AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Rely on _udevrulesdir as provided by the distros.
- BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) instead of udev: allow OBS to shortcut through -mini flavors.
- Fix: pcscd is started as root (boo#942847, pcscd-group-no-longer-exist.patch).
- Update to version 3.7: * udev rules to change group of the USB device to allow access from pcscd * Remove port number check needed for USB-style PCSC interface. * Install driver as PCSC bundle needed for new pcsc-lite. - Add pcsc-asekey-no-duplicated-install.patch to not install twice.
- Update to version 3.6: * IFDHSetProtocolParameters does nothing when the protocol need not be changed.
- Added USB modalias supplements. - Require pcsc-lite.
- New SuSE package, version 3.5 (FATE#302981).