AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- update to 1.014.3: * Fix: CPAN RT#99160: encode_mimewords() ignores the word "0". - update Requires: according to Makefile.PL
- update to 1.014.2: * No new features. * Reformat Changes file: CPAN RT#88096. * minor manpage updates
- Update to 1.014.1: * Fix: CPAN RT#84295: MaxLineLen fixes to the value set at the first time. * Imp: encode_mimewords() supports UTF-16, UTF-32 and their flavors. They will be encoded as UTF-8. * Requires MIME-Charset >= 1.010. * Minor Fix: After ASCII words extending over multiple lines, line length was estimated shorter. CPAN RT #79399. * see upstream changelog for all details - add Recommends: perl(Unicode::String) (optionally used)
- update to 1.012.4 * Chg: encode_mimewords(): 'B' was advantageous over 'Q' by 4/3 byte on average... * Updated address of FSF.
- update to 1.012.3 * created by cpanspec 1.78.03
- re-packaged 1.012 using cpanspec 1.78.03
- update to 1.012
- initial package