Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

Version: 2.4.2-bp150.1.3
* Tue May 08 2018
- Define MathGL_INSTALL_CMAKE_DIR to correct location
* Thu Mar 29 2018
- Update to 2.4.2:
  * Add custom dialog for FLTK widgets. This can be constructed from
    C/C++ code, or from MGL script using Special commentaries.
  * Add progress for displaying the progress of execution (by ’#’
    symbols in console, or by progress-bar widget).
  * Add contp for contour lines on parametrically specified surface.
  * Add flow3 for flow threads of 3D vector field, which start from
    the plain.
  * Add variant of flow for drawing a flow thread, starting from
    specified point.
  * Add scaletext for disabling text size scaling in relative
    inplot-s (like columnplot, ...).
  * Add setup for setting all low-level flags.
  * Add coil for projecting periodical data.
  * Add modulo operation ‘%’ (x%y=fmod(x,y)) to the list of known
    operations in real-valued formulas.
  * Add style ‘.’ for cont to draw contour lines from saddle points.
  * Add style ‘.’ for flow to draw flow thread from saddle points.
  * Add option value in tube for setting number of edges manually.
  * Crop output of ode if NAN or INFINITY value occurs.
  * Remove style ‘~’ for plot and tens. Now, all curves try to omit
  * Add setup flag MGL_FULL_CURV which disable omitting points of curve.
  * Shift axis labels closer to axis.
  * Change size of LaTeX-like commands \sup, \sub to be the same as
    \overset, \underset.
  * Change ticks drawing in colorbar.
  * Add new section All samples of documentation with large set of
    samples for most of MathGL features.
  * Samples in documentation are generated automatically now
    (from sample.cpp).
  * INCOMPATIBLE: Make obsolete MGL command setsizescl. At this, the
    similar C/C++/Fortran/... functions still working.
  * Bugfixes.
- Rebase patch:
  * mathgl-examples-install.patch
* Tue Mar 06 2018
- Have the -tex-doc subpackage conflict with texlive-mgltex-doc
  since they share several files
* Sat Dec 09 2017
- Do not build with Qt4 on TW/15 as Qt WebKit 4 is not available
- Explicitly disable marking either Qt version as "qt" plugin:
  * mathgl-no-default-qt.patch
* Fri Oct 27 2017
- Add Provides: mathgl for the libmathgl package, to make the
  mathgl-lang package installable.
* Thu Oct 26 2017
- Adapt to latest openmpi packaging changes: setup the openmpi
  environment before calling cmake.
* Sat Aug 26 2017
- Trim some irrelevant words from descriptions.
* Wed Aug 16 2017
- Update to version 2.4.1:
  * Add beltc plot, which is belt with manual coloring.
  * Add style '~' for plot and tens to omit some points at output.
  * Add style ':' for axis to draw lines through point (0,0,0).
  * Miscellaneous bugfixes.
- Changes from version 2.4.0:
  * Add mgllab executable, which is FLTK based version of UDAV.
  * Add string manipulation in MGL language:
  - 'str'[n] - get string of only n-th symbol;
  - 'str'+v - add value v to the last character of the string;
  - 'str',val or 'str',!val - append numeric value to the string
  * Add time value to MGL language in format:
    'hh-mm-ss_DD.MM.YYYY' or 'hh-mm-ss' or 'DD.MM.YYYY'.
  * Add iris plot to show cross-dependencies of several data
  * Add flame2d to draw flame fractals.
  * Add bbox to set bounding box for 2D output.
  * Add section to get part of data between specified values.
  * Add detect to found curves along data maximums.
  * Add dilate to extend the region of 1-th value.
  * Add erode to narrow the region of 1-th value.
  * Add apde to solve PDE equation in inhomogeneous nonlinear
    media with spatial dispersion.
  * Add symbol to draw the glyphs defined by addsymbol.
  * Add addsymbol to declare user-defined symbol (or glyph), which
    can be used as markers for plot (with style '&') or drawn
    itself by symbol command.
  * Add openhdf to open all data arrays from HDF file.
  * Extend crop to cut to optimal size for FFT (i.e. to closest of
  * Add function mgl_data_max_first() and data suffixes
    .m[xyz][fl] to find first/last maximum along direction (see
    Data information).
  * Add function mgl_datac_diff_par() to parametric derivative of
    complex data (see diff).
  * Add style 'F' for bars and barh to set fixed bar widths.
  * Add style 'a' for plot, tens, area and region to accurate
    drawing of data, which partially lie out of axis range.
