Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

* Sat Oct 28 2023 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.35
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.35  2023-10-27
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for persistent cookies in Netscape format.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL file attribute to Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL load, save and to_string methods to Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar.
  - Fixed error reporting when loading applicartions with syntax errors. (haarg)
  - Fixed absolute URL support in url_for_file and url_for_asset methods. (rawleyfowler)
Version: 9.340.0-bp154.2.6.1
* Tue Sep 12 2023 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.34
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.34  2023-09-11
  - Added support for serving static files with a prefix.
  - Deprecated Mojo::File::spurt in favor of Mojo::File::spew.
  - Added prefix attribute to Mojolicious::Static.
  - Added url_for_file method to Mojolicious::Controller.
  - Added file_path method to Mojolicious::Static.
  - Added spew method to Mojo::File. (genio)
  - Added encoding option to slurp method in Mojo::File. (genio)
  - Added url_for_asset and url_for_file helpers to Mojolicious::Plugins::DefaultHelpers.
  - Added favicon helper to Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.
  - Fixed support for module_true Perl feature in Mojolicious apps. (haarg)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Promise where map could hang on false values after concurrency limit. (ilmari)
  - Fixed built-in templates to not require an internet connection. (hernan604)
* Thu Jun 15 2023 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.33
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
Version: 9.32-bp155.2.3.1
* Tue May 09 2023 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.32
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.32  2022-05-09
  - Improved file and line number details in async/await exceptions. (batman)
  - Fixed various CSS selector equation bugs in Mojo::DOM::CSS. (mauke)
  - Fixed exceptions being added to the stash for formats other than HTML. (rawleyfowler)
  - Fixed context sensitivity issue. (Grinnz)
Version: 9.31-bp154.2.3.1
* Wed Dec 21 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.31
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.31  2022-12-21
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Removed experimental status from links method in Mojo::Headers.
  - Added tls_options attribute to Mojo::UserAgent. (heikojansen)
  - Fixed multiple "<script>" parsing issues in Mojo::DOM.
  - Fixed a sporadic warning in Mojo::UserAgent. (s1037989)
  - Fixed UNIX domain socket support in Mojo::UserAgent debug feature. (s1037989)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::DOM where strings like "<.>" were considered valid tags.
* Wed Nov 23 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.30
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.30  2022-11-22
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for parsing and generating Link headers.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL links method to Mojo::Headers.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL header_params function to Mojo::Util.
  9.29  2022-11-11
  - Fixed a bug where promises returning promises were not handled correctly. (batman)
* Sat Oct 15 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.28
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.28  2022-09-12
  - Fixed a bug where async/await use could result in unhandled promise warnings. (batman)
* Tue Sep 13 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.27
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.27  2022-09-10
  - Added support for static assets.
  - Added support for JSON and plain text exceptions.
  - Removed experimental status from capture method in Mojo::Log.
  - Added asset_dir attribute to Mojolicious::Static.
  - Added asset_path method to Mojolicious::Static.
  - Added url_for_asset method to Mojolicious::Controller.
  - Added reply->html_exception, reply->html_not_found, reply->json_exception, reply->json_not_found,
    reply->http_exception, reply->http_not_found, reply->txt_exception and reply->txt_not_found helpers to
  - Added asset_tag helper to Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.
  - Fixed a bug where async rendering did not work properly in the before_dispatch hook. (andrii-suse)
* Tue May 24 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.26
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.26  2022-05-20
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL capture method to Mojo::Log.
* Fri Apr 29 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.25
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.25  2022-04-25
  - Improved Mojolicious::Renderer to throw an exception if rendering is attempted more than once.
* Tue Apr 19 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.24
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
* Sat Mar 26 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.23
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.23  2021-03-25
  - Enable gzip compression by default in Mojolicious::Renderer.
Version: 9.22-bp154.1.56
* Fri Oct 22 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.22
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.22  2021-10-16
  - Added a referer method to Mojo::Headers, as an alias for the referrer method.
  - Fixed response status log message to use the "trace" log level instead of "debug".
* Sat Aug 14 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.21
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.21  2021-08-13
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL supprt for top-level await to Mojo::Promise.
  - Updated Future::AsyncAwait requirement to 0.52 for new fatures and bug fixes.
  - Improved *_attr and *_text methods in Test::Mojo to return undef instead of empty string for values that do not
    exist. (tim-2)
  - Fixed Mojo::DOM not to auto-close tags in <svg> and <math> blocks. (mkende)
* Tue Aug 10 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.20
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.20  2021-08-09
  - Added trace log level to Mojo::Log.
  - Changed default log level in Mojo::Log from "debug" to "trace" and moved all built-in "debug" log messages to the
    level "trace". That will allow for the "debug" level to be used exclusively for user defined log messages.
Version: 9.19-bp153.2.3.2
* Wed Jun 02 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.19
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.19  2021-06-01
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Swiched from HMAC-SHA1 to HMAC-SHA256 for signed cookies. Note that this means that all sessions will be reset.
