Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

Version: 1.0039-bp150.2.4
* Thu Jun 02 2016
- update to 1.0039
  - Revert the change to use the faster header builder because it breaks the legit
    Plack::Response constructor that sets HTTP::Header object directly (#541)
  1.0038  2015-11-25 12:36:29 PST
  - Added MIME type for apk files #514 (allanwhiteford)
  - Allow passing custom formatters to Plack::Middleware::AccessLog #515 (frew)
  - Allow '0' be a valid category for log4perl middleware #523
  - Doc fix for Plack::Runner #528 (polettix)
  - Doc improvements for -R/-M command line #529 (mickeyn)
  - Bind test server explicitly on, not
  - Support single-process manager in FCGI #535 (ianburrell)
  - Optimize Plack::Response header builder #540 (kazeburo)
  1.0037  2015-06-19 10:01:31 PDT
  - Lint: Support HTTP/2 in SERVER_PROTOCOL (kazuho) #511
  - Bump HTTP::Headers::Fast dependency #512
  1.0036  2015-06-03 12:01:53 PDT
  - Fix CGIBin test to not use #509
  1.0035  2015-04-16 10:08:21 CEST
  - Fixed parsing of empty query string pairs (aristotle) #500
  - Documentation updates for FCGI (otrosien) #494
  - Use HTTP::Headers::Fast in Plack::Request
  - Big performance optimizations on Plack::Util::header_* (aristotle) #498
  - Added .webm to Plack::MIME (marlencrabapple) #503
  - Use Cookie::Baker to bake cookies in Plack::Response (oalders)
  - reduced the size of distribution by making binary files smaller
* Mon Apr 13 2015
- updated to 1.0034
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Plack/Changes
  1.0034  2015-02-02 21:42:42 CET
  - Fixed a possible directory traversal with Plack::App::File on Win32 (sri)
  - Documentation improvements (timbunce, oalders, autarch, frioux)
  - Avoid warnings in Plack::App::WrapCGI (frioux)
  1.0033  2014-10-23 12:33:18 PDT
  - Lint: Fix error messages (fgabolde) #473
  - ErrorDocument: Reverse the $done filtering (nwellnhof) #474
  - StackTrace: Improve the accuracy of thrown exceptions in case where an excpetion
    is thrown in destructors (nwellnhof) #476
  1.0032  2014-10-04 11:13:24 PDT
  - Support Server::Starter in FCGI handler (yuryu) #435
  - Various documentation fixes
* Tue Sep 16 2014
- updated to 1.0031
  - Plack::App::File would previously strip trailing slashes off
    provided paths. This in combination with the common pattern
    of serving files with Plack::Middleware::Static could allow
    an attacker to bypass a whitelist of generated files (avar) #446
  - Let HTTP::Message::PSGI warn in case of invalid PSGI response (wchristian) #437
  - Update documentation on how response_cb works with writer (doy)
  - Make AccessLog work on non-POSIX environment (dex4er) #442
  - Plack::App::WrapCGI no longer warns under 5.19.9 (frew)
  - Avoid Rosetta Flash attack in JSONP middleware (nichtich) #464
  - Fix Plack::Util::inline_object to make it work with can() as a class method
  - Add $req->query_string shortcut to access QUERY_STRING in PSGI environment
* Mon Nov 25 2013
- updated to 1.0030
  - Middleware::LogDispatch stringifies objects (oalders) #427
  - Encode wide character strings as UTF-8 in HTTP::Server::PSGI #429
  - Optimize Plack::Response->finalize performance (kazeburo) #433
  - Optimize mount() performance in Plack::App::URLMap
  - ErrorDocument: remove Content-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding (kazeburo) #430
  - Fix harakiri test hang on win32 (wchristian) #431
  - Handler::FCGI: Restore --keep-stderr option (mauzo) #432
* Fri Oct 04 2013
- updated to 1.0029
  - Plack::Test now has a simpler object-oriented interface that doesn't
    take multiple callbacks. #420
  - bump dependencies for Test::TCP and HTTP::Tiny
  - Set no_proxy for HTTP::Tiny in tests (kazeburo)
  - Split HTTP::Server::Simple handler from Plack distribution and merge to
    HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI distribution
* Tue Jul 09 2013
- updated to 1.0028
* Tue Jul 09 2013
- update to 1.0028
  - Skip cgi related tests for Win32 (chorny) #413
  - Skip tests that could potentially write empty bytes, which could cause
    issues on some servers on local sockets with HTTP::Tiny
  - Skip tests that require HTTP::Cookies, if not available #414
  - Not a dev release, including XS free version of Plack::Test*
  - Fix cgibin tests that often fail on Win32 #375
  - use HTTP::Tiny in Plack::Test::Suite and Plack::Test::Server rather than skipping it.
