Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Tue Apr 20 2021 Nianqing Yao <>
- Update to version 20210322
  * Add support for GTK 4
  * Add support for gnome-shell 40
  * Update color scheme
  * Make dark theme darker
  * Update scrollbar slider colors
  * gtk3: Change background/surface rule
  * gtk3: Drop undershoot styling
  * gtk3/assistant: Change highlighted label style in sidebar
  * gtk3: Tone down hover overlay in some widgets
  * gtk3: Drop transparency from overlay scrollbars
  * gtk3: Change the direction of the expander arrow
  * gtk3/combobox: Update the arrow button style
  * gtk3: Make checked flat button blue
  * gtk3/pathbar: Make checked button's text/ink color blue
  * gtk3: Update stacksidebar style
  * gtk3: Update notebook style
  * gtk3: Update .keycap style
  * gtk3: Update focus entry style
  * cinnamon & gnome-shell: Revamp drop shadows
  * gnome-shell: Update app folder icon style
  * meson: Allow specifying micro version in the build option `gnome_shell_version`
  * meson: Avoid copying configured SCSS files to current_source_dir()
  * Other various minor improvements and fixes
Version: 20200916-bp153.2.3.1
* Fri Nov 05 2021 Antônio Vinícius Menezes Medeiros <>
- Materia GTK theme was broken on Leap 15.3 (boo#1192398). Solved by building Materia against the correct GNOME version (3.34), informed to the build script.
Version: 20200916-bp153.1.8
* Sun Dec 27 2020 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Update to version 20200916
  * Add Meson build system
  * Drop pre-generated CSS files
  * Add sassc dependency
  * Drop bc dependency
  * Improve source file structure
  * gtk: Add initial support for libhandy
  * gnome-shell: Add support for version 3.38
  * gnome-shell: Update calendar style to match Material Design guideline
  * metacity/unity/xfwm: Update title bars to match the last GTK changes
  * chrome theme: Improve and simplify
  * Other various improvements and fixes
* Fri May 29 2020 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Update to version 20200320
  * Make dark variant even darker
  * Don't change button text color on focus, hover, active
  * gtk: Rewrite ripple implementation
  * gtk: Change checked raised button style
  * gtk: Lighten up switch slider color on dark variant
  * gtk: Use primary color for spinner
  * gtk: Use primary color for caret-color (experimentally)
  * gtk: Add various improvements of Budgie styling
  * gnome-shell: Add support for version 3.36
  * gnome-shell: Drop support for versions 3.18 - 3.24
  * gnome-shell: Drop support for legacy Ubuntu-specific sessions
  * gnome-shell: Land massive Sass rewrite
  * Other various improvements, fixes, refactors, and cleanups
Version: 20190315-bp151.1.1
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Update to version 20190315
  * Add support for GNOME 3.32
  * Various improvements of source Sass code
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Update to version 20190201
  * Added support for Plank
  * Added support for Xfce >=4.13
  * Dropped support for Budgie <10.4
  * Dropped (teal) secondary color
  * Changed entry style (as per refreshed Material Design Guidelines)
  * Changed combo button style (as per refreshed Material Design Guidelines)
  * Changed selected state style (as per refreshed Material Design Guidelines)
  * Changed sidebar style (as per refreshed Material Design Guidelines)
  * Changed headerbar's separator style
  * Tweaked button colors
  * Changed progress bar background-color to neutral gray
  * Changed disabled check/radio colors
  * Dropped excessive check/radio animations
  * budgie: Changed raven's tab bar colors
  * gnome-shell: Fixed .workspace-thumbnail-indicator position
  * gnome-shell: Tweaked transitions
  * Applied various style improvements for Budgie and Cinnamon
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Fix typo in source url
* Sun Dec 02 2018 Matthias Eliasson <>
- Initial package of version 20181125