Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Fri Oct 18 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 1.4.1.
  * Fix bug where redacted events were sometimes incorrectly censored in the
    database, breaking APIs that attempted to fetch such events.
  The full changelog is included in
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Do not include ACME support by default (txacme is broken in openSUSE).
- Update to 1.4.0. boo#1153017
  * Significant improvements to data privacy.
  * Expansion of OpenTracing support.
  * Enable "forward extremities" mitigation by default.
  The full changelog is included in
* Thu Jul 25 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 1.2.0.
  * Add support for OpenTracing.
  * Add default push rule to ignore reactions.
  * Enable aggregations (reactions and edits) support by default.
  The full changelog is included in
- Remove unneeded patches:
  - 0001-requirements-prometheus_client.patch
* Fri Jul 05 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 1.1.0.
  As of v1.1.0, Synapse no longer supports Python 2, nor Postgres version 9.4.
  Thus, we no longer package a Python 2 version of this package. Some other key
  changes include:
  * Add monthly active users to phonehome stats.
  * Allow server admins to define implementations of extra rules for allowing
    or denying incoming events.
  * Add --data-dir and --open-private-ports options.
  * The minimum TLS version used for outgoing federation requests can now be
    set with federation_client_minimum_tls_version.
  * Optimise devices changed query to not pull unnecessary rows from the
    database, reducing database load.
  The full changelog is included in
- Rebase patches:
  * 0001-requirements-prometheus_client.patch
* Fri Jun 28 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Obsolete the old split-Python packages, so that upgrading works smoothly.
* Tue Jun 25 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Un-Requires prometheus_client<0.4.0. The Requires made it impossible to use
  matrix-synapse on openSUSE for very little good reason (prometheus metrics
  will still work on post-0.4.0 prometheus_client, but with changed names).
  Debian and many other distributions do the same here.
  + 0001-requirements-prometheus_client.patch
* Wed Jun 12 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 1.0.0.
  This is the first stable release of synapse. It includes a large number of
  changes but the highlights are:
  * Ability to configured default room version (with the default now being v4,
    which has improved state resolution algorithms and event IDs).
  * The complete removal of "perspectives" support, with all homeservers now
    being required to use valid TLS certificates (there has been a transition
    period for several months from the release of 0.99).
  * Experimental support for "relations" (reactions and edits).
  The full changelog is included in
* Fri May 31 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to
  Fix bug where we leaked extremities when we soft failed events, leading to
  performance degradation.
  The full changelog is included in
* Tue May 28 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Rework testing to use a separate specfile for testing matrix-synapse.
* Thu May 23 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to
  The full changelog is included in
* Wed May 15 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 0.99.4.
  The full changelog is included in
* Wed May 08 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to
  This includes two security fixes:
  * Switch to using a cryptographically-secure random number generator for
    token strings, ensuring they cannot be predicted by an attacker.
  * Blacklist and :: by default for URL previews.
  The full changelog is included in
* Sun Apr 14 2019 Aleksa Sarai <>
- Update to 0.99.3.
  The primary changes to previous versions are that self-signed certificates
  will no longer be generated, and instead LetsEncrypt certificates will be
  requested instead. Users are strongly recommended to update to this version,
  because pre-0.99 servers (using self-signed certificates and the perspectives
  system) will no longer be able to federate with post-1.0 servers.
  The full changelog is included in
* Wed Feb 20 2019 Oliver Kurz <>
- Fix build on python3 based repos
* Sat Feb 02 2019
- Fix systemd service to follow paths used by package and ensure
  proper version version is used.
- Add explicit requires on python-lxml, required when using
  url preview.
* Mon Jan 14 2019
- For test purpose a matrix server will be start. But never been
  stopped. Fix that server will be stoped after test.
* Sun Jan 13 2019 Oliver Kurz <>
- Update to
  This release fixes CVE-2019-5885 and is recommended for all users of Synapse
  0.34.1. This release is compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.5+. Python 3.7 is
  fully supported.
  * Bugfixes
  - Fix spontaneous logout on upgrade (#4374)
  * Internal Changes
  - Add better logging for unexpected errors while sending transactions
    (#4361, #4362)
  - Getting URL previews of IP addresses no longer fails on Python 3.
