AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- include <abstractions/user-tmp> in apparmor profile
- buildrequire sudo to avoid having to package the sudoers directory with wrong permissions
- package renamed to monitoring-plugins-smart - update to 5.2: + support hardware raids like megaraid (rev 2.0) + update help output (rev 2.1) + making the plugin work on FreeBSD (rev 3.0) + allowing -i sat (SATA on FreeBSD) (rev 3.1) + works now with CCISS on FreeBSD (rev 3.2) + elements in grown defect list causes warning (rev 3.3) + add threshold option "bad" (-b) (rev 4.0) + modified help (rev 4.0) + bugfix in threshold logic (rev 4.1) + bugfix in defect list perfdata (rev 4.2) + implemented -g to do a global lookup (rev 5.0) + cleanup, merge Jeromes code, perfdata output fix (rev 5.1) + Fixed output bug in global check / issue #3 (rev 5.2) - adapted enable_auto_interface.patch - removed check_smart-enable_adaptec_raid_controllers.patch - switched spec file license to SUSE-Public-Domain
- support for dummy interface 'auto'. Using the interface 'auto', smartctl will select an appropriate interface by itself.
- further enhance the usage documentation (bnc #857441) - fix license string to follow spdx recommendation
- require monitoring-plugins-common
- update to 1.0.1 for 11.4 and beyond - includes a patch to check disks behind Adaptec RAID controllers - added initial Apparmor profile - added sudoers file for 11.4 and beyond - added README.SuSE to inform users about Apparmor and sudoers files
- changed to a better check from monitoringexchange (see URL)
- created package (from nagiosplug/contrib)