Package Release Info


Update Info: openSUSE-2023-137
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4 Update





Change Logs

* Wed May 17 2023 Dave Plater <>
- Update to Factory version lilypond-2.24.1 to fix boo#1210502 -
  CVE-2020-17354: lilypond: Lilypond allows attackers to bypass
  the -dsafe protection mechanism.
- Added lilypond-missing-lgc.patch and removed obsolete
* Mon Feb 13 2023 Dave Plater <>
- Remove linked lilypond-doc package and use one spec file
Version: 2.23.3-bp154.1.105
* Thu Sep 30 2021 Dave Plater <>
- Exclude all 32 bit builds.
* Sat Aug 21 2021 Fusion Future <>
- Update to 2.23.3
- Update dependencies:
  * Add texlive-bibtex-bin build requirement.
  * Use sil-gentium-fonts instead of gentium.
- Remove deprecated scripts in spec file.
- Refreshed patches:
  * reproducible.patch
  * add_dircategories_to_documentation.patch
  * use_cstring_and_ctype_includes.patch
- Update _constraints to let lilypond-doc build.
* Sat Feb 20 2021 Dave Plater <>
- Fix factory build by requiring t1utils for the build.
* Tue Jan 12 2021 Dave Plater <>
- Update to version 2.22.0 and remove incorporated patches:
  0101-read_relocation_dir-in-lilypond_datadir-too.patch and
- Upstream changes:
  * Displaying pitch improvements
  * Rhythm improvements
  * Expressive mark improvements
  * Editorial annotation improvements
  * Vocal music improvements
  * Unfretted and fretted string instrument improvements
  * Chord notation improvements
  * Contemporary music improvements
  * Input file improvements
  * Output improvements
Version: 2.20.0-bp152.2.5.6
* Thu Aug 06 2020 Dave Plater <>
- Add patch from git to fix boo#1174949 - CVE-2020-17353:
Version: 2.20.0-bp152.1.34
* Thu May 07 2020 Dave Plater <>
- Update to version 2.20.0.
- Removed incorporated and obsolete patches:,
  add_set-global-fonts_function.patch, hurd_file_name_support.patch,
  lilypond-doc-texinfo4.patch and  use_system_correctly.patch.
- lilypond-century-schoolbook-l-fonts replaced by
- Lots of upstream new features and fixes, see:
* Mon Apr 20 2020 Antonio Larrosa <>
- Use %license
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Dave Plater <>
- Work around boo#1163190 by requiring pkgconfig(cairo) for 15.2
* Mon May 13 2019 plater <>
- Fix build against glib2 >= 2.60.2 by manually adding:
  - lglib-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 to the linker flags.
* Tue Oct 30 2018
- Removed requirement for autotrace which was needed by mftrace
  and replaced with potrace. See boo#1040278
Version: 2.18.2-bp150.1.6
* Tue May 15 2018
- Fix boo#1093056 CVE-2018-10992 with Debian patch
- Added 0101-read_relocation_dir-in-lilypond_datadir-too.patch
  Issue-5243-2-Let-get-editor-use-shell-quote-argument.diff and
  use_cstring_and_ctype_includes.patch from Debian.
* Mon Jun 05 2017
- Add to fix crash on
  newer systems with gcc 6 or newer. This also fixes the doc build.
  The patch is from:
  (upstream bug tracker).
* Thu Jun 01 2017
- Add reproducible.patch to sort input files (boo#1041090),
  to override current timestamp and to not have random uniqueIds
  to make build more reproducible
* Sun Mar 05 2017
- Use correct vim directory
- Cleanup of the spec file
  * Install info files correctly (fixes RPMLint warnings)
* Wed Jul 01 2015
- Add netpbm BuildRequires in all paths, to fix build break
* Tue Feb 24 2015
- Add netpbm BuildRequires: needed for pngtopnm.
* Mon Mar 31 2014
- updated to 2.18.2: This version provides a number of updates to
  2.18.0, including updated manuals.  We recommend all users to
  upgrade to this version.