  - drop undocumented dependency on dateutil (#4266)
  - Update the example systemd config to use a virtualenv (#4273)
  - Update link to kernel DCO guide (#4274)
  - Make isort tox check print diff when it fails (#4283)
  - Log room_id in Unknown room errors (#4297)
  - Documentation improvements for coturn setup. Contributed by Krithin
    Sitaram. (#4333)
  - Update pull request template to use absolute links (#4341)
  - Update README to not lie about required restart when updating TLS
    certificates (#4343)
  - Update debian packaging for compatibility with transitional package
  - Fix command hint to generate a config file when trying to start without
    a config file (#4353)
  - Add better logging for unexpected errors while sending transactions
  * Features
  - Special-case a support user for use in verifying behaviour of a given
    server. The support user does not appear in user directory or monthly
    active user counts. (#4141, #4344)
  - Support for serving .well-known files (#4262)
  - Rework SAML2 authentication (#4265, #4267)
  - SAML2 authentication: Initialise user display name from SAML2 data
  - Synapse can now have its conditional/extra dependencies installed by
    pip. This functionality can be used by using `pip install
    matrix-synapse[feature]`, where feature is a comma separated list with
    the possible values `email.enable_notifs`, `matrix-synapse-ldap3`,
    `postgres`, `resources.consent`, `saml2`, `url_preview`, and `test`. If
    you want to install all optional dependencies, you can use "all"
    instead. (#4298, #4325, #4327)
  - Add routes for reading account data. (#4303)
  - Add opt-in support for v2 rooms (#4307)
  - Add a script to generate a clean config file (#4315)
  - Return server data in /login response (#4319)
  * Bugfixes
  - Fix contains_url check to be consistent with other instances in
    code-base and check that value is an instance of string. (#3405)
  - Fix CAS login when username is not valid in an MXID (#4264)
  - Send CORS headers for /media/config (#4279)
  - Add 'sandbox' to CSP for media reprository (#4284)
  - Make the new landing page prettier. (#4294)
  - Fix deleting E2E room keys when using old SQLite versions. (#4295)
  - The metric synapse_admin_mau:current previously did not update when
    config.mau_stats_only was set to True (#4305)
  - Fixed per-room account data filters (#4309)
  - Fix indentation in default config (#4313)
  - Fix synapse:latest docker upload (#4316)
  - Fix compatibility with prometheus_client 0.5. Contributed
    by Maarten de Vries <>. (#4317)
  - Avoid packaging _trial_temp directory in -py3 debian packages (#4326)
  - Check jinja version for consent resource (#4327)
  - fix NPE in /messages by checking if all events were filtered out (#4330)
  - Fix `python -m synapse.config` on Python 3. (#4356)
  * Deprecations and Removals
  - Remove the deprecated v1/register API on Python 2. It was never ported
    to Python 3. (#4334)
* Sat Dec 29 2018 Oliver Kurz <>
- Switch to python3 by default on newer product versions as suggested by upstream
* Sun Dec 23 2018
- Update to 0.34.0
  Synapse 0.34.0 is the first release to fully support Python 3.
  Synapse will now run on Python versions 3.5 or 3.6
  (as well as 2.7). Support for Python 3.7 remains experimental.
  * Features
  - Add 'sandbox' to CSP for media reprository (#4284)
  - Make the new landing page prettier. (#4294)
  - Fix deleting E2E room keys when using old SQLite versions. (#4295)
  - Add a welcome page for the client API port. Credit to @krombel! (#4289)
  - Remove Matrix console from the default distribution (#4290)
  - Add option to track MAU stats (but not limit people) (#3830)
  - Add an option to enable recording IPs for appservice users (#3831)
  - Rename login type m.login.cas to m.login.sso (#4220)
  - Add an option to disable search for homeservers that may not be interested in it. (#4230)
  * Bugfixes
  - Pushrules can now again be made with non-ASCII rule IDs. (#4165)
  - The media repository now no longer fails to decode UTF-8 filenames when downloading remote media. (#4176)
  - URL previews now correctly decode non-UTF-8 text if the header contains a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" header. (#4183)
  - Fix an issue where public consent URLs had two slashes. (#4192)
  - Fallback auth now accepts the session parameter on Python 3. (#4197)
  - Remove from the list of trusted Identity Servers in the default configuration (#4207)
  - fix start up failure when mau_limit_reserved_threepids set and db is postgres (#4211)
  - Fix auto join failures for servers that require user consent (#4223)
  - Fix exception caused by non-ascii event IDs (#4241)
  - Pushers can now be unsubscribed from on Python 3. (#4250)
  - Fix UnicodeDecodeError when postgres is configured to give non-English errors (#4253)
  * Internal Changes
