Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Thu Nov 24 2022 Tina Müller <>
- updated to 0.07051
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07051 - 2022-11-23
  - Make defaulting primary key columns retrieve_on_insert for Pg (GH#28)
  0.07050 - 2022-11-20
  - Revert inlining of String::CamelCase::wordsplit() (RT#125929)
  - Do not require MooseX::MarkAsMethods with only_autoclean=1 (GH#21)
  - Exclude tables in the Oracle Recycle Bin (RT#128149)
Version: 0.07049-bp150.2.4
* Thu Mar 22 2018
- updated to 0.07049
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07049 - 2018-03-21
  - Fix tests when the path to perl has spaces in it (GH#19)
  - Inline String::CamelCase::wordsplit() due to RT#123030
  - Get enum values from DBD::Pg if it's new enough
  - Remove dependency on DBIx::Class::IntrospectableM2M
  0.07048_01 - 2018-02-23
  - Convert from Module::Install to ExtUtils::MakeMaker + Distar (GH#17)
* Sun Jan 21 2018
- updated to 0.07048
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07048  2018-01-20
  - Fix for PostgreSQL enums not in the schema search path (RT#123234)
  - Fix 'default now()' test for PostgreSQL v10
  - Work around incompatible change in Hash::Merge (GH#16)
  - Fix skip count for non-InnoDB MySQL test
* Sat May 27 2017
- updated to 0.07047
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07047  2017-05-26
  - Avoid upcoming DBIC warning on implicit SELECT * invocation
  - Improve moniker_map and col_accessor_map coderef documentation (GH#7)
  - Improve exclude and constraint documentation (GH#12)
  - Fix running Makefile.PL without '.' in @INC (RT#121905)
* Tue Sep 06 2016
- updated to 0.07046
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07046  2016-09-05
  - Introspect view definitions for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle,
    Firebird, and InterBase.
  - When a file's md5sum was wrong but no other content in the file had
    changed, it would not be rewritten even when overwrite_modifications
    was true. Fixed by Dave Rolsky. GH #8.
* Wed Jan 27 2016
- updated to 0.07045
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07045  2016-01-22
  - Regenerate tarball without author-mode test dependencies
  0.07044  2016-01-22
  - Fix Pg date/time types with zero fractional second digits
  - Add support for nested hashref form of col_accessor_map
* Sun May 17 2015
- updated to 0.07043
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader/Changes
  0.07043  2015-05-13
  - Fix many_to_many bridges with overlapping foreign keys
  - Add option to allow extra columns in many_to_many link tables
  - Document how to add perltidy markers via filter_generated_code
  - Fix DB2 foreign-key introspection
  - Remove dependency on List::MoreUtils and Sub::Name
  - Ensure schema files are generated as binary files on Windows
  - Fix overwrite_modifications not overwriting if the table hasn't changed
  - Filter out disabled constraints and triggers for Oracle (GH#5)
  0.07042  2014-08-20
* Tue Dec 02 2014
- updated to 0.07042
  - Fix unescaped left braces in regexes in tests
  - Use undef instead of '%' for the table and type arguments
    to $dbh->tables (fixes breakage with DBD::Pg 3.4.0)
  0.07041  2014-08-09
  - Fix many_to_many bridges going back to the same table
  - Don't disconnect after ->load in static mode
    (fixes Pg test failure with the upcoming DBIC 0.082800)
  - Set up Travis smoking (mostly stolen from DBIC)
  0.07040  2014-05-27
  - Add options to omit the version and timestamp from the
    generated code (RT#92300)
  - Skip dumping unique indexes with expressions (RT#93613)
  - Fix dumping unique indexes with DBD::Pg < 1.50
  - Fix inconsistent naming of duplicate unique constraints
  - Avoid clobbering caller's $_ (RT#96010)
  0.07039  2014-01-06
  - Fix table listing with DBD::DB2 >= 1.85 (RT#91764)
  - Add accessor for the list of (re)generated classes
  - Add dry-run mode for static schema creation
  0.07038  2013-11-20
  - Allow coderef maps to call back into the hashref mapping code
  - Fix MySQL column info detection with multiple schemas (RT#82358)
  - Fix skip count for Oracle multi-schema tests
  - Actually test data types that require separate tables
  - Fix national character type sizes on DBD::Oracle >= 1.52
  - Fix detection of qualified sequence names for Oracle (RT#90341)
  0.07037  2013-10-30
  - Allow overriding individual moniker parts
  0.07036_04 2013-10-24
  - Set table_class to DBIx::Class::ResultSource::View for views, in