* Thu Jan 02 2014
- updated to 2.18.0:
  * final release, see changelogs for beta versions
- dropped use-recommended-freetype-include.patch (upstreamed)
* Wed Dec 18 2013
- updated to 2.17.97:
  * beta phase to 2.18
  * bugfixes
* Wed Dec 11 2013
- Added use-recommended-freetype-include.patch -- Freetype upstream
  recommends using their macros together with ft2build include.
  Positive sideeffect is that this patch makes it build with both
  freetype2 2.5.1, and older version
* Tue Nov 26 2013
- updated to 2.17.96:
  * beta phase to 2.18
  * bugfixes
* Mon Sep 09 2013
- updated to 2.17.26:
  * Decimal numbers can now be written directly in music, without a
    hash sign.  Together with the previous change in the way object
    properties are specified, the code to change the length of stems
    has changed from this:
    \override Stem #'length = #5.6
    e' f' g' a'
    to this:
    \override Stem.length = 5.6
    e' f' g' a'
    One has to write a digit on both sides of the dot - values like
    `4.' or `-.3' are not allowed.
    Decimal fractions are also not accepted in `\chordmode'.
  * A number of shorthands like `(', `)', `|', `[', `]', `~', `\(',
    `\)' and others can now freely be redefined like normal commands.
    An example would be
    "\\{" = (
    "\\}" = )
    "(" = \melisma
    ")" = \melismaEnd
    \new Staff <<
    \relative c' {
    c8 \{ d e f \} % slurred
    g ( a b c ) % no slur, but with melisma
    c,1 \bar "|."
    \addlyrics { Li -- ly -- pond. }
    [image of music]
  * The articulation shorthand for `\staccatissimo' has been renamed
    from `-|' to `-!'.
  * Tempo change ranges are now written as `\tempo 4 = 60 - 68' rather
    than `\tempo 4 = 60 ~ 68'.
- make-doc-crash.patch upstreamed
* Tue Aug 13 2013
- updated to 2.17.24:
  * bugfixes
- make doc do not crash anymore
  + lilypond-make-doc-crash.patch
* Tue Aug 06 2013
- updated to 2.17.23:
  * bugfixes
- removed python26.patch and gcc44-relocate.patch
* Wed Jun 12 2013
- updated to 2.17.20:
  * Grob `OctavateEight' was renamed to `ClefModifier'.  Related
    context properties were renamed from `xxxOctavationyyy' to
  * There is a new `\absolute' command explicitly marking music as
    being entered in absolute pitch.  While this has been the default
    previously, an explicit `\absolute' also prevents reinterpretation
    when the passage is placed inside of `\relative':
    \relative c { c'4 \absolute { f'' g'' } c }
    [image of music]
  * When `\relative' is used without an explicit reference pitch, the
    reference pitch now is the middle of the first octave, making the
    first entered pitch indistinguishable from absolute pitch.
    Previously, omitting the reference pitch would have lead to a
    default of `c''.  Since that choice was somewhat arbitrary,
    recommended usage was to always specify the reference pitch.
  * A new command `\single' can be used for converting a property
    override into a tweak to be applied on a single music expression:
    <a \single\voiceTwoStyle e' a>1
    [image of music]
  * Two ways of letting graphical objects not appear in the output are
    overriding its `transparent' property with `#t' (retaining the
    original spacing) or overriding its `stencil' property with `#f'
    (not using any space at all).  Those two operations now have the
    shorthands `\hide' and `\omit', respectively.  They can either be
    given a music expression to tweak, or the name of a graphical
    object for which an override should be created (for specifying
    both, use `\single' on the override form):
    \new Staff \with { \omit Clef }
    \relative c'' <a e' \hide a>1
    [image of music]
  * A new command `\temporary' can be applied to overrides in order to
    not have them replace previous property settings.  If a `\revert'
    is applied to the same property subsequently, the previous setting
    \override NoteHead.color = #red c4
    \override NoteHead.color = #green d
    \revert NoteHead.color e2
    \override NoteHead.color = #red c4
    \temporary\override NoteHead.color = #green d
    \revert NoteHead.color e
    \revert NoteHead.color c
    [image of music]
    This is mainly useful for writing music functions that need to
    have some property changed just for the duration of the function.