  - Debian packages utilising a virtualenv with bundled dependencies can now be built. (#4212)
  - Disable pager when running git-show in CI (#4291)
  - A coveragerc file has been added. (#4180)
  - Add a GitHub pull request template and add multiple issue templates (#4182)
  - Update README to reflect the fact that #1491 is fixed (#4188)
  - Run the AS senders as background processes to fix warnings (#4189)
  - Add some diagnostics to the tests to detect logcontext problems (#4190)
  - Add missing jpeg package prerequisite for OpenBSD in README. (#4193)
  - Add a note saying you need to manually reclaim disk space after using the Purge History API (#4200)
  - More logcontext checking in unittests (#4205)
  - Ignore __pycache__ directories in the database schema folder (#4214)
  - Add note to UPGRADE.rst about removing from list of trusted identity servers (#4224)
  - Added automated coverage reporting to CI. (#4225)
  - Garbage-collect after each unit test to fix logcontext leaks (#4227)
  - add more detail to logging regarding "More than one row matched" error (#4234)
  - Drop sent_transactions table (#4244)
  - Add a basic .editorconfig (#4257)
  - Update README.rst and UPGRADE.rst for Python 3. (#4260)
  - Remove obsolete verbose and log_file settings from homeserver.yaml for Docker image. (#4261)
* Wed Nov 21 2018
- Update to 0.33.9
  * Features
  - Include flags to optionally add m.login.terms to the registration flow when consent tracking is enabled. (#4004, #4133, #4142, #4184)
  - Support for replacing rooms with new ones (#4091, #4099, #4100, #4101)
  * Bugfixes
  - Fix exceptions when using the email mailer on Python 3. (#4095)
  - Fix e2e key backup with more than 9 backup versions (#4113)
  - Searches that request profile info now no longer fail with a 500. (#4122)
  - fix return code of empty key backups (#4123)
  - If the typing stream ID goes backwards (as on a worker when the master restarts), the worker's typing handler will no longer
    erroneously    report rooms containing new typing events. (#4127)
  - Fix table lock of device_lists_remote_cache which could freeze the application (#4132)
  - Fix exception when using state res v2 algorithm (#4135)
  - Generating the user consent URI no longer fails on Python 3. (#4140, #4163)
  - Loading URL previews from the DB cache on Postgres will no longer cause Unicode type errors when responding to the request,
    and URL - - previews will no longer fail if the remote server returns a Content-Type header with the chartype in quotes. (#4157)
  - The hash_password script now works on Python 3. (#4161)
  - Fix noop checks when updating device keys, reducing spurious device list update notifications. (#4164)
  * Deprecations and Removals
  - The disused and un-specced identicon generator has been removed. (#4106)
  - The obsolete and non-functional /pull federation endpoint has been removed. (#4118)
  - The deprecated v1 key exchange endpoints have been removed. (#4119)
  - Synapse will no longer fetch keys using the fallback deprecated v1 key exchange method and will now always use v2. (#4120)
  * Internal Changes
  - Fix build of Docker image with docker-compose (#3778)
  - Delete unreferenced state groups during history purge (#4006)
  - The "Received rdata" log messages on workers is now logged at DEBUG, not INFO. (#4108)
  - Reduce replication traffic for device lists (#4109)
  - Fix synapse_replication_tcp_protocol_*_commands metric label to be full command name, rather than just the first character (#4110)
  - Log some bits about room creation (#4121)
  - Fix tox failure on old systems (#4124)
  - Add STATE_V2_TEST room version (#4128)
  - Clean up event accesses and tests (#4137)
  - The default logging config will now set an explicit log file encoding of UTF-8. (#4138)
  - Add helpers functions for getting prev and auth events of an event (#4139)
  - Add some tests for the HTTP pusher. (#4149)
  - add and scripts to contrib/ (#4155)
  - HTTP tests have been refactored to contain less boilerplate. (#4156)
  - Drop incoming events from federation for unknown rooms (#4165)
Version: 0.28.1-bp150.3.3
* Wed Jun 13 2018
- Fix security bug in the get_missing_events federation AP
  (CVE-2018-12291, boo#1096833)
- Add boo1096833_event_visibility_rules_not_applied_correctly.patch
* Fri May 04 2018
- Update to version v0.28.1:
    Clamp the allowed values of event depth received over federation to be
    [0, 2^63 - 1]. This mitigates an attack where malicious events
    injected with depth = 2^63 - 1 render rooms unusable. Depth is used to
    determine the cosmetic ordering of events within a room, and so the ordering
    of events in such a room will default to using stream_ordering rather than depth
    This is a temporary solution to mitigate abuse in the wild, whilst a long term solution
    is being implemented to improve how the depth parameter is used.
