Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15





Change Logs

* Tue Apr 10 2018
- Update to version 3.1.2
  Bug Fixes
  * Fixed a memory leak occurring in the parser callback (#1001).
  * Different specializations of basic_json (e.g., using different template
    arguments for strings or objects) can now be used in assignments (#972, #
    977, #986).
  * Fixed a logical error in an iterator range check (#992).
  * The parser and the serialization now support user-defined string types (#
    1006, #1009).
  Further Changes
  * Clang Analyzer is now used as additional static analyzer; see make
  * Overworked README by adding links to the documentation (#981).
  Deprecated functions
  This release does not deprecate any functions. As an overview, the following
  functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the
  next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):
  * Function iterator_wrapper are deprecated. Please use the member function
    items() instead.
  * Functions friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&) and
    friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&) are
    deprecated. Please use friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&,
    basic_json&) and friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&)
- Update to version 3.1.1
  Bug Fixes
  * Fixed parsing of CBOR strings with indefinite length (#961). Earlier
    versions of this library misinterpreted the CBOR standard and rejected
    input with the 0x7F start byte.
  * Fixed user-defined conversion to vector type (#924, #969). A wrong SFINAE
    check rejected code though a user-defined conversion was provided.
  * Fixed documentation of the parser behavior for objects with duplicate keys
    (#963). The exact behavior is not specified by RFC 8259 and the library now
    also provides no guarantee which object key is stored.
  * Added check to detect memory overflow when parsing UBJSON containers (#962
    ). The optimized UBJSON format allowed for specifying an array with
    billions of null elements with a few bytes and the library did not check
    whether this size exceeded max_size().
  Further Changes
  * Code coverage is now calculated for the individual header files, allowing
    to find uncovered lines more quickly than by browsing through the single
    header version (#953, #957).
  * A Makefile target run_benchmarks was added to quickly build and run the
    benchmark suite.
  * The documentation was harmonized with respect to the header inclusion (#955
    ). Now all examples and the README use #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> to
    allow for selecting single_include or include or whatever installation
    folder as include directory.
  * Added note on how to use the library with the cget package manager (#954).
  Deprecated functions
  This release does not deprecate any functions. As an overview, the following
  functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the
  next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):
  * Function iterator_wrapper are deprecated. Please use the member function
    items() instead.
  * Functions friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&) and
    friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&) are
    deprecated. Please use friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&,
    basic_json&) and friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&)
- Update to version 3.1.0
  This release adds support for the UBJSON format and JSON Merge Patch. It also
  contains some minor changes and bug fixes. All changes are backward-compatible.
  New features
  * The library now supports UBJSON (Universal Binary JSON Specification) as
    binary format to read and write JSON values space-efficiently. See the
    documentation overview for a comparison of the different formats CBOR,
    MessagePack, and UBJSON.
  * JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7386) offers an intuitive means to describe patches
    between JSON values (#876, #877). See the documentation of merge_patch for
    more information.
  * The library now uses the Grisu2 algorithm for printing floating-point
    numbers (based on the reference implementation by Florian Loitsch) which
    produces a short representation which is guaranteed to round-trip (#360, #
    935, #936).
  * The UTF-8 handling was further simplified by using the decoder of Björn
    Hoehrmann in more scenarios.
  * Though the library is released as a single header, its development got more
    and more complicated. With this release, the header is split into several
    files and the single-header file json.hpp can be generated from these
    development sources. In the repository, folder include contains the
    development sources and single_include contains the single json.hpp header
    (#700, #906, #907, #910, #911, #915, #920, #924, #925, #928, #944).
  * The split further allowed for a forward declaration header include/nlohmann
    /json_fwd.hpp to speed up compilation times (#314).
  Further changes
  * Google Benchmark is now used for micro benchmarks (see benchmarks folder, #
  * The serialization (JSON and binary formats) now properly work with the
    libraries string template parameter, allowing for optimized string
    implementations to be used in constraint environments such as embedded
    software (#941, #950).
  * The exceptional behavior can now be overridden by defining macros
    JSON_THROW_USER, JSON_TRY_USER, and JSON_CATCH_USER, defining the behavior
    of throw, try and catch, respectively. This allows to switch off C++'s
    exception mechanism yet still execute user-defined code in case an error
    condition occurs (#938).
  * To facilitate the interplay with flex and Bison, the library does not use
    the variable name yytext any more as it could clash with macro definitions
  * The library now defines NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR,
    conditional compilation based on the included library version (#943, #948).
  * A compilation error with ICC has been fixed (#947).
  * Typos and links in the documentation have been fixed (#900, #930).