  - No XS! Eliminates dependency to LWP::UserAgent by making it completely optional for
    testing. If you run Plack::Test with Server implemenetation or run Plack::Test::Suite
    (for PSGI handlers) without LWP installed, the tests will automatically be skipped.
    This removes the eventual sub-dependency to HTML::Parser, which is the only XS dependency
    in Plack. #408
  - Fixed the warning in OO usage of Plack::Builder (doy) #407
  - Shotgun loader now dies if used in Win32 since it leaks memory #320, #400
  - Suppress warnings for Test::TCP (kazeburo) #406
  - $res->to_app shortcut (ether) #409
  - Fix warnings for Plack::App::WrapCGI (frioux)
  - Ignore emacs lock file from restarter (maio)
  - Add documentation for environment variable in Auth::Basic
  - Some Metadata cleanup and Travis CI
  - Use Apache::LogFormat::Compiler in AccessLog (kazeburo)
  - Fixed a major bug in 1.0020-1.0021 where posix_default prevents arbitrary arguments
    for plackup-compat (e.g. starman) to handle them (Thanks to justnoxx) Starman#66
  - Fixed test warnings (Keedi Kim)
  - Repackage with Milla v0.9.6 #392
* Fri Jul 05 2013
- Remove the test that has : in HTTP headers which now chokes on
  new HTTP::Headers
* Wed May 30 2012
- reduce build requires - test suites are fine, build cycles are bad
* Wed May 30 2012
- updated to 0.9988
  - Fixes HTTP_HOST in HTTP::Message::PSGI #287 (doy)
  - Support streaming in AccessLog::Timed (Peter Makholm)
  - Support streaming in ErrorDocument
  - Removed UTF8 hack in HTTP::Message::PSGI. Depends on 1.59 (wreis)
  - Set Host headers correctly in HTTP::Message::PSGI #177
  - Added documentation on supported %-flags in AccessLog (ether)
  - Skip unnecessary tests on non-developer environment
* Fri Mar 16 2012
- update to 0.9986:
  + Use I/O handles to FCGI::Request instead of global STDIN,
    STDOUT etc.
  + Improved FastCGI docs
  + Cascade app now returns the last response code
* Tue Nov 01 2011
- update to 0.9985:
  + Short circuit Plack::Handler fallback to avoid %INC bugs
    in perl 5.8
  + Fixed Makefile.PL to avoid Test::SharedFork interferring
    with Module::Install
* Mon Oct 31 2011
- update to 0.9984:
  + WrapCGI: Close wrapped CGI's STDIN handle
  + WrapCGI: improved docs
  + Request: Do not destroy HTTP::Body upload headers
* Wed May 11 2011
- Fixed a failing output_encoding.t because of FCGI dependencies
- Improved Plack::Test::Suite documentation
- Fixed ConditionalGET to not die with streaming interface
- Add a reason string to CGI/FastCGI Status header to comply with RFC 3875
- Fixed a CGI/FastCGI handler to ensure newlines are not mangled on Win32 platforms
- localize @ARGV to empty when evaluating a PSGI application
- Fixed the use of Getopt::Long to make the pass_through flag local
- Middleware::JSONP now supports more response types such as IO::Handle
* Sat Apr 30 2011
- updated to 0.9976, see Changes
* Wed Dec 01 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
* Fri Nov 05 2010
- update to 0.9951:
  * added Feersum to the benchmark script
  * StackTrace: store the stacktrace in $env->{'plack.stacktrace.text'} and $env->{'plack.stacktrace.html'}
  * added ->mount method to the Plack::Builder OO interface
  * HTTPExceptions: don't set an invalid Content-Length when the exception is not an object
  * ErrorDocument: fixed wrong Content-Length header be set
- changes from 0.9950:
  * fixed typos in middleware docs
  * App::Directory: fixed URL generation escape bug
  * Middleware::JSONP: support callback parameter name
* Wed Sep 22 2010
- no_plan work and other test requires work
* Mon Sep 20 2010
- initial package 0.9949
  * created by cpanspec 1.78