    Full details at
    Pin Twisted to <18.4 until we stop using the private _OpenSSLECCurve API.
  * Bug Fixes:
  * Return 401 for invalid access_token on logout (PR #2938) Thanks to @dklug!
  * Return a 404 rather than a 500 on rejoining empty rooms (PR #3080)
  * fix federation_domain_whitelist (PR #3099)
  * Avoid creating events with huge numbers of prev_events (PR #3113)
  * Reject events which have lots of prev_events (PR #3118)
  * Fix quarantine media admin API and search reindex (PR #3130)
  * Fix media admin APIs (PR #3134)
  * Features:
  * Add metrics for event processing lag (PR #3090)
  * Add metrics for ResponseCache (PR #3092)
  * Changes:
  * Synapse on PyPy (PR #2760) Thanks to @Valodim!
  * move handling of auto_join_rooms to RegisterHandler (PR #2996) Thanks to @krombel!
  * Improve handling of SRV records for federation connections (PR #3016) Thanks to @silkeh!
  * Document the behaviour of ResponseCache (PR #3059)
  * Preparation for py3 (PR #3061, #3073, #3074, #3075, #3103, #3104, #3106, #3107, #3109, #3110) Thanks to @NotAFile!
  * update prometheus dashboard to use new metric names (PR #3069) Thanks to @krombel!
  * use python3-compatible prints (PR #3074) Thanks to @NotAFile!
  * Send federation events concurrently (PR #3078)
  * Limit concurrent event sends for a room (PR #3079)
  * Improve R30 stat definition (PR #3086)
  * Send events to ASes concurrently (PR #3088)
  * Refactor ResponseCache usage (PR #3093)
  * Clarify that SRV may not point to a CNAME (PR #3100) Thanks to @silkeh!
  * Use str(e) instead of e.message (PR #3103) Thanks to @NotAFile!
  * Use six.itervalues in some places (PR #3106) Thanks to @NotAFile!
  * Refactor store.have_events (PR #3117)
* Fri Apr 27 2018
- Disable web-client for package self-test to get rid of unfulfilled dependency
* Fri Apr 20 2018
- Introduce package self-test based on _multibuild
* Mon Apr 16 2018
- Update to version v0.27.4:
  * Bug fixes:
  * URL quote path segments over federation (#3082)
  * Add room_id to the response of rooms/{roomId}/join (PR #2986) Thanks to @jplatte!
  * Fix replication after switch to simplejson (PR #3015)
  * Fix replication after switch to simplejson (PR #3015)
  * 404 correctly on missing paths via NoResource (PR #3022)
  * Fix error when claiming e2e keys from offline servers (PR #3034)
  * fix tests/storage/ (PR #3042)
  * use PUT instead of POST for federating groups/m.join_policy (PR #3070) Thanks to @krombel!
  * postgres port script: fix state_groups_pkey error (PR #3072)
  * Features:
  * Add joinability for groups (PR #3045)
  * Implement group join API (PR #3046)
  * Add counter metrics for calculating state delta (PR #3033)
  * R30 stats (PR #3041)
  * Measure time it takes to calculate state group ID (PR #3043)
  * Add basic performance statistics to phone home (PR #3044)
  * Add response size metrics (PR #3071)
  * phone home cache size configurations (PR #3063)
  * Changes:
  * Update canonicaljson dependency (#3095)
  * Add a blurb explaining the main synapse worker (PR #2886) Thanks to @turt2live!
  * Replace old style error catching with 'as' keyword (PR #3000) Thanks to @NotAFile!
  * Use .iter* to avoid copies in StateHandler (PR #3006)
  * Linearize calls to _generate_user_id (PR #3029)
  * Remove last usage of ujson (PR #3030)
  * Use simplejson throughout (PR #3048)
  * Use static JSONEncoders (PR #3049)
  * Remove uses of events.content (PR #3060)
  * Improve database cache performance (PR #3068)
* Thu Mar 29 2018
- Update to version v0.27.2:
  * Bug fixes:
  * Fix bug which broke TCP replication between workers (PR #3015)
  * Fix broken ldap_config config option (PR #2683) Thanks to @seckrv!
