Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Wed Jan 25 2023 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to 3.0:
  * User interface updates
    + A screen pager has been added to the poke application.
    + A tracer has been added to libpoke and the poke application.
    + A new command sdiff (for "structured diff") has been added to the
    poke application, that provides a way to generate patchable diffs
    of mapped structured Poke values.
    + When no name is passed to the .mem command, an unique name for the
    memory IOS with the form *N* will be used automatically, where N
    is a positive integer.
    + auto-completion of 'attributes is now available in the poke
    + Constraint errors now contain details on the location (which
    field) where the constraint error happens, along with the
    particular expression that failed.
    + Inline assembler expressions and statements are now supported.
    + Both =printf= and =format= now support printing values of type
    + Both =printf= and =format= now support printing integral values
    interpreted as floating-point values encoded in IEEE 754.
    + Pre-conditional optional fields are added to complement the
    currently supported post-conditional optional fields.
    + A new option =.set autoremap no= can be used in order to tell poke
    to not remap mapped values automatically.
    + The :to argument to the =extract= command is now optional, and
    defaults to the empty string.
    + ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} is now preferred to
  * Poke Language updates
    + Array and struct constructors are now primaries in the Poke
    + Bit-concatenation is now supported in l-values.
    + Arrays can now be indented by size, by specifying an offset as an
    + Union types can now be declared as "integral".
    + Support for "computed fields" has been added to struct and union
    + This version introduces three new Poke attributes that work on
    values of type =any=.
    + Two new operators have been introduced to facilitate operating
    Poke array as stacks in an efficient way: apush and apop.
    + Poke programs can now hook in the IO subsystem by installing
    functions that will be invoked when certain operations on IO
    spaces are being performed.
    + The 'length attribute is now valid in values of type =any=.
    + Poke declarations can now be annotated as =immutable=.
    + A new compiler built-in =iolist= has been introduced, that returns
    an array with the IO space identifiers of currently open IOS.
    + We have changed the logic of the EXCOND operator ?!.  It now
    evaluates to 1 (true) if the execution of the first operand raises
    the specified exception, and to 0 (false) otherwise.
    + The containing struct or union value can now be refered as SELF in
    the body of methods.  SELF is of type =any=.
    + Integer literal suffixes (B, H, U, etc) are case-insensitive.
    + Casting to union types now raise a compile-time error.
    + If no explicit message is specified in calls to =assert=, a
    default one showing the source code of the failing condition is
    constructed and used instead.
    + An operator =remap= has been used in order to force a re-map of
    some mapped Poke value.
    + Signed integral types of one bit are not allowed.
    + The built-in function get_time has been renamed to gettime, to
    follow the usual naming of the corresponding standard C function.
  * Standard Poke Library updates
    + New standard functions.
    + libpoke updates
  - New API function pk_struct_ref_set_field_value.
  - New API function pk_type_name.
  * Pickles updates
    + New pickles.
    + The ELF pickle now provides functions implementing ELF hashing.
  * Build system updates
    + It is now supported to configure the poke sources with
  - -disable-hserver.
  * Documentation updates
    + Documentation for the =format= language construction has been
    added to the poke manual.
  * Other updates
    + A new program poked, for "poke daemon", has been contributed to
    the poke distribution. poked links with libpoke and uses Unix
    sockets to act as a broker to communicate with an instance of a
    Poke incremental compiler.
    + The machine-interface subsystem has been removed from poke, in
    favor of the poked approach.
    + The example GUI that was intended to be a test tool for the
    machine interface has been removed from the poke distribution.
    + Many bugs have been fixed.
- Remove jitter-0.9.284-noexec-stack-arm-i586.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Drop json-c dependency: Machine-interface has been removed.
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to 2.4:
  * Lot of changes since 1.4, see packaged NEWS for details.
- Add jitter-0.9.284-noexec-stack-arm-i586.patch: Make sure the stack
  is defined as non-executable in jitter on arm and i586.
- Trim not strictly needed build requirements.
- Recommend a handler for opening app:// hyperlinks.
- Move Emacs support from poke to emacs-poke.
- Package new vim support in vim-poke.
- Enable tests.
* Thu Aug 11 2022 Dirk Müller <>
- remove unused lua53 buildrequires
* Fri Dec 03 2021 Andreas Stieger <>
- update to 1.4
  * Operating with arrays now much faster
  * Some of the compiler diagnostics have been made more readable
    and helpful
  * Limitations in the values of the odepth, oindent and oacutoff
    have been removed
- includes changes from 1.3:
  * The `dump' command now remembers and re-uses the last used
    offset per IO space
  * The text accompanying constraint violation exceptions now
    indicate the type and the field whose constraint failed.
- update licence to GPL-3.0-or-later
- add upstream signing key and validate source signature
* Thu May 13 2021 Wang Jun <>
- Update to version 1.2
  * User visible changes
  - The .file dot-command now supports a /c flag for creating new,
    empty files.
  - A new compiler built-in `ioflags' is available, that returns
    the flags of some given IO space.
  - Certain operations now raise a E_perm exception, instead of the
    more generic E_io.
  - A new kind of IO device is now supported: the `zero' IOD.
    Opening "<zero>" will result in an IO space covering the full
    64-bit byte range, that always returns zero on reads and that
    ignores writes.
  - Function values (closures) can now be compared at language-level.
    They are compared by pointer.
  - The compiler now rejects casts from `any' to function types
    instead of ICEing.
  - The `dump' command now doesn't try to print anything if the
    current IOS is not readable.
  - The `dump' command now prints ?? for "unknown" bytes, i.e. for bytes
    in addresses that are not readable in the underlying IO space.
  - The standard function `ltos' now gets an additional optional
    argument `base', that defaults to 10.
  - The `big' and `little' annotations can now be used in any struct
    type field, regardless of its type.
  * Bug fixes
  - A very nasty performance bottleneck in pvm_array_insert has been
  - Fix the opening mode of write-only files when the user doesn't
    specify explicit flags in `open'.
  - Avoid spurious EOF exceptions when writing weird integers past
    the end of an IOS.
  - Fix method `value' in
  - Fix ICE while compiling for-statements with several declarations.
  - Properly print > 2^32 addresses in `dump'
  - Other minor fixes.
  * Other changes
  - The JSON MI machinery has been rewriten and much improved.
  - More tests in several areas.
* Tue Mar 23 2021 Anton Smorodskyi <>
- Update to version 1.1
  * User visible changes
  - The IOS_F_TRUNCATE `open' flag has been removed.
  - Constraint expressions and initializers can be now
    used together in struct fields.
  * Bug fixes
  - The infamous bug preventing poke work on 32-bit systems is now
  - Better handling of open modes in the file IOD.
  - Improve some translatable strings.
  - poke won't raise an exception when starting if HOME
    is not defined in the environment.
  - The compiler now emits an error if it sees un-map-able
    fields in a struct type.
  - Properly handle the absence of current IOS in the map command.
  - Install Emacs modes.
  - Portability fixes for:
    + Mac OS X 10.5.
    + GNU/Hurd.
    + Solaris 11 OpenIndiana.
    + AIX.
    + mingw.
  * Manual
  - Relicensed to GPLv3+.
  - Expand section on struct methods.
  - New section on data padding and alignment.
  - Document the Emacs modes provided by poke.
  - Provide a recommended pokerc configuration for beginners.
  - Other minor fixes based on user feedback.
* Fri Feb 26 2021 Matthias Mailänder <>
- Update to version 1.0
- Disable the static library
* Wed Jan 22 2020 Dan Čermák <>
- Initial package version