* Thu Jan 14 2021 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.5.0.
* Postinst: Generate cache for Yellow themes
- Updates for version 1.4.9.
* add drive-removable-media-symbolic (#279)
* Add drive-removable-media-usb icon (#278)
* Sat Dec 26 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.4.8.
* Add mate-system-log
- Updates for version 1.4.7.
* Remove input-keyboard
* Remove links pointing to input-keyboard
* Add cinnamon-virtual-keyboard
* Sat Dec 12 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.4.6.
* create symbolic links for new favorites icons
* add folder-recent-symbolic icon
* Change generic mystery person
* Add hypnotix icon
* Sun Dec 06 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.4.5.
* add symbolic link for new poedit icon name
* fix some broken symbolic links
* add symbolic link for keepassxc
* fix false warnings in create-symbolic-link script
* fix another false warning in create-symbolic-link script
* nicer output for show-deadlinks script
- Update for version 1.4.4.
* remove dead symbolic links in Mint-Y-Dark
* brave-browser icon
* Fix GNOME Screen Recorder Icon
* evince.png <- org.gnome.Evince.png
* Change cs-general to make it look like preferences-desktop
* add application-certificate icon
* Fri Oct 02 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.4.3.
* Add org.gnome.SystemMonitor
- Remove group tag.
* Wed Jun 10 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Remove _service file.
- Update to version 1.4.2.
* add system-reboot-symbolic
* adapt mintupdate app icon to new symbolic version (#253)
* mimetypes: add x-pem-key icon
* mimetypes: create symlink for pgp-encrypted files
* Fix mintwelcome icon
* Add app icon for GCstar
* Add mimetype icon for GCstar
* Revert "Update Orange places"
* Revert "Update Grey places"
* Revert "Update Purple places"
* Revert "Update Red places"
* Revert "Update Teal places"
* Revert "Update Sand places"
* Revert "Update Blue places"
* Revert "Update Aqua places"
* Revert "Update Pink places"
* Fri Mar 27 2020 andy great <andythe_great@pm.me>
- Update to version 1.3.7 and add _service file.
* Wed Dec 26 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.3.3:
* Add symbolic link for geogebra classic.
* mimetypes: Port some mimetype-symbolics from elementary.
* Add symbolic link for hydrogen h2-icon.
* Add franz, x-plane icon, Postman icons.
* Places: Fix missing symbols in 24/24@2x
* Fri Nov 30 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.3.2 (changes since 1.3.0):
* Re-colour the atom editor icon.
* action icons: Save, exit, spell-check, document-revert.
* mimetypes: Backports and improvements.
* Add network-wireless-*-symbolic icons.
* Undo/redo consistency.
* Add Teal icon theme.
* actions: Add action icons for TeXstudio.
* status: Add missing wireless-secure icon.
* Tue Jun 26 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.3.0 (changes since 1.2.6):
* Add mintstick and mintlocale-im.
* Add a script to render mimetypes.
* mimetypes: Change the icon for .deb files.
* Devices: Remove label on 16/22/24/32px driver-harddisk.
* Import panel icons from Papirus.
* Remove status/nm-signal* icons.
* Panel: Add NM connection animation.
* Panel: Remove blueberry and mintupdate.
* Panel: Darken 16px icons.
* Add NM notification icons.
* Panel: Remove symbolics in 16/22/24.
* Sat Jun 16 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.2.6:
* mimetype: C++.
* Zoom actions fix.
* actions: Add mail-attachment symbolic.
* status: nm-signal icons (blue).
* Wed Jun 06 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.2.5 (changes since 1.2.1):
* mimetypes: application-x-trash.
* status: add image-loading.
* mimetype: For Sass CSS pre-processor file.
* Remove audio-volume icons.
* Revert "add nm-signal icons (22/24/32 + @2x)".
* thunderbird: Symbolic link for flatpak app.
* mimetype for .theme files.
* action icons: Consistency between (non-)symbolics.
* mimetype: video.
* Sat May 26 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.2.1:
* Places: Add missing links in colour variations.
* Tue May 22 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.2.0 (changes since 1.1.8):
* Re-render apps/categories with optipng.
