Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP3





Change Logs

Version: 4.11.1-bp152.1.18
* Thu Sep 26 2019
- Update to 4.11.1:
  * ECMGeneratePriFile now correctly uses KDE_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS
  * Include directory in the pri file is now using the correct path
- Drop 0001-Remove-phonon-from-the-include-directory.patch, merged
- Use %lang_package macro and provide phonon4qt5 to fulfill its
* Wed Sep 11 2019 Christophe Giboudeaux <>
- Add 0001-Remove-phonon-from-the-include-directory.patch
* Wed Sep 04 2019 Stefan BrĂ¼ns <>
- Add designer plugin directory to directories owned by the devel
  package, as libqt5-qttools is no longer pulled in.
* Fri Aug 30 2019
- Update to 4.11.0:
  * Features
    + New phononsettings application for advanced users to control
    PulseAudio device preference by-category and Phonon backend
    selection. This application is an advanced utility and you
    shouldn't need to visit it if you aren't very certain that
    something needs changing. This replaces the previously
    available System Settings module for Phonon.
  * Changes
    + The backends Phonon VLC 0.11+ or Phonon GStreamer 4.10+ are
    required to build with this version of libphonon! Older
    versions will no longer build because of aggressive clean up
    of legacy compatibility code in the build system.
    + Qt4 support has been removed. Qt5 is now the default. If you
    still need the Qt4 version for whatever reason it's
    recommended that you port to Qt5 quickly seeing as Qt4 is
    getting really long in the tooth. Since the Qt4 and Qt5
    version are fully co-installable you can continue to use
    4.10 for Qt4 while using 4.11 for Qt5 should it be necessary.
    + CMake 3.5 is now required for building
    + Installation paths are now controlled by the KDEInstallDirs
    CMake include instead of the GNUInstallDirs one
    + CCFlag and CMake settings are now shared with other KDE
    software as per the extra-cmake-modules framework
    + PHONON_BUILD_DESCRIPTOR option no longer supported.
    + PHONON_BUILD_DECLARATIVE_PLUGIN option no longer supported.
    It made little to no sense on Qt5.
    + PHONON_INSTALL_QT_COMPAT_HEADERS option no longer supported.
    It made no sense on Qt5.
    + PHONON_NO_DBUS option no longer supported. The DBus interface
    was only used to communicate with the settings interface in
    Plasma, but hasn't been used in many years. This effectively
    removes QtDBus as dependency.
    + PHONON_ASSERT_STATES option no longer supported. The state
    machine is now always enabled unless Q_ASSERTs as a whole are
    disabled (i.e. the build is not a Debug-ish build).
    supported. Replaced by ECM's KDE_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS.
  * Bug Fixes
    + The default preference of backends is now properly
    implemented. This was previously reversed.
* Mon Jul 22 2019 Christophe Giboudeaux <>
- Fix the -lang package dependency.
* Fri Jul 19 2019
- Update to 4.10.3:
  * QFOREACH use was removed in headers when building for Qt 5.
  * Localization has been fixed for the Qt 5 build.
- Add lang subpackage containing the translations
* Thu Jan 10 2019
- Update to 4.10.2:
  * PulseAudio support is no longer incorrectly disabled with Qt
- Drop 0001-Fix-PulseAudio-support-with-Qt-5.12.patch, merged
* Mon Jan 07 2019 Luca Beltrame <>
- Add upstream patch 0001-Fix-PulseAudio-support-with-Qt-5.12.patch
  to fix PulseAudio detection with Qt 5.12
- Run spec-cleaner
- Add %license
Version: 4.10.1-bp150.2.2
* Sat Apr 28 2018
- Update to 4.10.1:
  * CMake files are now compatible with Qt 5.11. Note that the
    relevant CMake code is shared with the backends, and thus also
    fixes the compatibility issue there.
* Fri Feb 23 2018
- Update to 4.10.0:
  * Changes
    + PulseSupport is more robustly handling device list iteration.
  * New API
    + New backend API AudioOutputInterface410. This interface
    implements a long-existing frontend interface for category
    configuration. Usually, this is managed by the builtin
    PulseSupport to force the category on a PulseAudio level,
    sometimes this may not be possible because of how the backend
    subsystem works and the backend needs to manage this directly.
    + setCategory(Category) is called on the interface when the
    synonymous frontend function is called.
* Tue Jan 24 2017
- Update to 4.9.1
  * Changes
  * use cmake variables to check if QtDbus is enabled
  * change eol handling to not trigger static warnings