  - Improved signed cookie based sessions to pad short values, to make it harder to brute force attack the application
    secret. (jberger)
* Mon May 24 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.18
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.18  2021-05-09
  - Remove Font Awesome from distribution.
* Wed Apr 14 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.17
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.17  2021-04-12
  - Deprecated ?format=* parameter in favor of ?_format=* for content negotiation in Mojolicious::Renderer.
* Sat Apr 10 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.16
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.16  2021-04-08
  - Added support for format inheritance.
  - Improved Mojo::Server::CGI with support for before_server_start hook.
  9.15  2021-03-30
  - Improved form generator in Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor to allow custom Content-Disposition headers.
* Wed Mar 24 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.14
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.14  2021-03-23
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for :text pseudo-class to Mojo::DOM::CSS.
  9.13  2021-03-22
  - Improved request_id attribute in Mojo::Message::Request to be a little more unique.
  - Fixed Mojolicious::Plugin::Mount to share the logger of the host application.
* Sun Mar 21 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.12
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.12  2021-03-21
  - Improved mojo script startup time slightly with a Mojo::HelloWorld optimization.
  - Improved design of built-in templates.
  9.11  2021-03-20
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Disabled format detection by default to fix vulnerabilities in many Mojolicious applications. That means some of
    your routes that previously matched "/foo" and "/foo.json", will only match "/foo" after upgrading. From now on you
    will have to explicitly declare the formats your routes are allowed to handle.
    [#] /foo
    [#] /foo.html
    [#] /foo.json
    $r->get('/foo' => [format => ['html', 'json']])->to('bar#yada', format => undef);
    And if you are certain that your application is not vulnerable, you also have the option to re-enable format
    detection for a route and all its nested routes. Due to the high risk of vulnerabilities, this feature is going to
    be removed again in a future release however.
    my $active = $r->any([format => 1]);
  - Improved built-in templates not to show embedded apps in the stash snapshot.
  - Improved built-in development not found page to include tooltips with the compiled regular expressions for each
  - Improved Mojo::UserAgent to include "Content-Length: 0" with non-GET requests for better compatibility with broken
    web servers.
* Tue Mar 16 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.10
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.10  2021-03-14
  - Fixed top-level --help and -h options in Mojolicious::Commands.
  9.09  2021-03-13
  - Added comma_separated filter to Mojolicious::Validator.
  - Fixed built-in templates to be a bit more responsive.
  - Fixed filter list handling in Mojolicious::Validator::Validation.
  9.08  2021-03-12
  - Fixed a bug in Test::Mojo where Test::Mojo->new($app) would not work correctly.
  9.07  2021-03-11
  - Improved config override feature to work for Mojolicious::Lite applications.
  - Improved Mojo::UserAgent performance slightly by not including unnecessary "Content-Length: 0" request headers.
* Mon Mar 08 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.03
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.03  2021-03-05
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket where finish event handlers would not always get the same number of
    arguments passed.
* Tue Mar 02 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.02
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.02  2021-02-17
  - Fixed finally method in Mojo::Promise to deal correctly with promises returned by the handler.
  - Improved Mojo::Server::Daemon to include random ports in the "Web application available at ..." message.
* Wed Feb 17 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.01
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.01  2021-02-16
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL color attribute to Mojo::Log.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL MOJO_LOG_COLOR environment variable to Mojo::Log.
  - Fixed Windows support of network_contains function in Mojo::Util. (jberger)
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 9.0
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.0  2021-02-14
  - Code name "Waffle", this is a major release.
  - Added support for deployment specific plugins.
  - Removed Mojo::IOLoop::Delay.
  - Removed hidden attribute from Mojolicious::Routes.
  - Removed hide and is_hidden methods from Mojolicious::Routes.
  - Removed deprecated success method from Mojo::Transaction.
  - Removed deprecated detour, over, route and via methods from Mojolicious::Routes::Route.
  - Removed deprecated local_address method from Mojo::UserAgent.
  - Removed deprecated tls_ciphers, tls_protocols, tls_verify and tls_version options from Mojo::IOLoop::TLS.
  - Removed deprecated local_address option from Mojo::IOLoop::Client.
  - Removed deprecated config stash value.
  - Changed Mojo::Log to join mutiple log messages with a whitespace instead of a newline.
  - Added is_reserved method to Mojolicious::Routes::Route.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Routes to disallow the use of reserved stash values, such as "/:action", in route patterns.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Routes to throw exceptions for missing controllers.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Routes to throw exceptions for routes with controllers but without action.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Routes to disallow namespace without controller for routing.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Routes to die if auto rendering failed.
  - Improved render method in Mojolicious::Controller to die if no response could be rendered.
  - Improved reply->static helper to die if the requested file does not exist.
  - Improved contextual logging feature in Mojo::Log not to concatenate log messages and context.
  - Improved all_text method in Mojo::DOM to exclude "<script>" and "<style>" from text extraction in HTML documents.
