Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Tue Apr 14 2015
- updated to 0.48
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-DAV/Changes
    v0.48 (released 2015/03/26):
  * bug fixes
    "RT#103126", fixed faulty code to add trailing slash to URLs.
    v0.47 (released 2012/03/24):
  * bug fixes
    Improve "propfind()" resilience when server response contains
    broken, truncated or no XML at all. RT#75011.
* Wed Jun 05 2013
- updated to 0.47
  Improve C<propfind()> resilience when server response contains
  broken, truncated or no XML at all. RT#75011.
* Fri Jan 13 2012
- update to 0.46
  * improvements
    HTTP::DAV should now be working with more WebDAV servers.
    We are more flexible in what content types we consider to be XML.
    Thanks Ron1 and Adam for the feedback and patches.
* Mon Sep 19 2011
- update to 0.45
  - Mostly cosmetic changes (no changelog from the upstream)
* Wed Jun 22 2011
- update to 0.44
  * bug fixes
  - Fixed RT #68936 (,
    Fixed errors() method that would bomb out when the "_errors" attribute
    wasn't initialized. Thanks to Michael Lackoff for reporting.
* Fri Apr 15 2011
- update to 0.43
  - Fixed RT #38677 (,
    Intercept correctly 405 (Method now allowed) errors and report them
    to the clients.
* Wed Dec 01 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
* Mon Nov 22 2010
- update to 0.42
  * Fixed RT #60457 (,
  Added and documented possibility to pass your own custom HTTP headers.
  * Fixed errors in the code examples in the synopsis.
* Tue Jul 27 2010
- update to 0.41
- Fixed RT #59674 (,
  When SSL support is needed but not installed, a more specific
  error messages is now displayed, instead of "not DAV enabled
  or not accessible".
- recreated by cpanspec 1.78
  o fix deps
- noarch pkg
* Tue Feb 23 2010
- update to 0.40
  * HTTP::DAV::Comms->credentials() method erroneously autovivified
  basic authentication internal values, causing wrong or undefined
  credentials to be sent out, or credentials to be "forgot" by HTTP::DAV.
* Wed Jan 13 2010
- update to 0.39
  * Fixed RT #52665 (,
  Using dave or propfind() on URLs containing escaped chars (%xx) could fail,
    due to upper/lower case differences. Thanks to cebjyre for the patch
    and the test case.
* Sun Jan 10 2010
- enable parallel build
* Mon Aug 03 2009
- update to 0.38
  * Fixed RT #14506 (,
  about the missing get_lastresponse() method. It was a documentation bug.
  * Fixed RT #29788 (,
  avoid file corruptions on Win32 when calling HTTP::DAV::get() method.
  * Fixed RT #31014 (,
  probably already in v0.34, since it seems related to propfind() "depth" bug.
* Tue Mar 24 2009
- update to 0.37
  * Fixed RT #44409 Small bug in HTTP::DAV::put(). Passing a reference
  as local content resulted in the "SCALAR(0x12345678)" being logged
  instead of the real scalar.
* Fri Feb 27 2009
- update to 0.36
  * Fixed RT #19616 (,
  LWP::UserAgent::redirect_ok() is not changed anymore. We're subclassing
  it from HTTP::DAV::UserAgent and overriding redirect_ok() there.
  * Fixed RT #42877 (,
  HTTP::DAV::UserAgent::credentials() has been modified to behave like
  LWP::UserAgent::credentials(), otherwise basic authentication breakages
  can occur.
  * Fixed a problem with C<-depth> argument to C<HTTP::DAV::propfind()> that
  could lead to massive performance degradation, especially when running
  C<propfind()> against large folders.
  C<-depth> was set to 1 even when passed as zero.
- fix permissions, ends of lines and perl dependency
* Tue Jan 20 2009
- update to 0.35
  * Fixed getting single or multiple files directly to \*STDOUT.
* Thu Sep 11 2008
- update to 0.34
  * fixed downloading multiple files in the same directory.
* Wed Sep 10 2008
- update to 0.33
  * Clearly state that Opera Software ASA is now co-maintainer of
  * Fixed various inconsistencies in the v0.32 documentation
  * Now HTTP::DAV requires Perl 5.6.0+ and Scalar::Util
  (core in 5.8.x).
  * Now HTTP::DAV objects are correctly released from memory when
  they go out of scope. Now it should be possible to use multiple
  instances of HTTP::DAV even in long-running processes.
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Wed Sep 28 2005
- add norootforbuild