  * A compiler error related to incomplete types has been fixed (#919).
  * The tests form the UTF-8 decoder stress test have been added to the test
  Deprecated functions
  * Function iterator_wrapper has been deprecated (#874). Since its
    introduction, the name was up for discussion, as it was too technical. We
    now introduced the member function items() with the same semantics.
    iterator_wrapper will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0).
  Furthermore, the following functions are deprecated since version 3.0.0 and
  will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):
  * friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&)
  * friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&)
  Please use friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&) and
  friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&) instead.
- Rebase patch:
  * nlohmann_json-cmake-lib_suffix.patch
* Wed Jan 24 2018
- Build in build phase
- Utilise more cmake macros
- Fix building on Leap
* Tue Jan 23 2018
- Fix typo
* Thu Jan 18 2018
- Remove some buzzwords from Summary and Description
- Only build unit tests in the %check target
- Use gcc6-c++ for %check as it is available in Leap 42.3
* Sat Jan 13 2018
- Initial package, version 3.0.1
- Add patch:
  * nlohmann_json-cmake-lib_suffix.patch
Version: 3.11.2-bp155.1.6
* Fri Aug 12 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to version 3.11.2:
  * This release fixes some bugs found in the 3.11.1 release.
  * Furthermore, the inline namespace of the library has been
  * All changes are backward-compatible.
  * Full changelog available at
* Tue Aug 02 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to 3.11.1:
  * Version 3.11.0 moved the user-defined string literals (UDL)
    into namespace nlohmann::literals::json_literals.
    Unfortunately, this namespace was not imported to the global
    namespace by default which broke code. This release fixes this
- Update to 3.11.0:
  * String view support for all functions working on object keys
    (e.g., at or operator[]), avoiding unnecessary allocations.
  * BJData as the fifth supported binary format besides BSON, CBOR,
    MessagePack, and UBJSON.
  * Better C++20 support to make the library integrate more
    smoothly with newer codebases.
  * Better support for avoiding problems when multiple versions of
    the library are used in the same project.
  * Even better and more extensive documentation and examples.
  * More tests for edge cases like 32-bit support, C++20 features,
    using the library with ICPC, or after including <windows.h>.
  * Full changelog available at:
* Sun Jan 16 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to 3.10.5:
  * Summary:
    + The previous version 3.10.4 introduced support to convert std::filesystem objects to JSON and vice versa. Unfortunately, we made the assumption that any compiler supporting C++17 would also have proper filesystem support. This was a mistake. This release introduces preprocessor checks (and means to override them) to make sure that the conversion support is only compiled if the compiler is detected to support it.
    + All changes are backward-compatible.
  * Bug fixes:
    + Make sure C++17 filesystem conversions are only used if the compiler supports it. Furthermore, add defines JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM and JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM which can be set to 0 to avoid using filesystem support altogether.std::filesystem. (gh#nlohmann/json#3090, gh#nlohmann/json#3097, gh#nlohmann/json#3156, gh#nlohmann/json#3203)
    + Fix a compilation error with Nvidia CUDA Compiler (NVCC). (gh#nlohmann/json#3013)
    + Fix a warning for shadowed variables. (gh#nlohmann/json#3188)
    + Fix a warning on a pointless comparison. (gh#nlohmann/json#2712, gh#nlohmann/json#2676, gh#nlohmann/json#1390, gh#nlohmann/json#755)
  * Improvements:
    + Add a parameter to the update function to recursively merge objects with common keys.
    + Extend std::hash and std::swap to work on any nlohmann::basic_json specializations rather than just nlohmann::json
  * Further Changes:
    + Update CI to use Clang 14, GCC 6, and Clang-Tidy 14.
    + Update cpplint.
    + Add build step for the Nvidia CUDA Compiler (NVCC).
    + Remove Travis CI. (gh#nlohmann/json#3087)
    + Compile and execute the test suite with C++17.
    + The mkdocs-based documentation in doc/mkdocs has been totally overworked. It now has a unified structure, more examples, and contains all information from the previous Doxygen-based documentation. The single source of truth is now the documentation on and in particular the API Documentation.
    + Removed Wandbox online examples.
    + Fix typos, links, and parameter names in the documentation.
    + Add more examples.
  * Deprecated functions:
    + Passing iterator pairs or pointer/length pairs to parsing functions (basic_json::parse, basic_json::accept, basic_json::sax_parse, basic_json::from_cbor, basic_json::from_msgpack, basic_json::from_ubjson, basic_json::from_bson) via initializer lists is deprecated. Instead, pass two iterators; for instance, call basic_json::from_cbor(ptr, ptr+len) instead of basic_json::from_cbor({ptr, len}).
