AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- update to version 0.5.20150702 * Important bug fix issue #11 (missing file not included in 0v4). * 2 Minor bug fixes caught on Coverity scan, free() and if c=3. * Re-edit lib and tests to be more accommodating of older compilers. * Verify libspiro output data is correct for test curves {0,1,2,4}.
- Update to version 0.3.20150131 * fixes for LibSpiro package definitions (bfo#196780) * allowing other programs to seek LibSpiro using PKG_CHECK_MODULES(). (bao#43373) - Update home page and download source Urls - Add autoconf, automake and libtool requirements; needed to generate the configure script - Remove depreciated AUTHORS section - Package AUTHORS, ChangeLog and COPYING into the doc directory - gpl.txt is not provided anymore by upstream
- license update: GPL-2.0+ See gpl.txt and e.g. spiro.c - there is no indication that this is BSD-3-Clause licensed and every indication that it is GPL-2.0+ licensed
- Restore ldconfig call for shlib package
- rename spec file and changelog to meet Factory requirements.
- Remove redundant tags/sections - pkgconfig file: libm should not be in the shared link - Remove pointless Obsoletes, the supposedly old name has never been in use before
- make license SPDX compatible.
- enable debuginfo package
- formated specfile to merge into home:opensuse_zh