  - Improved error messages in config plugins to be more consistent.
* Sun Feb 07 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.73
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.73  2021-02-05
  - Removed finally keyword from check function in Mojo::Exception.
  - Changed arguments of check function in Mojo::Exception to be easier to use with Perl 5.34 try/catch.
  - Removed experimental status from preload_namespaces attribute in Mojolicious.
  - Removed experimental status from any, map, timer and timeout methods in Mojo::Promise.
  - Removed experimental status from extname method in Mojo::File.
  - Removed experimental status from warmup method in Mojolicious.
  - Removed experimental status from load_classes function in Mojo::Loader.
  - Removed experimental status from Mojo::DynamicMethods. Still summons old gods, use at your own risk!
  - Removed experimental status from before_command hook in Mojolicious.
  - Added silent attribute to Mojo::Server::Morbo.
* Thu Jan 28 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.72
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.72  2021-01-26
  - Deprecated Mojo::UserAgent::local_address in favor of Mojo::UserAgent::socket_options.
  - Deprecated local_address option of connect method in Mojo::IOLoop::Client in favor of socket_options.
  - Deprecated tls_protocols option of connect method in Mojo::IOLoop::Client in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_verify option of connect method in Mojo::IOLoop::Client in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_protocols option of negotiate method in Mojo::IOLoop::TLS in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_ciphers option of negotiate method in Mojo::IOLoop::TLS in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_verify option of negotiate method in Mojo::IOLoop::TLS in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_version option of negotiate method in Mojo::IOLoop::TLS in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_ciphers option of listen method in Mojo::IOLoop::Server in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_verify option of listen method in Mojo::IOLoop::Server in favor of tls_options.
  - Deprecated tls_version option of listen method in Mojo::IOLoop::Server in favor of tls_options.
  - Added support for trusted reverse proxies. (jberger)
  - Added network_contains function to Mojo::Util. (jberger)
  - Added trusted_proxies attribute to Mojo::Server and Mojo::Message::Request. (jberger)
  - Added socket_options method to Mojo::UserAgent.
  - Added build_server method to Mojolicious::Command::daemon and Mojolicious::Command::prefork. (jberger)
  - Added trusted_proxies option to Hynotoad. (jberger)
  - Added socket_options and tls_options options to connect method in Mojo::IOLoop::Client.
  - Added tls_options option to negotiate method in Mojo::IOLoop::TLS.
* Mon Jan 18 2021 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.71
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.71  2021-01-17
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL freeze option to reset method in Mojo::IOLoop.
  - Improved Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess not to close connections after fork.
* Thu Dec 31 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.70
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.70  2020-12-29
  - Fixed top-level help command in Mojolicious::Commands. (schelcj)
  8.69  2020-12-28
  - Improved design of built-in templates.
  8.68  2020-12-27
  - Updated built-in templates with new responsive design from
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Message::Request that resulted in duplicate request ids for Mojo::Server::Prefork workers.
* Sun Dec 06 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.67
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.67  2020-12-04
  - Deprecated Mojolicious::Routes::Route::route in favor of Mojolicious::Routes::Route::any.
  - Deprecated Mojolicious::Routes::Route::over in favor of Mojolicious::Routes::Route::requires.
  - Deprecated Mojolicious::Routes::Route::via in favor of Mojolicious::Routes::Route::methods.
  - Deprecated Mojolicious::Routes::Route::detour.
  - Added methods and requires methods to Mojolicious::Routes::Route.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Commands to throw an exception for invalid commands.
Version: 8.66-bp153.1.20
* Tue Dec 01 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.66
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.66  2020-11-28
  - Deprecated logging to "log/$mode.log" (if a log directory exists) in Mojolicious. The default will simply be STDERR
    in the future.
  - Added support for preloading controllers and other classes during startup of Mojolicious applications.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL preload_namespaces attribute to Mojolicious.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL warmup method to Mojolicious.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL load_classes function to Mojo::Loader.
  - Removed experimental status from humanize_bytes method in Mojo::ByteStream.
  - Removed experimental status from humanize_bytes function in Mojo::Util.
  - Improved find_modules function in Mojo::Loader with recursive option.
  - Improved Mojo::DOM::CSS to throw exceptions for unknown CSS selectors.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojolicious::Commands where help messages would not be displayed correctly for some commands.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern where type_start was treated as a regex. (Grinnz)
* Thu Nov 12 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.65
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.65  2020-11-10
  - Added generate dockerfile command. (tianon)
  - Improved cookbook with container deployment recipe.
  - Improved security of secure_compare function in Mojo::Util. (robrwo)
  - Fixed all generated code to consistently use a *::Sandbox class, instead of *::SandBox.
* Sat Nov 07 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.64
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.64  2020-11-01
  - Replaced prettify.js with highlight.js. (zakame)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::DOM where the tree root would be checked for all pseudo-classes.