    + The following functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):
  - Function iterator_wrapper are deprecated. Please use the member function items() instead.
  - Functions friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&) and friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&) are deprecated. Please use friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&) and friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&) instead.
    + All deprecations are annotated with HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR to report which function to use instead.
* Tue Dec 07 2021 ecsos <>
- Update to 3.10.4
  - Compiler error in output serializer due to 'incompatible initializer' #3081
  - Strange behaviour when using std::sort on std::vector<json> #3080
  - Unhandled exception: nlohmann::detail::parse_error #3078
  - explicit constructor with default does not compile #3077
  - Parse an object but get an array using GCC #3076
  - Version 3.10.3 breaks backward-compatibility with 3.10.2 #3070
  - Feature request, Add to_json/from_json to align with other to/from binary api. #3067
  - vcpkg is out of date #3066
  - Revert invalid fix #3082 (nlohmann)
  - Allow to use get with explicit constructor #3079 (nlohmann)
  - fix std::filesystem::path regression #3073 (theodelrieu)
  - Fix Clang version #3040 (nlohmann)
  - Fix assertion failure for JSON_DIAGNOSTICS #3037 (carlsmedstad)
  - meta: fix is_compatible/constructible traits #3020 (theodelrieu)
  - Set parent pointers for values inserted via update() (fixes #3007). #3008 (AnthonyVH)
  - Allow allocators for output_vector_adapter #2989 (nlohmann)
  - Re-add Clang 12 #2986 (nlohmann)
  - Use new Docker image #2981 (nlohmann)
  - Fix -Wunused warnings on JSON_DIAGNOSTICS #2976 (gcerretani)
  - Update docset generation script #2967 (nlohmann)
  Full Changelog:
- Changes from 3.10.3
  - Parsing an emtpy string returns a string with size 1 instead of expected 0 #3057
  - Linking error duplicate symbol: std::type_info::operator== on static build with MinGW #3042
  - Yet another assertion failure when inserting into arrays with JSON_DIAGNOSTICS set #3032
  - accept and parse function not work well with a pure number string #3029
  - push_back doesn't work for serializing containers #3027
  - Strange behaviour when creating array with single element #3025
  - Input ordered_json doesn't work #3023
  - Issue iterating through 'items' #3021
  - Cannot spell the namespace right #3015
  - JSON Parse error when reading json object from file #3011
  - Parent pointer not properly set when using update() #3007
  - Overwriting terminated null character #3001
  - 'operator =' is ambiguous on VS2017 #2997
  - JSON Patch for Array Elements #2994
  - JSON Parse throwing error #2983
  - to_{binary format} does not provide a mechanism for specifying a custom allocator for the returned type. #2982
  - 3.10.1 zip json.hpp has version number 3.10.0 instead of 3.10.1 #2973
  - Assertion failure when serializing array with JSON_DIAGNOSTICS set #2926
  Full Changelog:
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Liška <>
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Martin Liška <>
- Add gcc10-fix.patch in order to fix build with GCC 10.
* Tue Apr 14 2020 Martin Liška <>
- Update to version 3.7.3:
  Bug Fixes
  * Removed reserve() calls from the destructor which
    could lead to quadratic complexity.
    [#1837] #1838 fire Deprecated functions
  This release does not deprecate any functions. As an overview,
  the following functions have been deprecated in earlier versions
  and will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):
  * Function iterator_wrapper are deprecated.
    Please use the member function items() instead.
    Functions friend std::istream& operator<<(basic_json&, std::istream&)
    and friend std::ostream& operator>>(const basic_json&, std::ostream&)
    are deprecated. Please use friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, basic_json&)
    and friend operator<<(std::ostream&, const basic_json&) instead.
Version: 3.10.2-bp154.2.37
* Tue Oct 05 2021 ecsos <>
- Update to 3.10.2
  - Annoying -Wundef on new JSON_DIAGNOSTICS macro #2975
  - += issue with multiple redirection. #2970
  - incomplete type nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_helper
    compilation error #2969
  - Fix -Wunused warnings on JSON_DIAGNOSTICS #2976 (gcerretani)
- Changes from 3.10.1 and 3.10.0 see:
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Matthias Mailänder <>
- update to version 3.9.1
- drop gcc10-fix.patch
- enable JSON_MultipleHeaders for backwards compatibility
- disable tests which download data from the internet
* Fri Aug 28 2020 Michael Vetter <>
- Fix typo in summary: headeri -> header
* Thu Aug 20 2020 Martin Li?ka <>
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.