* Wed Feb 07 2018 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.19
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
1.19 2017-12-19
- remove use of INIT phase in Module::Install::DSL, to fix issues on perl
5.27.7 (see cpan RT#123867 and perl RT#132577)
* Wed Apr 05 2017 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.18
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
1.18 2017-04-04
- fix tests to no longer rely on . being in @INC (Graham Ollis, PR#58)
* Tue Oct 25 2016 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.17
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
1.17 2016-10-24
- fix issue with mkpath with empty path
- removed irrelevant code for Perl < v5.6
- VMS fixes (RT#79858, Craig A. Berry)
- documentation updated to reflect current discouraged state
* Sat May 02 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.16
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
* Fri Apr 17 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.15
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
1.15 Thu Apr 16 2015
- respect the 'urllist' option when using the CPAN backend (Dan Brook)
- fixes for newlines on MSWin32 (Christian Walde)
* Mon Apr 13 2015 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.14
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Install/Changes
1.14 Sat 25 Oct 2014
- Newlines should be consistently UNIX-stylee now in generated files (MITHALDU)
- Mark two tests as TODO if EUMM > 6.98 until utf8 gets fixed (BINGOS)
1.12 Fri 29 Aug 2014
- Revert license behaviour (TSIBLEY)
- Documentation also mentioning metacpan.org (LLAP)
1.10 Fri 11 Jul 2014
- Minimum perl version is now v5.6.0 (BOWTIE)
- Update license tables (BOWTIE)
- Prereqs and recommends adjusted (BOWTIE)
- Typo fixes (BOWTIE)
- Pod fixes (GREGOA)
- Fix make upgradedeps work with bundles (JNWHITLEY)
- Fix name_from regex to work with recent package syntax (BOWTIE)
- Performance enhancements when running Makefile.PL (GFUJI)
- Removed use of sub prototypes (BOWTIE)
* Mon Mar 10 2014 coolo@suse.com
- updated to 1.08
- Remove LWP::UserAgent from the prereqs (TOKUHIROM)
- Require a more recent version of Module::ScanDeps (CHORNY)
- Fix failing test case with recent Parse::CPAN::Meta (BINGOS)
- Adding can_xs command, imported from Params::Util (ADAMK)
- Adding requires_xs command, wrapping around can_xs (ADAMK)
- Use Module::Metadata instead of require to check versions for
modules that we don't need to subsequently use (MSTROUT/MIYAGAWA)
Use EU:MM instead of Module::Metadata to check versions for
modules that we don't need to subsequently use (ADAMK)
- Removed automatic EU:MM version detection as it was using versions
in the future, change to a fixed version, unf (ADAMK)
* Sat Nov 12 2011 coolo@suse.com
- update to 1.04:
- Fixed _cmp to compare properly (MIYAGAWA)
- Fixed the automated MakeMaker dependency addition (MIYAGAWA)
- Last Perl 5.5 compatible MakeMaker was actually 6.36 (ADAMK)
- META.yml flag dynamic_config is now always generated (ADAMK)
- Added the convenience command static_config, as the default is to be
dynamic (ADAMK)
- Module::Install::DSL will automatically set static_config unless it
can see an 'if' or 'unless' suffix (ADAMK)
* Fri Sep 30 2011 pascal.bleser@opensuse.org
- update to 1.02:
* support for installdeps_target in Module::Install::AutoInstall and
* support for installdeps_notest, upgradedeps and upgradedeps_notest,
listdeps and listalldeps targets in Module::AutoInstall
* Sun May 01 2011 coolo@opensuse.org
- updated to 1.01
- Better error message in install_share (CHORNY)
- Compatibility with MYMETA.yml support in EUMM (CHORNY)
- Support for extraction of Artistic 2.0 license (CHORNY)
- Support https links when searching for bug trackers (CHORNY)
* Wed Dec 01 2010 coolo@novell.com
- switch to perl_requires macro
* Wed Sep 01 2010 chris@computersalat.de
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
- bzipped Source
- noarch pkg
* Wed Sep 01 2010 pascal.bleser@opensuse.org
- initial package (1.00)