  - Fixed a redefined subroutine warning in eval command. (elmar)
* Wed Oct 14 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.63
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.63  2020-10-11
  - Improved Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess to ensure a clean exit even if something unexpected happens in the forked
* Tue Oct 13 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.62
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.62  2020-10-10
  - Improved commands to exit with a usage message on unknown options.
* Sat Oct 03 2020 Oliver Kurz <>
- updated to 8.61
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.61  2020-10-01
  - Fixed fork-safety feature in Mojo::UserAgent to work with more than one fork.
  - Fixed reset method in Mojo::IOLoop to not interfere with close events anymore, since that resulted in leaks.
* Mon Sep 28 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.60
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.60  2020-09-27
  - Improved reset method in Mojo::IOLoop to prevent close event to be emitted in affected streams. (kiwiroy)
  - Improved cookbook with Envoy deployment recipe. (zakame)
* Mon Sep 14 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.59
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.59  2020-09-05
  - Added l function to ojo. (kiwiroy)
  - Added MOJO_PROMISE_DEBUG environment variable to Mojo::Promise.
* Tue Aug 11 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.58
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.58  2020-08-05
  - Improved app and lite_app generators to use templates with subroutine signatures.
  - Updated all documentation to use subroutine signatures. (kiwiroy)
* Sat Jul 18 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.57
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.57  2020-07-16
  - Added support for YAML config files.
  - Added module Mojolicious::Plugin::NotYAMLConfig.
  - Improved app generator command to use a YAML config file.
  - Fixed a bug in proxy helpers that caused response content to be ignored in some cases. (mohawk2)
  - Fixed attr_is bug in Test::Mojo that prevented false value comparisons from working correctly. (tim-2)
* Sat Jun 27 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.56
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.56  2020-06-19
  - Fixed a bug that prevented "% end, begin" to work in Mojo::Template. (jberger)
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.55
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.55  2020-06-18
  - Fixed a regression in Mojo::DOM::CSS that caused some selectors to not be valid anymore.
* Mon Jun 15 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.54
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.54  2020-06-14
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for :scope and :has pseudo-classes to Mojo::DOM::CSS. (Eckankar, kraih)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::DOM where select and ruby elements were parsed incorrectly.
  - Fixed a but in Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor that prevented compression settings to be inherited across redirects.
  - Fixed a bug where Mojolicious templates could not use the continue Perl keyword.
* Thu Jun 11 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.53
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.53  2020-06-09
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL extname method to Mojo::File.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojolicious::Types where dotfiles would be considered file extensions.
* Thu Jun 04 2020 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 8.52
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.52  2020-06-01
  - Updated project metadata.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Asset::Memory where the upgrade event could not change the temporary directory.
* Mon Jun 01 2020 Tina Müller <>
updated to 8.51
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.51  2020-05-30
  - Improved map efficiency in Mojo::Promise. (mst)
  - Improved more tests to use subtests. (veesh)
  - Improved .perltidyrc with more modern settings.
* Tue May 26 2020 Tina Müller <>
updated to 8.50
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.50  2020-05-23
  - Increased Perl version requirement to 5.16.0. This is just a first step
    however, at some point in the not so distant future we will increase the
    Perl version requirement to 5.20.0 for full subroutine signatures support.
  - Improved Mojo::Base to enable the Perl 5.16 feature bundle with
    "unicode_strings", "unicode_eval", "evalbytes", "current_sub" and "fc".
  8.43  2020-05-20
  - Removed deprecated argument handling from Mojo::Promise::new.
  - Removed experimental status from all_settled method in Mojo::Promise.
  - Removed experimental status from content_type and file_type methods in
  - Removed experimental status from cleanup event in Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess.
  - Switched from Storable to JSON serialization for Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess
    IPC to increase efficiency.
  - Added exit_code method to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess.
  - Improved Mojo::Promise to warn when an unhandled rejected promise is
  - Fixed a bug where the resolve class method in Mojo::Promise would
    unnecessarily create new promises.
  - Fixed a promise chaining bug in Mojo::Promise. (karjala)
Version: 8.42-bp152.1.1
* Tue May 05 2020 Tina Müller <>
updated to 8.42
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.42  2020-05-04
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for :any-link pseudo-class to Mojo::DOM::CSS.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for case-sensitive attribute selectors like
    [foo="bar" s] to Mojo::DOM::CSS
  - Renamed experimental :matches pseudo-class to :is in Mojo::DOM::CSS.
  - Fixed a security issue that allowed for _method query parameters to be used
    with GET requests.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::DOM::CSS where the case-sensitivity identifier was
* Sat May 02 2020 Tina Müller <>
updated to 8.41
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.41  2020-04-30
  - Improved Mojolicious::Commands to treat commands like
    "mojo generate lite_app" as "mojo generate lite-app".
* Thu Apr 23 2020 <>
- updated to 8.40
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.40  2020-04-23
  - Fixed support for disabling the inactivity timeout in Mojo::UserAgent.
* Wed Apr 22 2020 <>
- updated to 8.39
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.39  2020-04-22
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Server::Daemon where active connections could get the
    keep-alive timeout assigned instead of the inactivity timeout.