  * Add style '#' for region to draw wired plot.
  * Add possibility of manual shift in multiplot.
  * Add parsing arguments of options for MGL commands.
  * MGL command correl now can perform 2d and 3d correlations.
  * Option meshnum now change the number of drawn markers for
    plot, tens, step, mark and textmark.
  * Function step handle data with x.nx>y.nx similarly to bars.
  * Extend tile and tiles by adding manual coloring and face
  * Add variant of MGL command copy to copy data with "incorrect"
  * Improve tick labels drawing.
  * Improve time-ticks (add weeks) and add subticks to its.
  * Improve fplot to handle several singularities.
  * Add LaTeX command \dfrac{}{}. This is full-sized version of
    \frac{}{}. Unfortunately, there is no support of nesting.
    Contrary, \frac allow nesting.
  * Add mglODEc() - ODE solver for complex variables (see ode).
  * Add cmplx(a,b)=a+i*b to the list of known functions in formula
  * Update CMake find_package to find MathGL.
  * Increase line width for wired text.
  * Update documentation: add description of new commands, add
    hint Mixing bitmap and vector output.
  * Add translation to Russian for most of labels and messages.
  * Name all are reserved in MGL scripts now as synonym of -1.
  * INCOMPATIBLE: Replace libmgl-qt by libmgl-qt4 and libmgl-qt5
    for resolving conflicts of simultaneously installed both Qt4
    and Qt5.
  * Minor bugfixes.
- Drop mathgl-oldtexinfo.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add mathgl-fltk-includedir.patch to fix include directives for
  fltk headers.
- Split out a -lang package.
- Package the binary and desktop file for  mgllab as part of the
  - udav package; their desktop files share the same icon
- Disable doc for openSUSE <= 1320; no longer builds with old
  texi2html there.
- Move AUTHORS, ChangeLog.txt, README, COPYING to -devel package
  for all openSUSE versions; package it using %%doc.
- Add _constraints file to require at least 2 GB of physical
  memory on obs; otherwise builds on 64-bit openSUSE > 1320 fail.
* Sat Oct 15 2016
- Update to version
  + Library libmgl-qt is removed. You need to use libmgl-qt4 or
    libmgl-qt5 explicitly now.
  + Compatibility changes for latest MS VisualStudio.
  + Bugfixes.
- Changes from version 2.3.5:
  + See Changelog.txt for list of changes.
- Rebase mathgl-examples-install.patch for updated version.
- Define a macro for deciding whether to enable octave bindings,
  but disable octave bindings for all openSUSE versions for now
  as mathgl fails to build with updated octave. This is a
  temporary workaround, and once the build issue is fixed, we
  should revert back to enabling octave for recent openSUSE
  versions. The "enable_octave" macro is defined with this in
- Add rpmlintrc file to suppress warning of missing man pages for
  the example binaries. These just clutter up the rpmlint log and
  have no practical use.
* Fri Aug 05 2016
- Drop dependency on swig3 as swig in leap got updated to 3.x series
* Wed Feb 24 2016
- Update to version 2.3.4
  * Minor fixes and improvements, see included ChangeLog.txt for details
  * Update mathgl-examples-install.patch
  * Update mathgl-texmf-dir.patch
  * Drop obsolete getopt.patch
  * Drop obsolete mathgl-cmake-3.2.patch
* Tue Nov 17 2015
- Fix octave-mathgl package dependencies
* Wed Sep 30 2015
- Disable json examples
- Enable Octave module and Qt5 support for openSUSE Leap 42.1
- Use wxWidgets 3 for openSUSE Leap 42.1
* Thu Aug 13 2015
- Enable Octave module for openSUSE > 13.2
* Tue Jun 09 2015
- getopt.patch: Fix use of getopt
- Compile with %{optflags}
- Fix %postun -n %{libname}-wx%{libversion}
* Sat Jun 06 2015
- Update to version 2.3.3
  * Minor fixes and improvements, see included ChangeLog.txt for details
  * Update mathgl-examples-install.patch
  * Update mathgl-texmf-dir.patch
- Fix build with old texinfo
  * mathgl-oldtexinfo.patch
* Sun May 31 2015
- Disable Octave module due to swig incompatibility with Octave 4.0
* Thu Mar 26 2015
- Add mathgl-cmake-3.2.patch: Fix build with cmake 3.2; X11 is no
  longer implicit linked.
* Sat Feb 28 2015
- Build with MPI support
* Tue Feb 17 2015
- Use texinfo for documentation generation on openSUSE > 13.2