* mimetype: Symbolic link for text-x-python3.
* mimetype for ruby.
* Add mimetype for sql files.
* Import action icons from ePapirus.
* Add devices/symbolic/ac-adapter-symbolic.svg.
* mimetypes: Fix border colours (16px--64px icons).
* Thu May 17 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.8 (changes since 1.1.6):
* Fix the import-from-other-theme script.
* Import devices icons from Arc.
* Import some Paper action icons.
* Import places trash icons from Arc.
* Devices: Give video-display a more neutral colour.
* Places: system-file-manager link to folder.
* mimetypes: Initial commit.
* Update README.md.
* Tue May 15 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.6:
* Add grey, orange, pink, purple, red and sand folders.
* Add links for GOA (GNOME Online Accounts).
* Fix drive-harddisk-usb-symbolic.
* symbolics: Make some icons solid.
* Move cs-printer to categories.
* Move cs-applets to categories.
* Move cs-backgrounds to categories.
* Move cs-bluetooth to categories.
* Move cs-(mouse,network,tablet,tiling,desktop) to categories.
* Move cs-cat* and cs-color to categories.
* Move cs-d* to categories.
* cs-cat-appearance to symbolic link.
* cs-(extensions,firewall,fonts,general) moved to categories.
* Improve default-apps and cs-fonts icons.
* Improve cs-printer.
* Tue May 08 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.5:
* Fix user-info-symbolic.
* Add Aqua and Blue folder colour variations.
* Add brown folders.
* Create a symbolic link for xfburn.
* Add folder-new and bookmark-new symbolics.
* Add zoom-icons.
* Add nm-signal icons (22/24/32 + @2x).
* Improve/add folder symbolics.
* Add drive-removable-media-usb symbolic link.
* Add drive-harddisk-usb-symbolic.
* Add security-symbolics.
* Sat Apr 28 2018 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.4:
* Fix our icon for nemo.
* Add render-bitmaps script.
* Backport Moka icons (characters [A-Z], numbers, web-*).
* Created an im-chooser icon.
* Fix some names/duplicates/symbolic links, add missing icons.
* Add new src files, improve duplicates/symbolic links.
* Some more improvements.
* A few more new svg icons, and symbolic link improvements/
* Remove a duplicate whatsapp icon
* Add a new frozen-bubble icon.
* Add a new icon for pillarsofeternity.
* Fix 96px icons.
* Femove action icons from the apps directory.
* Add script to create symbolic links for apps.
* Add @2x for apps in index.theme.
* Rendered @2x icons.
* Add a cs-input symbolic link.
* Replace the cs-desktop icon.
* Add a keyboard icon.
* Add an icon for pix.
* Add a new icon for mintupdate.
* Add a new JabRef icon.
* Add a scanner icon (backport from Moka).
* Add symbolic links to list for flatpak apps.
* Umprove texstudio, texmaker icons.
* Add an evince icon.
* Change the mintupdate icon.
* Add a cs-network icon.
* Use blue background colour for the okular icon.
* Add a new thunderbird icon.
* Add mintwelcome, mintupload, mintreport, mintinstall icons.
* Remove a wrong symbolic link hedgewars.
* symbolics: Add document, folder, and tab new.
* Fallback on Adwaita instead of Mint-X.
* Symbolics: Add user/avatar icons.
* Symbolics: Add view-continous icon.
* Symbolics: Add navigation icons.
* Add symbolics apps/status to index.theme.
* Add a symlink for gnome-power-stats.
* Udd user-trash-full-symbolic.
* Add camera symbolic icons.
* Add battery-full-charged-symbolic.
* Add dialogue icons from Arc.
* Add system-switch-user-symbolic.
* Add several symbolics.
* Improve go-history symbolics.
* Fri Nov 24 2017 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.3 (changes since 1.1.1):
* Fix BattleNet, WhatsApp, Steam, mono-runtime icons.
* Update a atom icon and add atom-beta.
* Move timeshift.svg.
* Add Discord, Seafile icons.
* Add action icons.
* Tue Nov 21 2017 sor.alexei@meowr.ru
- Update to version 1.1.1:
* Add the Timeshift icon.