  - Fixed a race condition in Mojo::UserAgent where test servers would close
    connections prematurely.
* Wed Apr 22 2020 <>
- updated to 8.38
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.38  2020-04-21
  - Added run_p method to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess. (batman)
* Mon Apr 20 2020 <>
- updated to 8.37
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.37  2020-04-19
  - Added keep_alive_timeout attribute to Mojo::Server::Daemon.
  - Added -k options to daemon and prefork commands.
  - Added keep_alive_timeout setting to Hypnotoad.
  - Increased various default timeouts because keep_alive_timeout takes over
    some of their previous responsibility.
  - Improved timeout setting performance significantly in Mojo::IOLoop::Stream.
  - Improved again method in Mojo::Reactor, Mojo::Reactor::EV and
    Mojo::Reactor::Poll to allow changing the invocation time of active timers.
  - Fixed support for 425 status in Mojo::Message::Response.
* Thu Apr 02 2020 <>
- updated to 8.36
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.36  2020-03-31
  - Added handler attribute to Test::Mojo.
  - Added test method to Test::Mojo.
  - Improved Test::Mojo to allow for extensions to be tested more easily.
  - Improved request_id attribute in Mojo::Message::Request to be a little more
    unique. (mst)
* Sun Mar 22 2020 <>
- updated to 8.35
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.35  2020-03-20
  - Added not_empty filter to Mojolicious::Validator.
* Tue Mar 17 2020 <>
- updated to 8.34
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.34  2020-03-16
  - Removed experimental status from proxy->get_p, proxy->post_p and
    proxy->start_p helpers in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Removed experimental status from compress and min_compress_size attributes
    in Mojolicious::Renderer.
  - Removed experimental status from high_water_mark attribute in
  - Removed experimental status from respond method in Mojolicious::Renderer.
  - Removed experimental status from bytes_waiting and can_write methods in
  - Removed experimental status from dehop method in Mojo::Headers.
  - Removed experimental status from scope_guard function in Mojo::Util.
  - Improved size check in Mojolicious::Validator to only require one argument.
  - Fixed Mojolicious::Validator to also validate empty string values instead of
    ignoring them. This behaviour had caused a lot of confusion in the past.
  - Fixed plugin generator not to use an __END__ section.
* Wed Feb 12 2020 <>
- updated to 8.33
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.33  2020-02-11
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL humanize_bytes function to Mojo::Util. (kraih, coolo)
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL humanize_bytes method to Mojo::ByteStream.
  - Updated Future::AsyncAwait requirement to 0.36 for better tests. (ilmari)
* Mon Jan 20 2020 <>
- updated to 8.32
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.32  2020-01-18
  - Changed experimental -async flag to -async_await in Mojo::Base, because of a
    Perl quirk that Future::AsyncAwait can't handle itself.
  - Fixed a bug where the -async_await flag in Mojo::Base would not load
* Wed Jan 15 2020 <>
- updated to 8.31
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.31  2020-01-14
  - Added attr_is, attr_isnt, attr_like and attr_unlike methods to Test::Mojo.
  - Improved is_fresh method in Mojolicious::Static with support for weak etags.
* Fri Jan 10 2020 <>
- updated to 8.30
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.30  2020-01-07
  - Switch from Future::AsyncAwait::Frozen to Future::AsyncAwait for async/await
* Sun Dec 29 2019 <>
- updated to 8.29
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.29  2019-12-28
  - Improved async/await support to work in many more cases, such as WebSocket
  8.28  2019-12-26
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for async/await (with -async Mojo::Base flag).
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL all_settled and any methods to Mojo::Promise.
* Thu Dec 05 2019 <>
- updated to 8.27
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.27  2019-12-04
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL before_command hook.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL scope_guard function to Mojo::Util.
  - Removed experimental status from context method in Mojo::Log.
  - Changed default MIME type of content_type method in Mojolicious::Types to
    application/octet-stream. (aitap)
* Mon Nov 04 2019 <>
- updated to 8.26
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.26  2019-11-02
  - Removed deprecated slice method from Mojo::Collection.
  - Moved HTML entities from Mojo::Util into a separate file. (rage311)
  - Changed how the state of the event loop is determined in Mojo::Reactor::EV
    to be more consistent with Mojo::Reactor::Poll.
* Mon Sep 30 2019 <>
- updated to 8.25
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.25  2019-09-29
  - Added curfile function to Mojo::File. (Grinnz)
* Thu Sep 12 2019 <>
- updated to 8.24
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.24  2019-09-11
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL context method to Mojo::Log.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL cleanup event to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess.
  - Added log helper to Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Improved log messages generated by Mojolicious to include request ids when
* Tue Aug 13 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.23
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.23  2019-08-12
  - Updated Cpanel::JSON::XS requirement to 4.09 for duplicate keys support.
  - Added head and tail methods to Mojo::Collection. (Grinnz)
  - Improved Mojo::File not to allow undefined values in paths.
