AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- updated to 2.02 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/Changes 2.02 2022-02-08T18:49:21+0900 - Add support for passing in custom "ua" - Add support for "providers" key in plugin config - Add support for "proxy" in plugin config
- Remove last description paragraph talking about manual installation of modules, the recommends are in place
- updated to 2.01 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/Changes 2.01 2021-10-28T18:29:45+0900 - Test suite is compatible with older versions of Mojolicious - OpenID Connect require Mojo::JWT 0.09 2.00 2021-10-27T19:36:44+0900 - Removed $c->oauth2->get_token() https://github.com/marcusramberg/Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/blob/07e214eb556093de8691b145116b60ab64a4a21a/t/delayed.t#L23-L28 - Add support for "OpenID Connect" #65 Contributor: Roy Storey - Add "debian_salsa" as an OAuth2 id provider #62 Contributor: Gregor Herrmann - Moved mock code to Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2::Mock - Bumped Mojolicious version to 8.25
- updated to 1.59 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/Changes 1.59 2021-02-17T08:33:17+0900 - Fix invalid "=item" in documentation. - Compatible with Mojolicious 9.0 Contributor: Joel Berger
- Initial version 1.58