Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

Version: 3.2.0-bp155.2.3.1
* Tue Dec 12 2023
- add php81 multibuild target
- modified sources
  % _multibuild
Version: 3.2.0-bp154.2.1
* Sun Dec 11 2022 Arjen de Korte <>
- Restore php7 build for targets that still have it
  % _multibuild
* Thu Dec 08 2022 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.2.0
  * Fixed issue #1819: Allow a list of headers in
  * Fixed issue #2079: Add pseudo hosts xdebug://gateway and
  * Fixed issue #2086: Include return value in return breakpoint
    interruption response
  * Fixed issue #2087: Introduce step for the return state and virtual
    property for return value
  * Fixed issue #2062: Xdebug now records whether systemd's PrivateTmp
    is used in its diagnostics information
  * Fixed issue #2104: Add support for PHP 8.2 "SensitiveParameter"
  * Fixed issue #2117: Removed emulated properties for closures, as PHP
    8.2 adds debug information for them
  * Fixed issue #2122: Local variables are now available when
    using start_upon_error
  * Fixed issue #2123: Add warning in log and diagnositics information
    when a breakpoint is set on a non-existing file
  * Fixed issue #2138: Step debugger now disconnects and continues
    running the script, when the debugging client closes the connection
  * Fixed issue #2136: Duplicate line/conditional breakpoints are now
  * Fixed issue #2014: Drop support for PHP 7.2
  * Fixed issue #2102: Drop support for PHP 7.3
  * Fixed issue #2103: Drop support for PHP 7.4
  * Fixed issue #2002: xdebug_trace_handler_t handler members are not
    always checked for NULL when executing
  * Fixed issue #2045: Inapproriate frowny face
  * Fixed issue #2089: Alpine Linux does not support res_ninit
  * Fixed issue #2093: Fatal error: linux/rtnetlink.h: No such file or
    directory linux/rtnetlink.h
  * Fixed issue #2098: With breakpoint_include_return_value enabled
    step_out break at every function
  * Fixed issue #2105: 3.2.0alpha1 package misses the php-header.h file
  * Fixed issue #2108: Segfault on PHP8.1 with PHPUnit 10 when path
    coverage is enabled
  * Fixed issue #2113: Crash at step_into after thrown exception with
    return value debugging en
  * Fixed issue #2121: Xdebug does not use local independent
    float-to-string functions
  * Fixed issue #2124: Xdebug incorrectly reports that there are no
    children for static closure properties, even though there are
  * Fixed issue #2125: Crash with PHP 8.2 on 32-bit due to change in
    "not set" value with CATCH opcode
  * Fixed issue #2126: Problems with retrieving global variables
  * Fixed issue #2127: Tracing does not handle NUL char in anonymous
    closure scope
  * Fixed issue #2133: Warning with regards to extra NUL character in
    xdebug_setcookie call
  * Fixed issue #2134: Xdebug stops at the line where the exception is
    created, not where it is thrown
  * Fixed issue #2135: Xdebug stops twice at the same line after a call
    breakpoint or xdebug_break()
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.6
  * Fixed issue #2100: "Fatal error: debuginfo() must return an array"
    when Exception is thrown from debugInfo in PHP 8.x
  * Fixed issue #2101: When a temporary breakpoint is hit,
    breakpoint_list should show it as disabled
  * Fixed issue #2129: Cannot read snapshot Gzip-compressed data is
* Thu Dec 08 2022 Arjen de Korte <>
- Remove build target for php7 (PHP 7.4 reached EOL 28 Nov 2022)
  % _multibuild
* Sun Jun 12 2022 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.5
  * Fixed bug #2056: Install documentation gives wrong arch for
    installation on M1 Macs
  * Fixed bug #2082: phpize --clean removes required clocks.m4 file
  * Fixed bug #2083: Constant defined with an enum case produce double
    "facet" attribute in context_get response
  * Fixed bug #2085: Crash when used with source guardian encoded files
  * Fixed bug #2090: Segfault in __callStatic() after FFI initialization
* Tue Apr 12 2022 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.4
  * Fixed issue #2006: Removing second call breakpoint with same
    function name
  * Fixed issue #2060: XDebug breaks the Symfony "PhpFilesAdapter"
    cache adapter
  * Fixed issue #2061: Possible use after free with GC Stats
  * Fixed issue #2063: Can't inspect ArrayObject storage elements
  * Fixed issue #2064: Segmentation fault in symfony cache
  * Fixed issue #2068: Debug session can be started with
    "XDEBUG_SESSION_START=anything" when xdebug.trigger_value is set
  * Fixed issue #2069: Warn when profiler_append is used together
    with zlib compression
  * Fixed issue #2075: Code coverage misses static array assignment
* Mon Feb 14 2022 Илья Индиго <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.3
  * Fixed issue #2049: evaling broken code (still) causes unhandled
    exception in PHP 7.4.
  * Fixed issue #2052: Memory leak when a trace file can't be
    opened because xdebug.trace_output_name is invalid.
  * Fixed issue #2054: Slowdown when calling a function with long
    string parameters.