* Fri Jul 19 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.22
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.22  2019-07-17
  - Fixed a bug where Mojo::Exception would not stringify correctly for error
    messages that end with a newline.
  - Fixed Mojo::Exception to append file and line number to stringified error
    messages that do not end with a newline.
Version: 8.14-bp151.1.4
* Fri Apr 19 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.14
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.14  2019-04-18
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL timer method to Mojo::Promise.
  - Added header_exists and header_exists_not methods to Test::Mojo.
  - Fixed a bug where the finally callback in Mojo::Promise was passed a value,
    which is incompatible with the JavaScript API.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Promise where the finally method could change promise
  - Fixed a merge bug in Mojo::Parameters where multiple values sharing the same
    name could get lost.
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.13
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.13  2019-03-21
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL map method to Mojo::Promise. (jberger)
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL min_compress_size attribute to Mojolicious::Renderer.
    (CandyAngel, mjemmeson)
  - Improved the security of signed cookies by also signing the cookie name.
    Note that this means that all sessions will be reset.
  - Fixed Mojo::IOLoop::Server to not check if listen sockets are writable.
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.12
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.12  2019-01-27
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL timeout method to Mojo::Promise. (batman)
  - Removed deprecated module Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer.
  - Removed deprecated method mojo_lib_dir from Mojo::Home.
  - Fixed rare warning in Mojo::Log. (Grinnz)
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.11
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.11  2019-01-01
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for SameSite cookies to better protect
    Mojolicious applications from CSRF attacks. (dylanwh, sri)
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL samesite attributes to Mojo::Cookie::Response and
    Mojolicious::Cookies. (dylanwh, sri)
  - Added lstat method to Mojo::File. (Grinnz)
  - Added remove method to Mojo::File.
  - Improved eval command with support for promises. (jberger)
  - Improved Mojo::JSON::Pointer to ignore many invalid JSON Pointers.
* Fri Dec 21 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.10
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.10  2018-12-18
  - Added reset event to Mojo::IOLoop.
  - Added limit argument to split method in Mojo::ByteStream. (s1037989)
* Thu Dec 06 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.09
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.09  2018-12-02
  - Added touch method to Mojo::File.
  - Added max_depth option to list_tree method in Mojo::File.
  8.08  2018-11-26
  - Added stat method to Mojo::File.
  8.07  2018-11-16
  - Fixed a bug that caused debug log messages to be generated for static files.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Server::Morbo that prevented the before_server_start
    hook from getting emitted.
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.06
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.06  2018-11-07
  - Added support for progress updates to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess. (karjala)
  - Added progress method to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess. (karjala)
  - Added progress event to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess. (karjala)
  - Improved debug, error, fatal, info and warn methods in Mojo::Log to accept
    closures to generate log messages on demand. So expensive code for debugging
    can be deactivated easily in production.
  - Improved Mojo::Log to use the time format "2018-11-08 14:25:5.76027" and to
    include the process id in log messages.
  - Improved Mojolicious performance by up to 10% with more efficient logging.
  - Fixed a problem with the built in templates where an image was missing.
* Thu Nov 08 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.05
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.05  2018-10-25
  - Deprecated Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer in favor of alternatives from
  - Deprecated Mojo::Home::mojo_lib_dir.
  - Replaced continue, flash, redirect_to, respond_to and validation methods in
    Mojolicious::Controller with helpers in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Updated FAQ with a warning not to use Perl 5.10.x and 5.12.x with
  8.04  2018-10-21
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL module Mojo::DynamicMethods. (mst)
  - Replaced all uses of AUTOLOAD with a much faster alternative, so helpers are
    faster by up to 400% and stack traces contain more information. (mst)
  - Removed experimental status from server method in Mojolicious.
  8.03  2018-10-16
  - Added support for weak reference accessors to Mojo::Base. (mst)
  - Updated List::Util requirement to 1.41 for set_subname support.
  - Fixed a small bug in Mojo::UserAgent where request timeouts could be created
  - Improved Mojo::Exception to include a stack trace in verbose output.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Types to use the correct MIME types for woff and
    woff2 files.
  8.02  2018-10-01
  - Deprecated Mojo::Transaction::success in favor of Mojo::Transaction::result
    and Mojo::Transaction::error. Unfortunately this method is used a lot in
    legacy code, so this deprecation will be in effect until the next major
  - Added support for gzip compression of dynamically generated responses
    (enable with $app->renderer->compress(1)).
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL compress attribute to Mojolicious::Renderer.
  - Added compressed attribute to Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL respond method to Mojolicious::Renderer.
  - Added save_to method to Mojo::Message.
  - Added gunzip and gzip methods to Mojo::ByteStream.
  - Added gunzip and gzip functions to Mojo::Util.
  - Improved HTML5.2 compliance of Mojo::DOM::HTML.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Transaction::HTTP that prevented the finish event in
    Mojo::Message::Request from getting emitted sometimes.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Promise where the ioloop attribute was not a weakened
    reference after object construction.