  * Fix error message when user is not allowed to unban (PR #2761) Thanks to
  * Fix publicised groups GET API (singular) over federation (PR #2772)
  * Fix user directory when using user_directory_search_all_users config
    option (PR #2803, #2831)
  * Fix error on /publicRooms when no rooms exist (PR #2827)
  * Fix bug in quarantine_media (PR #2837)
  * Fix url_previews when no Content-Type is returned from URL (PR #2845)
  * Fix rare race in sync API when joining room (PR #2944)
  * Fix slow event search, switch back from GIST to GIN indexes (PR #2769,
  * Fix bug where an invalid event caused server to stop functioning
    correctly, due to parsing and serializing bugs in ujson library.
  * Features:
  * Add ability for ASes to override message send time (PR #2754)
  * Add support for custom storage providers for media repository (PR #2867,
    [#2777], #2783, #2789, #2791, #2804, #2812, #2814, #2857, #2868, #2767)
  * Add purge API features, see docs/admin_api/purge_history_api.rst for
    full details (PR #2858, #2867, #2882, #2946, #2962, #2943)
  * Add support for whitelisting 3PIDs that users can register. (PR #2813)
  * Add /room/{id}/event/{id} API (PR #2766)
  * Add an admin API to get all the media in a room (PR #2818) Thanks to
  * Add federation_domain_whitelist option (PR #2820, #2821)
  * Changes:
  * Continue to factor out processing from main process and into worker
    processes. See updated docs/workers.rst (PR #2892 - #2904, #2913, #2920
  - #2926, #2947, #2847, #2854, #2872, #2873, #2874, #2928, #2929, #2934,
    [#2856], #2976 - #2984, #2987 - #2989, #2991 - #2993, #2995, #2784)
  * Ensure state cache is used when persisting events (PR #2864, #2871,
    [#2802], #2835, #2836, #2841, #2842, #2849)
  * Change the default config to bind on both IPv4 and IPv6 on all platforms
    (PR #2435) Thanks to @silkeh!
  * No longer require a specific version of saml2 (PR #2695) Thanks to @okurz!
  * Remove verbosity/log_file from generated config (PR #2755)
  * Add and improve metrics and logging (PR #2770, #2778, #2785, #2786,
    [#2787], #2793, #2794, #2795, #2809, #2810, #2833, #2834, #2844, #2965,
    [#2927], #2975, #2790, #2796, #2838)
  * When using synctl with workers, don't start the main synapse
    automatically (PR #2774)
  * Minor performance improvements (PR #2773, #2792)
  * Use a connection pool for non-federation outbound connections (PR #2817)
  * Make it possible to run unit tests against postgres (PR #2829)
  * Update pynacl dependency to 1.2.1 or higher (PR #2888) Thanks to @bachp!
  * Remove ability for AS users to call /events and /sync (PR #2948)
  * Use bcrypt.checkpw (PR #2949) Thanks to @krombel!
- Change spec-file to use service downloaded and recompressed file directly
- Remove patch synapse_python_dependencies_allow_higher_versions_of_pysaml2.patch
  now included in upstream changes
* Sun Jan 07 2018
- Update to version v0.26.0:
  * Bug fixes:
  * Fix database port script (PR #2673)
  * Fix internal server error on login with ldap_auth_provider (PR #2678) Thanks
    to @jkolo!
  * Fix error on sqlite 3.7 (PR #2697)
  * Fix OPTIONS on preview_url (PR #2707)
  * Fix error handling on dns lookup (PR #2711)
  * Fix wrong avatars when inviting multiple users when creating room (PR #2717)
  * Fix 500 when joining matrix-dev (PR #2719)
  * Features:
  * Add ability for ASes to publicise groups for their users (PR #2686)
  * Add all local users to the user_directory and optionally search them (PR
  * #2723)
  * Add support for custom login types for validating users (PR #2729)
  * Changes:
  * Update example Prometheus config to new format (PR #2648) Thanks to
  * Rename redact_content option to include_content in Push API (PR #2650)
  * Declare support for r0.3.0 (PR #2677)
  * Improve upserts (PR #2684, #2688, #2689, #2713)
  * Improve documentation of workers (PR #2700)
  * Improve tracebacks on exceptions (PR #2705)
  * Allow guest access to group APIs for reading (PR #2715)
  * Support for posting content in federation_client script (PR #2716)
  * Delete devices and pushers on logouts etc (PR #2722)
* Mon Nov 20 2017
- Update to version v0.25.1:
  * Bug fixes:
  * Fix login with LDAP and other password provider modules (PR #2678). Thanks to @jkolo!
