Package Release Info


Update Info: openSUSE-2021-1289
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP3 Update





Change Logs

Version: 1.10.22-bp151.3.3.1
* Thu Sep 16 2021 Johannes Weberhofer <>
- Require php-mbstring as requested in bnc#1187416
* Wed Sep 15 2021 Johannes Weberhofer <>
- Version 1.10.22
  * Security: Fixed command injection vulnerability in HgDriver/HgDownloader
    and hardened other VCS drivers and downloaders
    (GHSA-h5h8-pc6h-jvvx / CVE-2021-29472), bnc#1185376
- Version 1.10.21
  * Fixed support for new GitHub OAuth token format
  * Fixed processes silently ignoring the CWD when it does not exist
- Version 1.10.20
  * Fixed exclude-from-classmap causing regex issues when having too many paths
  * Fixed compatibility issue with Symfony 4/5
* Tue Dec 08 2020 Yunhe Guo <>
- Add provides of php8-composer
- Version 1.10.19
  * Fixed regression on PHP 8.0
- Version 1.10.18
  * Allow installation on PHP 8.0
- Version 1.10.17
  * Fixed Bitbucket API authentication issue
  * Fixed parsing of Composer 2 lock files breaking in some rare conditions
* Mon Oct 26 2020 Yunhe Guo <>
- Version 1.10.16
  * Added warning to validate command for cases where packages provide/
    replace a package that they also require
  * Fixed JSON schema validation issue with PHPStorm
  * Fixed symlink handling in archive command
- Version 1.10.15
  * Fixed path repo version guessing issue
- Version 1.10.14
  * Fixed version guesser to look at remote branches as well as local
  * Fixed path repositories version guessing to handle edge cases where
    version is different from the VCS-guessed version
  * Fixed COMPOSER env var causing issues when combined with the global
  * Fixed a few issues dealing with PHP without openssl extension (not
    recommended at all but sometimes needed for testing)
* Mon Sep 14 2020 Yunhe Guo <>
- Version 1.10.13
  * Fixed regressions with old version validation
  * Fixed invalid root aliases not being reported
- Version 1.10.12
  * Fixed regressions with old version validation
- Version 1.10.11
  * Fixed more PHP 8 compatibility issues
  * Fixed regression in handling of CTRL-C when xdebug is loaded
  * Fixed status handling of broken symlinks
* Mon Aug 03 2020 Yunhe Guo <>
- Version 1.10.10
  * Fixed create-project not triggering events while installing the
    root package
  * Fixed PHP 8 compatibility issue
  * Fixed self-update to avoid automatically upgrading to the next
    major version once it becomes stable
- Version 1.10.9
  * Fixed Bitbucket redirect loop when credentials are outdated
  * Fixed GitLab auth prompt wording
  * Fixed self-update handling of files requiring admin permissions
    to write to on Windows (it now does a UAC prompt)
  * Fixed parsing issues in funding.yml files
- Version 1.10.8
  * Fixed compatibility issue with git being configured to show
    signatures by default
  * Fixed discarding of local changes when updating packages to include
    untracked files
  * Several minor fixes
* Wed Jun 03 2020 Yunhe Guo <>
- Version 1.10.7
  * Fixed PHP 8 deprecations
  * Fixed detection of pcntl_signal being in disabled_functions when
    pcntl_async_signal is allowed