  * `\tag', `\removeWithTag', and `\keepWithTag' can now accept a list
    of symbols rather than just a single symbol for marking, removing,
    and keeping music with any of multiple tags.  This is particularly
    important for `\keepWithTag' since one cannot achieve the same
    effect by using multiple consecutive `\keepWithTag' commands.
  * The `-d old-relative' option has been removed.  Not actually
    accessible from the command line any more, its remaining use was
    for interpretating `\relative' in LilyPond files converted
    automatically from version 1.8 or older.  It is unclear how much
    of this was actually still operative.
* Wed Mar 27 2013
- updated to 2.17.14:
  * The meaning of `instrumentTransposition' has been reversed.  After
    \set instrumentTransposition = #{ b #}
    a written `c'' now sounds like `b'.  Previously, this would have
    been the other way round.  This and the following change should
    make dealing with transposing instruments more straightforward.
  * The music generated by `\set' and `\override' commands is no
    longer affected by `\transpose'.  The main consequence is that
    `\transpose' will transpose audible/concert pitch and printed
    pitch by the same amount even when the transposed music contains
    `\transposition'.  Previously,
    \transpose c' f' \transposition bes'
    was equivalent to `\transposition f''.  Now it stays equivalent to
    `\transposition bes''.
  * Tuplets are now created with the `\tuplet' command, which takes a
    fraction `T/N' to specify that T notes are played in the time
    usually allowed for N. One `\tuplet' command can create several
    tuplet groups if their duration is typed after the fraction.
    \tuplet 3/2 { c8 d e } \tuplet 3/2 { f e d } c2
    \tuplet 3/2 4 { c8 d e f e d } c2
    [image of music]
    The `\times' command with its inverted fraction order `N/T' is
    still available.
  etc. see NEWS.txt
* Mon Dec 31 2012
- updated to 2.17.9:
  * The `\clef' command supports optional octavation:
    \clef "treble_(8)"
    c2 c
    \clef "bass^[15]"
    c2 c
  * The LilyPond syntax of dot-separated words `Voice.Accidental' has
    been made interchangeable with `#'(Voice Accidental)', a Scheme
    list of symbols.  As one result, code like
    \override Voice.TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = "rit."
    is now equivalent to
    \override Voice.TextSpanner bound-details.left.text = "rit."
    or even
    \override #'(Voice TextSpanner) bound-details.left.text = "rit."
  * Grob and grob property path no longer need to be specified as two
    separate arguments to commands like `\override' and `\revert',
    allowing for the syntax
    \override Voice.TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = "rit."
    Since complementary music functions like `\overrideProperty'
    cannot support forms with and without separating space at the same
    time, using a single dotted path is now the preferred form.
    Specifying grob path and grob property path separately, currently
    still supported with `\override' and `\revert' for compatibility
    reasons, is deprecated.
  * Due to words now being accepted as symbol function arguments, the
    interfaces of `\accidentalStyle', `\alterBroken', `\footnote' and
    `\tweak' had to be redesigned where optional symbol arguments were
    involved.  Please check the respective music function
    documentation for details.
  * Several commands now accept symbol lists (conveniently entered as
    dot-separated words) for various kinds of arguments.  These
    include `\accidentalStyle', `\alterBroken', `\footnote', `\hide',
    `\omit', `\overrideProperty', `\shape', and `\tweak'.
  * The bar line user interface has changed. Bar glyphs now resemble
    the appearance of the bar line, so a left repeat sign has to be
    coded as `.|:'. The command `\defineBarLine' provides an easy way
    to define additional bar line styles.
  * Accidentals in the key signature may be printed in octaves other
    than their traditional positions, or in multiple octaves.
* Mon Nov 19 2012
- update to version 2.16.1
- This is a bugfix update see :
* Tue Aug 28 2012
- Re-add lilypond-doc.spec again to build the offline documentation
  again. It has been adjusted for 2.16.0 from the latest revision
  where it was still part of and a bit cleaned up. Info pages are
  excluded because they are part of the main package now.
* Sun Aug 26 2012
- Update to release 2.16.0
- See :
  For upstream changes.