  * Fix port script (PR #2673)
  * Fix port script (PR #2577)
  * Fix error when running synapse with no logfile (PR #2581)
  * Fix UI auth when deleting devices (PR #2591)
  * Fix typo when checking if user is invited to group (PR #2599)
  * Fix the port script to drop NUL values in all tables (PR #2611)
  * Fix appservices being backlogged and not receiving new events due to a bug in
    notify_interested_services (PR #2631) Thanks to @xyzz!
  * Fix updating rooms avatar/display name when modified by admin (PR #2636)
  * Thanks to @farialima!
  * Fix bug in state group storage (PR #2649)
  * Fix 500 on invalid utf-8 in request (PR #2663)
  * Features:
  * Add is_public to groups table to allow for private groups (PR #2582)
  * Add a route for determining who you are (PR #2668) Thanks to @turt2live!
  * Add more features to the password providers (PR #2608, #2610, #2620,
    [#2622], #2623, #2624, #2626, #2628, #2629)
  * Add a hook for custom rest endpoints (PR #2627)
  * Add API to update group room visibility (PR #2651)
  * Changes:
  * Ignore tags when generating URL preview descriptions (PR #2576) Thanks to
  * Register some /unstable endpoints in /r0 as well (PR #2579) Thanks to @krombel!
  * Support /keys/upload on /r0 as well as /unstable (PR #2585)
  * Front-end proxy: pass through auth header (PR #2586)
  * Allow ASes to deactivate their own users (PR #2589)
  * Remove refresh tokens (PR #2613)
  * Automatically set default displayname on register (PR #2617)
  * Log login requests (PR #2618)
  * Always return is_public in the /groups/:group_id/rooms API (PR #2630)
  * Avoid no-op media deletes (PR #2637) Thanks to @spantaleev!
  * Fix various embarrassing typos around user_directory and add some doc. (PR #2643)
  * Return whether a user is an admin within a group (PR #2647)
  * Namespace visibility options for groups (PR #2657)
  * Downcase UserIDs on registration (PR #2662)
  * Cache failures when fetching URL previews (PR #2669)
  * Add patch synapse_python_dependencies_allow_higher_versions_of_pysaml2.patch
* Tue Nov 14 2017
- Update to version v0.24.1:
  * Bug fixes:
  * Fix updating group profiles over federation (PR #2567)
  * Fix handling SERVFAILs when doing AAAA lookups for federation (PR #2477)
  * Fix incompatibility with newer versions of ujson (PR #2483) Thanks to
  * Fix notification keywords that start/end with non-word chars (PR #2500)
  * Fix stack overflow and logcontexts from linearizer (PR #2532)
  * Fix 500 error when fields missing from power_levels event (PR #2552)
  * Fix 500 error when we get an error handling a PDU (PR #2553)
  * Fix regression in performance of syncs (PR #2470)
  * Fix caching error in the push evaluator (PR #2332)
  * Fix bug where pusherpool didn't start and broke some rooms (PR #2342)
  * Fix port script for user directory tables (PR #2375)
  * Fix device lists notifications when user rejoins a room (PR #2443, #2449)
  * Fix sync to always send down current state events in timeline (PR #2451)
  * Fix bug where guest users were incorrectly kicked (PR #2453)
  * Fix bug talking to IPv6 only servers using SRV records (PR #2462)
  * Fix synapse_port_db failure. Thanks to Pneumaticat! (PR #1904)
  * Fix caching to not cache error responses (PR #1913)
  * Fix APIs to make kick & ban reasons work (PR #1917)
  * Fix bugs in the /keys/changes api (PR #1921)
  * Fix bug where users couldn't forget rooms they were banned from (PR #1922)
  * Fix issue with long language values in pushers API (PR #1925)
  * Fix a race in transaction queue (PR #1930)
  * Fix dynamic thumbnailing to preserve aspect ratio. Thanks to jkolo! (PR
  * Fix device list update to not constantly resync (PR #1964)
  * Fix potential for huge memory usage when getting device that have
    changed (PR #1969)
  * Fix bug where pusher pool didn't start and caused issues when
    interacting with some rooms (PR #2342)
  * Fix bug with storing registration sessions that caused frequent CPU churn
    (PR #2319)
  * Fix users not getting notifications when AS listened to that user_id (PR
    [#2216]) Thanks to @slipeer!
