Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

Version: 3.25-bp150.2.4
* Wed Aug 31 2016
- updated to 3.25
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes
  3.25  2016-08-30
  - 2.4: fix POD typo and add missing ABSTRACT
  - reorganize real.t tests into subtests
  - make sure signature test ignores generated files
  - remove autobox dependency
  - fix authenticate so that r->user is copied from r->main on subrequests.
    Previously this was only done for internal redirects (r->prev is defined).
    This fixes DirectoryIndexes on AuthCookie enabled directories under apache
* Tue Jan 19 2016
- updated to 3.24
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes
  3.24  2016-01-13
  - Update Apache 2.4 README, flesh out guts of Authz Provider notes.
  - Improve Apache 2.4 README's AuthzProvider documentation
  - Add POD to Apache2_4::AuthCookie
  - Add FAQ to Apache2_4::AuthCookie documenation
  - 2.4: document that PerlAddAuthzProvider is only needed for *custom* Requires directives.
  - 2.4: make authz_handler recognize multiple usernames in the directive like
    mod_authz_user does.
  - add test case for internal authz_handler
  - explicitly require Apache::Test 1.39 so that APACHE2_4 defines are set
* Sat Dec 26 2015
- updated to 3.23
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes
  3.23  2015-09-10
  - Improve CGI mode param() handling to avoi's "param() called in list context" warning.
  - add support for Apache 2.4 via mod_perl 1.09.
  * **** IMPORTANT *****
    Apache 2.4 has a *VERY* different API for authentication.  You will need
    to port your subclass and configuration over to the Apache 2.4 API in
    order to use Apache 2.4!  Please be sure to read README.apache-2.4.pod for
    porting instructions!
* Tue Apr 14 2015
- updated to 3.22
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes
  3.22  2014-05-07
  3.21  2014-05-07
  - Bad release - deleted
* Wed Dec 18 2013
- updated to 3.20
  - login_form: return OK for mobile IE 10, which also ignores content for
    FORBIDDEN response.
  - test .pl registry scripts: do not try to load
  - escape html tags in destination.
  - split out CGI data handling into ::AuthCookie::Params modules
  - use Apache::Request/Apache2::Request from libapreq if available. Otherwise,
    fall back to for handling CGI data.
  - improve "removed cookie" debug log message
  - add dependencies: autobox, Class::Load
  - allow username to be '0'
  - login_form: return OK for SymbianOS, which ignores content for FORBIDDEN responses.
  - add login_form_status() to override HTTP status returned by login form
  - recognize_user: return DECLINED if user is not recognized
* Thu Oct 11 2012
- buildrequire explicitly netcfg
* Thu Oct 20 2011
- update to 3.18 2011-01-24
  * remove 3.17's test skip hacks and bump Apache::Test prereq to
    v1.53 which fixes this issue
  * fix MANIFEST.SKIP to ignore genereated t/conf/mime.types
  * remove dist.inim weaver.ini from dists
  * fixed t/real.t to use correct -withtestmore import syntax
  * rename sample authcookie handlers to Sample::Apache and
    Sample::Apache2 namespaces
- update to 3.17 2011-01-19
  * skip the test suite if running as root. Apache::Test 1.34 fails
    the test suite if running as root instead of skipping it. By
    skipping, AuthCookie can be installed via as root
- update to 3.16 2011-01-19
  * require Apache::Test 1.32 - fixes Ubuntu build issue
  * remove mod_perl/mod_perl2 related rereq's from META.yml. The
    correct mod perl version is not known until Makefile.PL is run. should not try to install either one until it is known
    which one is appropriate. (RT 64926)
- update to 3.15 2010-08-27
  * enable Dist::Zilla Manifest plugin
  * add FAQ
  * add FAQ entry on how to protect an entire site/document root
  * recognize_user: return DECLINED if user is already set
  * refactor P3P header generation into send_p3p($r) so subclasses
    can overload it
* Wed Dec 01 2010
- switch to perl_requires macro
* Wed Jun 02 2010
- update to 3.14
  - MP2: doc updates: remove beta warnings, change Apache::AuthCookie to
    Apache2::Authcookie where appopriate.
  - docs: change my email to my cpan address
  - docs: remove POST limitations reference (handled by POST to GET conversion)
  - sign dist with Module::Signature
  - add signature test
  - MP1: perltidy Apache::AuthCookie sources.
  - update mod_perl2 prereq version (still 2.0.0 RC5, but version number was
    incorrect in Makefile.PL)
  - use Dist::Zilla for building the dist
- 3.13  2010-04-12
  - removed: bad dist
- recreated spec by cpanspec 1.78
- noarch package
* Mon Oct 27 2008
Version: 3.12
  - Makefile.PL If no mod_perl version is found, just require mod_perl2.
    This makes sure that CPAN testers will get the right dependencies.
    way. Also set up PREREQ_PM properly for mod_perl version 1.
  Version: 3.11
  - Fix tiny pod doc error.
  - Escape CR and LF in 'destination' field to prevent possible XSS attack
    [Steffen Schwigon]
* Thu Jul 13 2006
Version: 3.10
  - Bug Fix: when copying user from prev request, check that $r->prev
    is defined, not just that $r->is_initial_request is true.
  Version: 3.09
  - POD doc fixes.
  - MP2: remove _check_request_req() - this was only necessary when
    running under both MP1 and MP2.  Package name change eliminates the
    need for this.
  - test suite converted to Test::More style test suites.
  - descriptive test descriptions added
  - make login() stash credentials in $r->pnotes("${AuthName}Creds") so
    that the login form can access the user-supplied credentials if the
    login fails.
  - bug fix: use of Apache2::URI::unescape_url() does not handle
    '+' to ' ' conversion.  This caused problems for credentials
    that contain spaces.
  - MP2: remove mod_perl features from "use mod_perl2" line. This is
    no longer supported by mod_perl2.
  - MP2: _get_form_data() - switch to to handle form data (fixes
    several form data handling bugs)
  - In a subrequest, copy $r->prev->user to $r->user (or r->connection->user
    for MP1).
  - remove Apache2::AuthCookie::Util - no longer necessary
  - multi-valued form fields are now handled properly in POST -> GET conversion
  - MP2: require 3.12 or later
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Thu Sep 29 2005
- add %defattr
* Wed Sep 28 2005
- add norootforbuild
* Fri Jul 29 2005
- update to 3.08
- fixed %files
* Mon Feb 21 2005
- updated to v3.05
* Tue May 25 2004
- fixed %files
- fixed Requires
* Tue May 25 2004
- initial release