    supported backends (SQLite, MySQL, and Pg) (
  0.07036_03 2013-10-22
  - Restore support for PostgreSQL 8.3 (RT#87291)
  - Fix t/23dumpmore on perl 5.8.8 and earlier
  - Silence warnings from pure-perl Cwd::abs_path()
  0.07036_02 2013-09-25
  - Skip many_to_many bridges involving might_have relationships
  0.07036_01 2013-08-11
  - Fix typos in POD and comments (RT#87644)
  - Don't ship MYMETA.* files (RT#87713)
  - Fix many_to_many bridges involving might_have relationships
  - Allow specifying custom attributes for many_to_many bridges
  - Allow specifying the separator when joining database, schema
    and table names to form a moniker
  - Allow using all the moniker parts in hashref moniker_map
  - Allow matching all the moniker parts in constraint/exclude
* Fri Jun 01 2012
- updated to 0.07024
  - work around broken keyseq in DBD::Pg foreign_key_info (RT#77062)
  - properly order FK columns when using base ::DBI loader (SineSwiper)
  - bump Class::Inspector dep to 1.27 due to test failures with earlier
    versions on perl >= 5.15.7 (RT#74236)
  - do separate queries for default_value on Sybase ASE as some servers
    can't join to that table (pcmantz) (RT#74170)
  - set correct size for nchar/nvarchar columns for Sybase ASE,
    depending on @@ncharsize
  - use ::Schema::connect instead of ::Schema::connection in
    make_schema_at (RT#74175)
  - register sources on the schema class, never the instance, regardless
    of how the connection is made for dynamic schemas
  - fix some mro issues under perl 5.8
  - fix some errors due to case issues (RT#75805)
  - skip dbicdump tests on Win32 due to test fails (RT#75732)
  - fix undefined warnings for DBDs without schemas
  - work around ORA-24345 from $dbh->column_info
  - fix spelling mistake in Base POD (RT#74796)
  - *EXPERIMENTAL* support for dumping PostgreSQL schemas inside of a
  - use DBI table_info/column_info REMARKS field if/where available for
    table/column comments (SineSwiper)
  - better compatibility with more DBDs (SineSwiper)
* Fri Jan 13 2012
- updated to 0.07015
  - generate many_to_many bridges for targets of link tables
  - fix a bug in the automatic multischema clashing moniker disambiguation
    code that overwrote $loader->moniker_parts
  - automatically prefix database/schema to clashing monikers for
    the same table name in multischema configurations
* Fri Jan 13 2012
- update to 0.07012, see Changes
* Thu Apr 21 2011
- updated to 0.07010
  - add result_component_map option
  - fix a syntax error in MS Access ADO driver
  - rename column_accessor_map to col_accessor_map, the old alias still
  - support MSSQL over DBD::ADO
  - support for MS Access over DBD::ODBC and DBD::ADO
  - bump DBIx::Class dep to 0.08127
  - fix MSSQL data types for native client and EasySoft driver
  - turn unloading of RelBuilder temp classes back on, now with proper
    check for class existance using Class::Inspector->loaded
  - bump up dep on namespace::clean to avoid breakage with earlier
    versions (RT#65149)
  - support extra connect_info options like quote_char for dbicdump
  - fix breakage on perl 5.8.x related to unloading temporary classes
  - fix bug with result class methods being cached on in a closure instead
    of the object, which breaks for multiple dynamic schemas in a single
    perl instance
  - fix relname/method collisions (RT#62648)
  - fix fully qualified component classes (RT#62624)
  - improve sybase/mssql db_schema detection
  - remove MooseX::NonMoose from Schema files under use_moose=1
  - better _tables_list for Sybase ASE
  - add datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1 for MySQL datetime data types
    (RT#64820) This behavior can be turned off by passing
    datetime_undef_if_invalid=0 as a loader option
  - added column_accessor_map option
  - Preserve relationship names when redumping and another FK is added
  - Remove resultset_components as ResultSetManager is deprecated
  - Fix a fail when very old Moose/CMOP is installed
  - Added warning for column-accessor collisions, doc section in ::Base
    ("COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS") and the col_collision_map option.
  - Handle column accessor collisions with UNIVERSAL methods
  - Generate custom_type_name hint for PostgreSQL enums, as used
    by very recent SQL::Translator
  - Added support for PostgreSQL enum types
  - Added table/column comment support for Oracle
  - Fix missing require (RT#62072)
* Mon Jan 17 2011
- initial package 0.07002
  * created by cpanspec 1.78.03