  - Fixed a bug where the is_fresh helper could only handle If-None-Match
    headers with a single etag value.
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.01
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.01  2018-09-25
  - Updated jQuery to version 3.3.1.
  - Fixed order of command namespaces so Mojolicious can be upgraded without
    uninstalling first.
  - Fixed a small problem in one of the TLS tests where an error message check
    was too picky.
* Wed Sep 19 2018 Stephan Kulow <>
- updated to 8.0
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
* Sat Sep 01 2018
- updated to 7.94
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.94  2018-08-27
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL content_type and file_type methods to Mojolicious::Types.
  - Fixed a bug where the reply->file helper would not try to set a Content-Type
  - Fixed a bug where the render method in Mojolicious::Controller would not
    always use Mojolicious::Types to find the correct Content-Type value.
* Tue Aug 14 2018
- Update to 7.93
  - See /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  - Most notable change is revert of streaming related changes
    causing instability (eg. some openQA internal tests were
    randomly failing).
* Sun Jul 22 2018
- updated to 7.88
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.88  2018-07-11
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL bytes_read, bytes_written and transition methods to
  - Added transition event to Mojo::IOLoop::Stream.
  - Improved default request ids generated by Mojo::Message::Request to be a
    little more unique.
  - Fixed a bug where prefork tests would fail if a prefork server was already
  7.87  2018-07-04
  - Added optional support for Cpanel::JSON::XS to Mojo::JSON for much better
    JSON encoding and decoding performance. That also means Mojo::JSON can no
    longer encode the two Unicode whitespace characters u2028 and u2029, since
    this is unsupported by Cpanel::JSON::XS.
  - Improved Mojo::JSON to encode unknown reference types to "null",
    consistently with Cpanel::JSON::XS.
  7.86  2018-07-02
  - Added template attribute to Mojolicious::Command.
  - Added spawn event to Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess.
  - Improved Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess to only fork new processes after the event
    loop has been started.
  7.85  2018-06-17
  - Removed deprecated build_tx, config, handler and log methods from Mojo.
  - Added promisify method to Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor.
  - Improved Mojolicious::Command to die on template errors.
  7.84  2018-06-05
  - Fixed a bug where test servers would be started when reusing a
    Mojo::UserAgent object after fork.
  7.83  2018-06-02
  - Replaced MOJO_DAEMON_DEBUG and MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG environment variables
    with MOJO_SERVER_DEBUG and MOJO_CLIENT_DEBUG. (anparker)
  - Updated IO::Socket::SSL requirement to 2.009 for ALPN support.
  - Added modules Mojo::IOLoop::Stream::HTTPClient,
    Mojo::IOLoop::Stream::HTTPServer, Mojo::IOLoop::Stream::WebSocketClient and
    Mojo::IOLoop::Stream::WebSocketServer. (anparker)
  - Added transition method to Mojo::IOLoop. (anparker)
  - Added close_connections method to Mojo::Server::Daemon. (anparker)
  - Added stream_class and tls_protocols arguments to client and server methods
    in Mojo::IOLoop. (anparker, sri)
  - Fixed a small render_maybe argument localization bug.
  7.82  2018-05-27
  - Removed experimental status from new_tag and selector methods in Mojo::DOM.
  - Improved Mojo::Server::PSGI with support for the before_server_start hook.
  - Fixed a bug where render_maybe in Mojolicious::Controller could not render
    multiple alternatives properly because arguments were not localized.
* Wed May 23 2018
- updated to 7.81
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
* Sat May 19 2018
- updated to 7.79
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.79  2018-05-14
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL selector method to Mojo::DOM.
  - Added reply->file helper to Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
* Sat May 12 2018
- updated to 7.78
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.78  2018-05-11
  - Deprecated delay helper in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL new_tag method to Mojo::DOM. (jberger, sri)
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL tag method to Mojo::DOM::HTML.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL tag_to_html function to Mojo::DOM::HTML.
  - Improved performance of all DOM manipulation methods in Mojo::DOM
    significantly when reusing Mojo::DOM objects.
  - Fixed a Windows directory traversal security issue. (dmanto)
Version: 7.77-bp150.2.4
* Wed May 02 2018
- updated to 7.77
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.77  2018-04-28
  - Added support for namespace selectors like "ns|*" to Mojo::DOM::CSS.
  - Added support for :link and :visited pseudo-classes to Mojo::DOM::CSS.
  - Added support for hyphen-separated list attribute selectors like
    "[heflang|=en]" to Mojo::DOM::CSS.
* Wed Apr 25 2018
- updated to 7.76
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.76  2018-04-23
  - Due to lack of domain experts on the team, Windows is no longer officially
    supported. Moving foward, we will try to keep Mojolicious installable on
    Windows, but cannot make any promises regarding security and/or reliability.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojolicious::Plugin::Config where the config stash value was
    not available when the config_override feature was used. (tim)
* Wed Apr 11 2018
- updated to 7.75
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.75  2018-04-09
  - Deprecated placeholder quoting with "(placeholder)" in favor of
  - Fixed warnings in Mojo::Collection.
* Tue Apr 10 2018
- updated to 7.74
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.74  2018-04-06
  - Improved unknown placeholder types to match nothing in
* Sat Apr 07 2018
- updated to 7.73
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.73  2018-04-05
  - Added support for routes with placeholder types.
  - Added types attribute to Mojolicious::Routes and
  - Added add_type method to Mojolicious::Routes.
  - Added to_file method to Mojo::Asset, Mojo::Asset::File and
  - Added num placeholder type to Mojolicious::Routes.
  - Removed deprecated use of Mojo::Promise::all and Mojo::Promise::race as
    instance methods.
* Tue Apr 03 2018
- updated to 7.72
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.72  2018-04-02
  - Improved Mojo::Content::MultiPart performance for large numbers of parts.
  - Fixed another problem with ordering of sources for content negotiation in
* Sat Mar 17 2018
- updated to 7.71
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.71  2018-03-15
  - Deprecated Mojo::build_tx, Mojo::Config, Mojo::handler and Mojo::log.
  - Added config method to Mojolicious.
  - Fixed exceptions caused by non-UTF-8 files in Mojo::Exception. (Grinnz)
* Fri Mar 02 2018
- updated to 7.70
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
* Sun Feb 25 2018
- updated to 7.69
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.69  2018-02-24
  - Improved respond_to method in Mojolicious::Controller and accepts helper in
    Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers to no longer limit support for multiple
    MIME types to requests containing an X-Requested-With header, since browsers
    have become smarter about requesting what they actually want.
* Sat Feb 24 2018
- updated to 7.68
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.68  2018-02-22
  - Fixed RFC 7230 compliance bugs in Mojo::Message::Request that prevented
    "GET //foo/bar HTTP/1.1" to be interpreted as a request target in origin
* Wed Feb 21 2018
- updated to 7.67
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
* Thu Feb 15 2018
- updated to 7.66
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.66  2018-02-13
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Removed origin attribute of Mojo::Cookie::Response.
  - Removed deprecated data and remaining methods from Mojo::IOLoop::Delay.
  - Added host_only attribute to Mojo::Cookie::Response.
  - Improved all method in Mojo::Promise to resolve with no results if no
    promises have been passed.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar where old cookies could be leaked.
    (exp-innit, sri)
* Mon Feb 12 2018
- updated to 7.65
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.65  2018-02-11
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL timing->begin, timing->elapsed, timing->rps and
    timing->server_timing helpers to Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers.
  - Added EXPERIMENTAL server_timing method to Mojo::Headers.
  - Added support for new HTTP status code.
* Wed Feb 07 2018
- updated to 7.64
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.64  2018-02-07
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Log where short log messages spanning multiple lines
    would not be formatted properly for systemd.
  7.63  2018-02-06
  - Improved Mojo::Log to use native systemd log levels.
  7.62  2018-02-01
  - Added -u option to get command. (jberger)
  - Added dont_use_nlink option to list_tree method in Mojo::File.
  - Added reverse proxy section to Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook. (polettix)
  - Fixed a promise resolution bug in Mojo::Promise.
* Tue Jan 16 2018
- updated to 7.61
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.61  2018-01-08
  - Increased default upgrade_timeout from 60 to 180 seconds in
* Thu Jan 04 2018
- updated to 7.60
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.60  2018-01-02
  - Deprecated use of Mojo::Promise::all and Mojo::Promise::race as instance
  - Improved all and race methods in Mojo::Promise to be able to handle
    arbitrary then-ables.
  - Improved number detection in Mojo::JSON with a workaround for an upcoming
    breaking change in Perl 5.28. (haarg)
  - Improved HTML Living Standard compliance of Mojo::DOM::HTML.
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Base that prevented composition of multiple roles.
    (aferreira, batman)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojolicious::Static where text files from DATA sections would
    not be UTF-8 encoded. (Grinnz)
* Mon Dec 18 2017
- updated to 7.59
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.59  2017-12-15
  - Moved home and ua attributes from Mojo to Mojolicious.
  - Changed Mojo::IOLoop::Client to only start a thread pool with
    Net::DNS::Native on demand. (Grinnz)
  - Improved subprocess method in Mojo::IOLoop to allow for easier role
  - Fixed RFC 7230 compliance bug in Mojo::Message::Response. (jberger)
* Mon Dec 04 2017
- updated to 7.58
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.58  2017-12-02
  - Added websocket_p method to Mojo::UserAgent.
* Sun Nov 19 2017
- updated to 7.57
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.57  2017-11-18
  - Fixed installation problems with some versions of Perl on Windows.
* Fri Nov 17 2017
- updated to 7.56
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  7.56  2017-11-14
  - Added num check to Mojolicious::Validator.
  - Improved built-in templates with high resolution logos.