Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

* Mon Jul 31 2023 Dirk Müller <>
- update to 0.52.1:
  * Fix version information.
  * The m_inmail DB is now located by default in
  * $XDG_DATA_HOME/lbdb/m_inmail.db.  For backward compatibility
    an already existing $HOME/.lbdb/m_inmail.utf-8 file is used as
    first* preference
  * Add $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lbdb/config as additional ldbdrc file
    location, and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lbdb/ldap.rc as additional
    ldaprc file location
  * lbdb-fetchaddr: discard stdin at the end to avoid problems
    with tee(1) and command substitution
* Wed Jun 28 2023 Paolo Stivanin <>
- Update to 0.51.1:
  * Add support for running testsuite on local built code (via $USE_LOCAL_LIB).
  * Add testsuite for m_inmail/lbdb-fetchaddr.
  * Fix example of MUNGE_LIMITDATE in lbdb.rc.
  * Ignore case and non alphanumeric chars in SORT_OUTPUT=name.
  * Update dotlock code from mutt 2.2.1 (uses snprintf now).
  * Update rfc822 code from mutt 2.2.1.
  * Fix quoting of grep Regex in m_muttalias.
  * Repair missing 7bit name part in rfc2047 on arm and mips architecture.
Version: 0.49.1-bp154.1.20
* Wed Nov 10 2021 Paolo Stivanin <>
- Update to 0.49.1:
  * Update to Standards-Version 4.6.0
  * Create empty config.rpath to make autoconf 2.71 happy
* Mon May 17 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen <>
- Update to version 0.49
  * lbdbq: re-add $exec_prefix, which may be used in libdir.
  * Strip suffixes starting with "+" from elpa version.
  * Forward INMAIL_DB default from m_inmail to lbdb-munge.
  * Build-Depends on dh-elpa >= 1.16 to avoid path injection (Closes: #973971)
  * Upgrade to debhelper v13 and use debhelper-compat instead of d/compat.
  * Upgrade Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
  * Move mutt_ldap_query to /usr/bin, since it can be called separately.
  * Linitian override for false positive bin-sbin-mismatch.
* Wed May 06 2020 Paolo Stivanin <>
- Update to 0.48.1:
  * Fix wrong quoting in lbdb-fetchaddr
  * m_muttalias: Fix some shellcheck warnings.
  * Change project homepage URL to https.
  * Use literal tab characters in order to make m_abook and m_goobook
    modules work without requiring GNU sed(1).  Thanks to Raf Czlonka.
  * Add tests for m_abook.
  * Add update-version target to update version in all autotool files.
  * m_abook: Fix a shellcheck warning.
  * lbdbq, lbdb-fetchaddr: Fix some shellcheck warnings.
  * Upgrade Standards-Version to 4.3.0
  - Declare Rules-Requires-Root: no.
  * Upgrade debhelper to v12.
  * m_inmail/lbdb-munge: Use INMAIL_DB if set in config
  * Upgrade debhelper to v11.
  * Replace legacy `...` by $(...) in sh scripts.
  * Update copyright notice.
  * Add test_perl to check perl syntax.
  * Add some perl libs <!nocheck> to Build-Depends, to be able do
    perl syntax check.
  * Replace undefined $rv by $?.
  * Make the database file for m_inmail/lbdb-fetchaddr configurable.
  * Add a test suite.
  - Add a test for m_muttalias.
  * m_muttalias: rewrite sed regex as ERE, which should be more POSIX
    compatible and should work on non GNU sed, too.
  * lbdbq: Remove whitespace from number of matches to become more
Version: 0.39-bp150.2.4
* Wed Dec 09 2015
- Cleanup spec file
* Thu Jan 29 2015
- Update to version 0.39
  * Use dh_autotools-dev (Closes: bdo#727289).
  * Update packaged autotools files.
  * Rebuild aclocal/autoconf.
  * Change debian/source-format to 3.0 (native).
  * Remove mutt-ja from Suggests, since this no longer exists.
  * Upgrade build depenency to debhelper (>= 9).
  * