AArch64 | |
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- updated to 0.29 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute/Changes 0.29 2016-05-29 - Fix test prereqs on MooseX::AttributeHelpers and MooseX::Role::Strict. 0.28 2016-05-16 - Repository migrated to the github moose organization. (Karen Etheridge) - Removed dependency on List::MoreUtils. (Karen Etheridge)
- updated to 0.27 - The latest Moose release (2.08) broke this module. This release fixes MooseX::ClassAttribute to work with both new and old Mooses. Reported by Jonathan Stowe. RT #84263.
- update to 0.26 - The default() method for class attributes always returned a value, even if the default was a subroutine ref, which isn't how the method works for regular attributes. This broke inlining with Moose HEAD. - Class attributes now have a definition context set, which means that errors thrown from generated methods associated with these attributes say something like "X at accessor MyClass::ClassAttribute (defined at path/to/file line 42)" rather than "generated method (unknown origin)".
- initial package 0.24 * created by cpanspec 1.78.03