* Wed Jun 06 2018 badshah400@gmail.com
- Update to version 1.4.0:
* New functions: canoncorr, fitgmdist, gmdistribution, sigma_pts
* The following functions have been moved from the statisctics
package but are condtionally installed: mad
* The following functions have been moved from octave to be
condtionally installed:
- BASE: cloglog, logit, prctile, probit, qqplot table
(renamed to crosstab)
- DISTRIBUTIONS: betacdf, betainv, betapdf, betarnd, binocdf,
binoinv, binopdf, binornd, cauchy_cdf, cauchy_inv,
cauchy_pdf, cauchy_rnd, chi2cdf, chi2inv, chi2pdf, chi2rnd,
expcdf, expinv, exppdf, exprnd, fcdf, finv, fpdf, frnd,
gamcdf, gaminv, gampdf, gamrnd, geocdf, geoinv, geopdf,
geornd, hygecdf, hygeinv, hygepdf, hygernd,
kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf, laplace_cdf, laplace_inv,
laplace_pdf, laplace_rnd, logistic_cdf, logistic_inv,
logistic_pdf, logistic_rnd, logncdf, logninv, lognpdf,
lognrnd, nbincdf, nbininv, nbinpdf, nbinrnd, normcdf,
norminv, normpdf, normrnd, poisscdf, poissinv, poisspdf,
poissrnd, stdnormal_cdf, stdnormal_inv, stdnormal_pdf,
stdnormal_rnd, tcdf, tinv, tpdf, trnd, unidcdf, unidinv,
unidpdf, unidrnd, unifcdf, unifinv, unifpdf, unifrnd,
wblcdf, wblinv, wblpdf, wblrnd, wienrnd.
- MODELS: logistic_regression
- TESTS: anova, bartlett_test, chisquare_test_homogeneity,
chisquare_test_independence, cor_test, f_test_regression,
hotelling_test, hotelling_test_2, kolmogorov_smirnov_test,
kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2, kruskal_wallis_test, manova,
mcnemar_test, prop_test_2, run_test, sign_test, t_test,
t_test_2, t_test_regression, u_test, var_test, welch_test,
wilcoxon_test, z_test, z_test_2.
* Functions marked with known test failures: grp2idx: bug
[#51928], gevfir_lmom: bug #31070.
* Other functions that have been changed for smaller bugfixes, increased
Matlab compatibility, or performance:
- dcov: returned dcov instead of dcor. added demo.
- violin: can be used with subplots. violin quality improved.
- princomp: Fix expected values of tsquare in unit tests
- fitgmdist: test number inputs to function
- hist3: fix removal of rows with NaN values
* added the packages test data to install