Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP1





Change Logs

Version: 3.2.13-bp150.2.4
* Wed Feb 21 2018
- Update to version 3.2.13
  * Fixed: hotkey ``a`` malfunction in bookshelf modal.
  * Fixed: hotkey ``a``, ``q``, ``z`` in bookshelf menu also send
    the character to the editor.
  version 3.2.12
  * Fixed: Cannot convert ``.lobook`` files in python 3.4.
  * Enhanced: Minor enhance tab navigation.
  version 3.2.11
  * Updated & Fix: ``bottlepy`` 0.12.5 -> 0.12.7. Fix python 3.4
    book upload error.
  * Updated: ``whoosh`` 2.5.5 -> 2.5.7, ``mako`` 0.8.1 -> 1.0.0,
    ``bootstrap`` 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0
  version 3.2.10
  * Fixed: Change "#" in resource file name are not allow.
  * Fixed: Using LoNote between python 3.3 and python 3.4 platform
    will not crash by indexing anymore.
  * Fixed: Delete some section which sid are non-ascii may cause
    encode problem (in window platform).
  version 3.2.9
  * Changed: Rewrite ``lonote.less`` -> ``lonote.scss`` by sass_\ .
  * Changed: Minor improve the search hint trigger.
  * Enhanced: Add some buttons in "search hint popover" for quick
    insert search tags.
  * Fixed: Increase waiting time for browser starting trigger from
    20sec to 2min.
  * New: Add appdata file for the `new freedesktop standard`_ .
  version 3.2.8
  * **HOT FIX:** Deal the memory cache un-sync problem.
  * Changed: Auto focus to search bar when search dialog be shown.
  * Changed: Rewrite ``lonote.css`` by lesscss_ & make
    ``lonote.css`` can work with most bootstrap theme.
  * Enhanced: Auto update the search index when LoNote started.
  * Enhanced: Add a button for update the index manually.
  * Enhanced: Add a ``custom.css`` file for global style configure.
  * Updated: bootstrap 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1
- New URL
- Drop Qt dependencies as the interface is purely HTML5 now
* Mon Apr 28 2014
- update version 3.2.7
  * Fixed: Minor UI fixed.
  * Enhanced: Search results split into multiple pages.
  * Enhanced: Implement page compress, trim whitespace,
    AJAX cache technique to reduce the data transfer
    about 80 ~ 90%. Especially if you have a big bookshelf.
  * Enhanced: Image Resources can be viewed by lightbox now.
  * Changed: Redirect to ``bookshelf.html`` after user upload
    some books.
* Mon Oct 22 2012
- Update to 1.8.7
  * fix: xdg warning now fixed. (issue 19)
  * fix: delete iframe object on page navgation.
    to avoid youtube object remains on screen after page nav. (issue 12)
* Sat Sep 08 2012
- Update to 1.8.6
  * fix: crash when deleting page in 1.8.5
  * fix: non-sync loading crash in openSUSE in 1.8.5
* Fri May 04 2012
- Update to version 1.7.9
  * contacting author for changelog.
* Tue Mar 06 2012
- Update to version 1.5.10
- Spec file cleanup:
  * Avoid source services
  * Simpler doc installation
  * Ran spec-cleaner
* Tue Feb 28 2012
- disabled _service. next submit to Factory.
* Thu Feb 09 2012
- initial package 1.0