AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- updated to 0.18 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-UNIVERSAL-require/Changes 0.18 2015-02-24 - Skip the taint test if Perl was compiled without taint support. RAZ++ - Changed use of "use vars" to "our" - Added strict and warnings to PREREQ_PM 0.17 2014-04-19 - Check for valid module names. RT#94866 from TOBYINK. - Changed used of die() to croak() RT#23113 - Fixed typo in pod (fschlich++)
- updated to 0.16 - All seems fine with previous dev release - Added README - Specified min version of perl 5.6.0 - Now "use warnings"
- updated to 0.15 - Hadn't specific meta-spec version 2, so github repo wasn't turning up in the metadata. - Changed the repository meta_merge to the new format - Tweaked format (mainly release dates) to conform to CPAN::Changes::Spec - first test release by NEILB after getting comaint - no changes other than specifying github repository
- update to 0.13 Bug Fixes * $module->require now always resets $@ which removes a trap of using $@ to indicate an error, rather than checking $module->require directly. [rt.cpan.org 44444] Test Fixes * bleadperl introduced a new warning deprecating "use UNIVERSAL" (thank goodness) which interfered with t/require.t
- switch to perl_requires macro
- remove /var/adm/perl-modules
- enable parallel build
- initial package