Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Fri Aug 18 2017
- Update to version 2.6.0
  * New symbolic commands: ellipke, ellipticCE, ellipticCK,
    ellipticCPi, ellipticE, ellipticF, ellipticK, ellipticPi,
    harmonic, kroneckerDelta, pochhammer
  * New `@double` numerical functions; these are wrappers around
    SymPy, so they are slower than native floating-point
    implementations: harmonic.
  * Support for the new SymPy 1.1.1.
  * `solve` now supports vectors of equations and vectors of
  * Better warning for `sym(0.1)`, updated docs about floating
  * Double values can now be converted to their exact rational
    value using `sym(0.1, 'f')`.  Passing `'r'` gives the current
    heuristic behaviour.  Neither raises a warning.
  * The default floating-point heuristics now check for square
    roots of integers, so `sym(sqrt(2))` should work.
  * `sym('i')` and `sym('I')` no longer create the imaginary unit:
    use `sym(i)` or `sym(1i)`.
  * `sym(e)` now gives the same as `exp(sym(1))`.  However,
    `sym('e')` and `syms e` continue to create a variable named
  * `sym` now accepts function handles such as anonymous functions
    as inputs.
  * `subs` is not approriate for numerical evaluation; add an
    example in `help subs` which shows how to do this with
  * Calling `sym(cell)` now creates a sym array instead of a cell
    array. Old behaviour of creating a cell array was deprecated
    in 2.5.0.
  * Bug fix: isequal(n) for symfun's correctly tests the argnames.
* Tue Jun 07 2016
- Update to version 2.4.0
  * New symbolic commands:
    acsc, csch, gammaln, polylog, asec, dilog, hypergeom, psi,
    asech, ei, hypot, resize, besseljn, expint, igamma, sech,
    besselyn, ezsurf, jordan, signIm, cat, fresnelc, laguerreL,
    sinint, cosint, fresnels, lgamma, sinhint, coshint, gammainc,
    logint, ssinint
  * Move some functions from the "specfun" package:
    dirac, heaviside, laguerreL, lambertw
  * Re-implement @double/laguerreL for numerical stability.
  * Add spherical Bessel functions: these are called `besseljn` and
* Wed Dec 23 2015
- Update to version 2.2.4
  * Bigfix release
* Fri Nov 27 2015
- Update to version 2.2.3
  * Bigfix release
* Tue Jul 07 2015
- Update to version 2.2.2
  * Bigfix release
* Tue Apr 28 2015
- Update to version 2.2.1
  * Fix an ascii pretty printing regression (issue #234).
  * Other minor fixes for doctests, sympref and symreplace.
* Wed Apr 22 2015
- Update to version 2.2.1
  * New commands:
    catalan eulergamma lambertw
  * Installing symbolic package now check for Python and minimum
    version of SymPy.
  * Installations from Octave-Forge ("pkg install -forge symbolic")
    should now work on Windows (thanks vassbu).  You will need the
    Python and SymPy dependencies.  Or you can use the [bundled
  * Added support for Python 3 (still works with Python 2 as well).
  * Documentation improvements especially to assumptions.  Examples
    within documentation can now be tested with doctests, see the
    `octsympy_doctests.m` function.
  * Fix a warning on Octave 4.0.0-rc1 and make tests work properly.
  * Other bug fixes: assumptions; symvar and symbolic matrix powers;
    various display issues.
* Mon Mar 09 2015
- Update to version 2.1.0
  * New commands: columns, degree, formula, ismatrix, numden, rows
  * Additional ways of calling symsum, symprod, and subs for better
    compatibility with other symbolic toolboxes.
  * Bug fixes in poly2sym, sym2poly, symfun, prod, horner, coeffs.
  * Documentation improvements.
  * Improvements to "argnames" and "formula" for the dependent
    variables and dependent expression of a symfun.
  * Improvements to assumptions.
  * Improve symbolic sized matrices such as `A = sym('a', [n m])`.
  * Drop python_cmd_string, which has been deprecated since v0.1.1.
* Thu Feb 26 2015
- Split from octave-forge package, version 2.0.0