  * Fixed issue #2055: Debugger creates XML with double facet attribute.
* Fri Dec 10 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.2
  * Fixed issue #2036: Segfault on fiber switch in finally block in
    garbage collected fiber
  * Fixed issue #2037: Crash when profile file can not be created
  * Fixed issue #2041: __debugInfo is not used for var_dump output
  * Fixed issue #2046: Segault on xdebug_get_function_stack inside a
* Tue Nov 09 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.1.1
  * Fixed issue #2016: apache gives no output with xdebug 3.1.0b2
  * Fixed issue #2024: Apache restarts in a loop under PHP 8.1.0 RC3
  * Fixed issue #2029: incorrect and inaccurate date and time displayed
    in xdebug.log and trace files
  * Fixed issue #2030: PhpStorm step-debug not working on PHP 8.0.11
  * Fixed issue #2032: Use runtime PHP version in DBGp and info pages
    instead of compiled-against version
  * Fixed issue #2034: Xdebug throws a Segmentation fault when
    'set_time_limit' function is disabled
  * Fixed issue #2035: Xdebug block everything with localhost in XAMMP
- Updated to 3.1.0
  * Fixed issue #1472: Add assignments to computer readable trace
  * Fixed issue #1537: Add links to documentation to various different
    "features" after wizard has run
  * Fixed issue #1738: Add xdebug_notify() function to send data
    through DBGp to a debugging client
  * Fixed issue #1853: Enable profile compression for cachegrind files
  * Fixed issue #1890: Add connected client and protocol features to
    diagnostic page
  * Fixed issue #1898: API for querying the currently active mode(s)
  * Fixed issue #1933: Allow for cloud ID to be set through the
  * Fixed issue #1938: Branches in traits aren’t marked as executed
  * Fixed issue #1948: Do not redirect warning and error messages to
    PHP's error log if an Xdebug log is active
  * Fixed issue #1949: private properties for internal classes can't
    be fetched for debugging
  * Fixed issue #1963: php exit code = -1073741819 when
    xdebug.mode = off (Windows Thread Safe Only)
  * Fixed issue #1969: Provide breakpoint ID / info in DBGp run
    command responses
  * Fixed issue #1970: xdebug_get_function_stack with unnamed
    (internal) parameters have wrong index
  * Fixed issue #1972: Add support for PHP 8.1 Fibers
  * Fixed issue #1974: Add gzip support to trace files
  * Fixed issue #1976: Switch debug session cookie to Lax, and remove
    expiry time
  * Fixed issue #1978: Xdebug's log messages are cut off at 512 bytes
  * Fixed issue #1980: PHP 8.1: Mark enum classes as "enum"
  * Fixed issue #1986: Add support for multiple trigger values
  * Fixed issue #1989: Profiling does not output correct class when
    parent keyword is used
  * Fixed issue #1992: Code Coverage with filter produces Segmentation
    fault on xdebug_stop_code_coverage()
  * Fixed issue #1993: eval-ing broken code causes stepping to break
  * Fixed issue #1996: Add support for Closure visualisation in traces,
    debugging, and Xdebug's var_dump
  * Fixed issue #1997: Added xdebug_connect_to_client() to attempt a
    debugging connect while running code
  * Fixed issue #1998: Double facet attribute generated for enums that
    are stored in properties
  * Fixed issue #1999: Add "readonly" facet to PHP 8.1 readonly
  * Fixed issue #2001: Add 'xdebug.use_compression' setting to turn
    on/off compression for profiling files
  * Fixed issue #2004: Figure out what "XDEBUG_SHOW_FNAME_TODO" define
    is for
  * Fixed issue #2007: xdebug 3.x fails to build on OS X 10.11 or
    earlier due to clock_gettime_nsec_np requirement
  * Fixed issue #2008: Using the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie could bypass
    shared-secret checks
  * Fixed issue #2009: xdebug_stop_code_coverage's argument has type
  * Fixed issue #2011: Closures as protected properties have double
    facet XML attribute
  * Fixed issue #2013: Support PHP 8.1
  * Fixed issue #2018: zlib compression support on Windows
  * Fixed issue #2019: Xdebug crash because of uninitialized memory
  * Fixed issue #2020: segfault if xdebug.dump.GET=* and integer key
    without value in URL
  * Fixed issue #2021: Segmentation fault due to NULL bytes in internal
    anonymous class names
  * Fixed issue #2025: Anonymous classes which extend are not detected
    as anonymous classes since PHP 8.0
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Xdebug should be loaded as a zend_extension (not as extension)
* Thu Apr 08 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.0.4
  * Fixed issue #1802: Improve home page
  * Fixed issue #1944: tracing is started without trigger, when profiler
    is also enabled
  * Fixed issue #1947: xdebug_info() settings section does not show the
    modes that are overridden by XDEBUG_MODE
  * Fixed issue #1950: Assignment trace with ASSIGN_OBJ_REF crashes
  * Fixed issue #1954: Calling xdebug_start_trace without mode including
    tracing results in a fatal error
* Mon Feb 22 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.0.3
  * Fixed bug #1930: No local variables with trigger and xdebug_break()
  * Fixed bug #1931: xdebug_info() output misses configuration settings
    if phpinfo() has been called
  * Fixed bug #1932: One line in multi-line string concatenation is not
