Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

Version: 1.3.0-bp150.2.4
* Sat Sep 26 2015
- updated to 1.3.0
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes
* Tue Apr 14 2015
- updated to 1.2.1
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes
  v1.2.1    UNRELEASED              (Evan Giles <>)
  - Fix (skip where appropriate) failing CPAN test
  - Avoid warnings for empty files in all_pl_files (Nigel Gregoire)
* Tue Dec 02 2014
- updated to 1.2.0
  - Files without extension may not be perl (rt83917)
  - Small POD fix
  v1.1.0    2014-07-18              (Evan Giles <>)
  - Allow use of Test::Compile in an object oriented manner
  - Promote the OO interface in the POD
  - Test::Compile::Internal is now verbose by default
  - Correct the dependancy information
  v1.0.1    2014-03-20              (Evan Giles <>)
  - Fix stupid omission from the MANAIFEST (tests failed everywhere)
  v1.0.0    2014-03-19              (Evan Giles <>)
  - Try to use Sematic Versioning -
  - Add diagnostics on compilation failure        (Micheal G. Schwern)
  - require, don't use                            (Micheal G. Schwern)
  - Test for truth, not an integer.               (Micheal G. Schwern)
  - Small POD fix                                 (Micheal G. Schwern)
  - OS X is not a crazy OS from a redirection POV (Micheal G. Schwern)
  0.24  2013 02 22                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Update POD to explain more problems with Test::Compile
  0.23  2013.01.23                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Update Copyright for 2013
  - CPAN-RT #82887, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <>
  - Correct handling of PERL5LIB
  - fix regexp to detect taint mode
  0.22  2012.10.31                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Set verbose on for the Test::Compile library (rt80187)
  0.21  2012.09.05                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Finally test that the verbose method actaully works.
  - Update the POD - mostly to simplify it.
  - Remove redundant code, yet more tests.
  - Test::Compile::Internal is no longer 'beta'.
  0.20  2012.08.08                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Tests should also work outside unix (rt78810)
  0.19  2012.08.03                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Introduce
  - Utilise Test::Compile::Internal to get better test coverage
  0.18  2012.07.16                  (Evan Giles <>)
  - Fix a warning that leaks out (rt78363)
  0.17  2012.02.25                   (Evan Giles <>)
  - Another few tests for taint logic
  0.16_1 2012.02.23                   (Evan Giles <>)
  - Reapply patches from Nicholas Bamber (rt55837 & rt72557)
  0.16   2012.02.21                   (Evan Giles <>)
  - Skip tests if there are not files to test (rt69297)
  - Handle taint mode correctly (rt55837)
  - Add 'blib/lib' to the search path for scripts (rt72557)
  0.15  Fri 2012.02.03 20:33:55 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
  - Fork, and run compile tests in the child process (rt73290 & rt73291)
  0.14  Tue 2012.01.10 20:03:24 NZST (Evan Giles <>)
  - Convert to Module::Build
  - Improved test for pl_file_ok()
  - Better test coverage (which files do we process, failed to compile, etc)
  - Remove duplicate code
* Thu Apr 21 2011
- initial package 0.13
  * created by cpanspec 1.78.04