip
    non-printable ASCII characters.
  * Add format_attribute_single_quote formatting flag to use single
    quotes for attribute values.
  * Add Visual Studio .natvis files to improve debugging
- Remove merged patches:
  * pugixml-1.9-use-CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR.patch.
  * pugixml-1.9-install-pc-file.patch.