  * Fixed bug #1940: Wrong type used for showing GC Stats reports
- Xdebug can not be tested with 'make test'
* Tue Feb 16 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Use _multibuild to also build for php8
* Sat Jan 16 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Use php-config to determine location of files in package
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.0.2
  * Fixed issue #1907: Empty exception message when setting the $message
    property to a stringable object
  * Fixed issue #1910: Code coverage misses constructor property
    promotion code
  * Fixed issue #1914: Compillation failure on OpenBSD
  * Fixed issue #1915: Debugger should only start with XDEBUG_SESSION and
  * Fixed issue #1918: Warn if PHP's Garbage Collection is disabled in
    gc_stats mode
  * Fixed issue #1919: Crash when enabling filter without the right mode
  * Fixed issue #1921: Xdebug does not start step debugging if
  * Fixed issue #1922: Code coverage misses array assignment lines
  * Fixed issue #1924: Deprecated INI settings displayed in phpinfo()
  * Fixed issue #1925: xdebug.start_with_request and start_upon_error
    display inconsistent values
  * Fixed issue #1926: Add Xdebug mode's source to xdebug_info() output
  * Fixed issue #1927: Crash when calling xdebug_stop_trace without a
    trace in progress
  * Fixed issue #1928: xdebug_stop_gcstats() can also return false
* Fri Dec 04 2020 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.0.1
  * Fixed issue #1893: Crash with ext-fiber and xdebug.mode=coverage
  * Fixed issue #1896: Segfault with closures that are not created from
    user code
  * Fixed issue #1897: Crash when removing a breakpoint
  * Fixed issue #1900: Update README and add run-xdebug-tests.php to package
  * Fixed issue #1901: Stack traces are shown (with a broken time) when
    Xdebug's mode includes 'debug' but not 'develop' or 'trace'
  * Fixed issue #1902: Compillation failure on AIX
  * Fixed issue #1903: Constants should always be available, regardless of
    which mode Xdebug is in
  * Fixed issue #1904: Profile and trace files using %t or %u do not get the
    right names
  * Fixed issue #1905: Debugger does not disable request timeouts
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 3.0.0
  * Xdebug 3 includes major changes in functionality compared to Xdebug 2.
    The primary way how you turn on functionality is through the new
    xdebug.mode PHP configuration setting. This made it possible to
    massively increase performance in many of Xdebug's sub systems as
    Xdebug is now much more conservative in which hooks are enabled.
    Configuration changes, massive performance improvements, and PHP 8
    support are the primary features in Xdebug 3, but there is much more.
    The upgrade guide lists the changes in great detail, please read it:
* Mon Sep 28 2020 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.8
  * Fixed issue #1851: Paths are not counted as coveraged with loops calling function
  * Fixed issue #1855: Build issues on FreeBSD
* Wed Sep 16 2020 Arjen de Korte <>
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.7
  * Fixed issue #1839: Add keepalive options to debugging socket
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.6
  * Fixed issue #1782: Cookie "XDEBUG_SESSION" will be soon rejected because it has
    the “sameSite” attribute set to none
  * Fixed issue #1787: Branch coverage data does not always follow the lines/functions
  * Fixed issue #1790: Segfault in var_dump() or while debugging with protobuf extension
* Wed May 06 2020 Johannes Weberhofer <>
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.5
  * Fixed issue #1772: Crash with exception thrown inside a destructor
  * Fixed issue #1775: Segfault when another extension compiles a PHP file during RINIT
  * Fixed issue #1779: Nested multi-line built-in function in namespace are not covered
* Tue Apr 14 2020
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.4
  * Fixed issue #1763: Crash while setting opcode overrides in ZTS mode.
  * Fixed issue #1766: Using the DBGp detach command disables remote debugging for the whole process.
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.3
  * Fixed issue #1753: Resolved breakpoints use information from wrong files
  * Fixed issue #1758: Xdebug changes error_get_last results inside a try catch
  * Fixed issue #1759: User registered opcode handlers should call ones already set by other extensions
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.2
  * Fixed issue #1735: DBGp eval warning promoted to Exception can cause out-of-sync responses
  * Fixed issue #1736: Segmentation fault when other extensions run PHP in RINIT
  * Fixed issue #1739: Tracing footer not written
- Updated to Xdebug 2.9.1
  * Fixed issue #1721: Header may not contain NUL bytes in Unknown on line 0
  * Fixed issue #1727: Debugger stops more often than expected due to resolving breakpoints
  * Fixed issue #1728: INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL is not overloaded
  * Fixed issue #1731: var_dump with DateTime does not output properties (Ryan Mauger)
  * Fixed issue #1733: SEND_VAR_NO_REF_EX opcode, used for require(), is not overloaded
  * Fixed issue #1734: Segfault with DBGp "source" with a out-of-range start line number