* Thu Feb 16 2017 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to 20170130
- use these packages from factory to see if they are stable yet:
* libfcache
* libfdata
* libfwnt
* libfwsi
- change RPM group for python binding to development/languages/python
* Mon Feb 01 2016 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to 20160107
* worked on Python 3 support
* worked on format support
* changed libregf_value_get_value_type to require a 32-bit value type
* worked for transaction log support
* worked on Python bindings
* worked on handling corrupt integer values
* enlarged pyregf error string buffer
* worked on setup.py
* Thu Aug 13 2015 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to 20150704
* worked on handling corrupt hive bins
* worked on empty hive bins data corruption scenario handling
* worked on Python-bindings
* Bug fixes
* Fri May 08 2015 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to 20150315
* bug fix in _get_sub_key_by_path for single character sub key paths
* Wed Jan 14 2015 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20150105
* 2015 update
* worked on Python 3 support
* worked on tests
* code clean up
* removed libregf_file_get_version
- update Source and URL fields to use the new github site
- use more libyal packages from OBS
* Fri Sep 19 2014 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to 20140905
* updated libfwsi version check
* bug fix in Python-bindings
* code clean
- update Source field to fullpath - delete DL_URL field
- use libcerror from external package
* Tue Aug 26 2014 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- add these 2 lines to python sub-project to ensure proper syncronization between versions
* Requires: %lname = %version
* Provides: pyregf = %version
* Wed Aug 13 2014 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20140803
* bug fix in Python-bindings
* worked on Python bindings
* worked on regfmount
- moved values to sub directory to prevent value and key name clashes
- added class name support
- other tasks
* updated dependencies
* fix for dealing with size mismatch between value and block list size
* improved string size corruption handling
* worked on setup.py
* bug fix for call to libfdata_tree_node_set_sub_nodes_data_range
* 2014 update
* worked on Dokan support for regfmount
* Sat Nov 23 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20131013
- clean up buildrequires
- use libyal packages from factory if feasible
* Wed Oct 02 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20130922
* removed hardcoded codepages from value functions
* worked on automated tests
* updated dependencies
* Tue Aug 27 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20130821
* fix in pyregf value data as integer function for bounds check being too strict
* Tue Jul 30 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- update to v0~20130716
* updated dependencies
* worked on tests
* bug fix for large values
* added support for REG_LINK as a string
* fixed multiple open issues
* pyregf: fix for retrieving default value by name
* worked on tests
* changes for strings values with trailing data
* small update for 64-bit build
* Textual changes
* updates and bug fixes in pyregf
* fixed codepage 1255 restriction
* fixed codepage 949 and 950 restriction
* changes for libfdata update
* removed item flags
- changed to gz compression to simplyfy download/convert
* Mon Apr 22 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- organize BuildRequires to better comment why they are commented out
- ran spec-cleaner
* Wed Apr 03 2013 jengelh@inai.de
- Cleanups: Set RPM group, license, summary and description
metadata; less greedy fileslists; remove unused %py_requires;
do not bloat shlib package with documentation
- Enable FUSE support
- Use system libraries instead of bundled ones where possible
- Name the tools package according to upstream's recommendation
- Drop unnecessary -fno-strict-aliasing
* Wed Mar 27 2013 Greg.Freemyer@gmail.com
- initial package (version 0~20130319) for build.opensuse.org