  * Fix users without push set up not getting notifications after joining rooms
    (PR #2236)
  * Fix preview url API to trim long descriptions (PR #2243)
  * Fix bug where we used cached but unpersisted state group as prev group,
    resulting in broken state of restart (PR #2263)
  * Fix removing of pushers when using workers (PR #2267)
  * Fix CORS headers to allow Authorization header (PR #2285) Thanks to @krombel!
  * Fix bug in anonymous usage statistic reporting (PR #2281)
  * Fix API to allow clients to upload one-time-keys with new sigs (PR #2206)
  * Fix bug where users got pushed for rooms they had muted (PR #2200)
  * Fix nuke-room script to work with current schema (PR #1927) Thanks
  * Fix db port script to not assume postgres tables are in the public schema
    (PR #2024) Thanks @jerrykan!
  * Fix getting latest device IP for user with no devices (PR #2118)
  * Fix rejection of invites to unreachable servers (PR #2145)
  * Fix code for reporting old verify keys in synapse (PR #2156)
  * Fix invite state to always include all events (PR #2163)
  * Fix bug where synapse would always fetch state for any missing event (PR #2170)
  * Fix a leak with timed out HTTP connections (PR #2180)
  * Fix bug where we didn't time out HTTP requests to ASes  (PR #2192)
  * Fix joining rooms over federation where not all servers in the room saw the
    new server had joined (PR #2094)
  * Fix bug where current_state_events renamed to current_state_ids (PR #1849)
  * Fix routing loop when fetching remote media (PR #1992)
  * Fix current_state_events table to not lie (PR #1996)
  * Fix CAS login to handle PartialDownloadError (PR #1997)
  * Fix assertion to stop transaction queue getting wedged (PR #2010)
  * Fix presence to fallback to last_active_ts if it beats the last sync time.
    Thanks @Half-Shot! (PR #2014)
  * Fix bug when federation received a PDU while a room join is in progress (PR
  * Fix resetting state on rejected events (PR #2025)
  * Fix installation issues in readme. Thanks @ricco386 (PR #2037)
  * Fix caching of remote servers' signature keys (PR #2042)
  * Fix some leaking log context (PR #2048, #2049, #2057, #2058)
  * Fix rejection of invites not reaching sync (PR #2056)
  * Fix bug in handling of incoming device list updates over federation.
  * Features:
  * Add Group Server (PR #2352, #2363, #2374, #2377, #2378, #2382, #2410, #2426,
    [#2430], #2454, #2471, #2472, #2544)
  * Add support for channel notifications (PR #2501)
  * Add basic implementation of backup media store (PR #2538)
  * Add config option to auto-join new users to rooms (PR #2545)
  * Add a frontend proxy worker (PR #2344)
  * Add support for event_id_only push format (PR #2450)
  * Add a PoC for filtering spammy events (PR #2456)
  * Add a config option to block all room invites (PR #2457)
  * Add a user directory API (PR #2252, and many more)
  * Add shutdown room API to remove room from local server (PR #2291)
  * Add API to quarantine media (PR #2292)
  * Add new config option to not send event contents to push servers (PR #2301)
    Thanks to @cjdelisle!
  * Add per user rate-limiting overrides (PR #2208)
  * Add config option to limit maximum number of events requested by ``/sync``
    and ``/messages`` (PR #2221) Thanks to @psaavedra!
  * Add username availability checker API (PR #2183)
  * Add read marker API (PR #2120)
  * Add delete_devices API (PR #1993)
  * Add phone number registration/login support (PR #1994, #2055)
  * Add some administration functionalities. Thanks to morteza-araby! (PR #1784)
  * Changes:
  * Make the spam checker a module (PR #2474)
  * Delete expired url cache data (PR #2478)
  * Ignore incoming events for rooms that we have left (PR #2490)
  * Allow spam checker to reject invites too (PR #2492)
  * Add room creation checks to spam checker (PR #2495)
  * Spam checking: add the invitee to user_may_invite (PR #2502)
  * Process events from federation for different rooms in parallel (PR #2520)
  * Allow error strings from spam checker (PR #2531)
  * Improve error handling for missing files in config (PR #2551)
  * Make 'affinity' package optional, as it is not supported on some platforms
  * Use bcrypt module instead of py-bcrypt (PR #2288) Thanks to @kyrias!
  * Improve performance of generating push notifications (PR #2343, #2357, #2365,
    [#2366], #2371)
  * Improve DB performance for device list handling in sync (PR #2362)
  * Include a sample prometheus config (PR #2416)
  * Document known to work postgres version (PR #2433) Thanks to @ptman!
  * Improve performance of storing user IPs (PR #2307, #2308)
  * Slightly improve performance of verifying access tokens (PR #2320)
  * Slightly improve performance of event persistence (PR #2321)
  * Increase default cache factor size from 0.1 to 0.5 (PR #2330)
  * Various performance fixes (PR #2177, #2233, #2230, #2238, #2248, #2256,
  * Deduplicate sync filters (PR #2219) Thanks to @krombel!
  * Correct a typo in UPGRADE.rst (PR #2231) Thanks to @aaronraimist!
  * Add count of one time keys to sync stream (PR #2237)
  * Only store event_auth for state events (PR #2247)
  * Store URL cache preview downloads separately (PR #2299)
  * Various small performance fixes (PR #2201, #2202, #2224, #2226, #2227, #2228,
  * Update username availability checker API (PR #2209, #2213)
  * When purging, don't de-delta state groups we're about to delete (PR #2214)
  * Documentation to check synapse version (PR #2215) Thanks to @hamber-dick!
  * Add an index to event_search to speed up purge history API (PR #2218)
  * Always mark remotes as up if we receive a signed request from them (PR #2190)
  * Enable guest access for the 3pl/3pid APIs (PR #1986)
  * Add setting to support TURN for guests (PR #2011)
  * Various performance improvements (PR #2075, #2076, #2080, #2083, #2108,
    [#2158], #2176, #2185)
  * Make synctl a bit more user friendly (PR #2078, #2127) Thanks @APwhitehat!
  * Replace HTTP replication with TCP replication (PR #2082, #2097, #2098,
    [#2099], #2103, #2014, #2016, #2115, #2116, #2117)
  * Support authenticated SMTP (PR #2102) Thanks @DanielDent!
  * Add a counter metric for successfully-sent transactions (PR #2121)
  * Propagate errors sensibly from proxied IS requests (PR #2147)
  * Add more granular event send metrics (PR #2178)
  * Use JSONSchema for validation of filters. Thanks @pik! (PR #1783)
  * Reread log config on SIGHUP (PR #1982)
  * Speed up public room list (PR #1989)
  * Add helpful texts to logger config options (PR #1990)
  * Minor ``/sync`` performance improvements. (PR #2002, #2013, #2022)
  * Add some debug to help diagnose weird federation issue (PR #2035)
  * Correctly limit retries for all federation requests (PR #2050, #2061)
  * Don't lock table when persisting new one time keys (PR #2053)
  * Reduce some CPU work on DB threads (PR #2054)
  * Cache hosts in room (PR #2060)
  * Batch sending of device list pokes (PR #2063)
  * Speed up persist event path in certain edge cases (PR #2070)
  * Reduce database table sizes (PR #1873, #1916, #1923, #1963)
  * Update contrib/ to not use syutil. Thanks to andrewshadura! (PR #1907)
  * Don't fetch current state when sending an event in common case (PR #1955)
* Tue Nov 14 2017
- Update to version v0.24.1+4.632baf79:
  * Disallow capital letters in userids
  * Allow = in mxids and groupids
  * Validate group ids when parsing
  * Fix a logcontext leak in the media repo
  * Correctly wire in update group profile over federation
  * replace 'except:' with 'except Exception:'
  * fix vars named `l`
  * Bump version and changelog
  * Add jitter to validity period of attestations
  * Revert "Add jitter to validity period of attestations"
* Tue Jul 04 2017
- Do not suppress errors from useradd procedure.
- Trim description to the essence of the package. It is not
  supposed to be a manual or architectural document.
- Remove redundant %clean section. Replace %__-type macro
* Thu Jun 29 2017
- Prevent conflicts between python2/3 version of packages
* Sun Jun 18 2017
- Initial version of matrix-synapse version 0.19.2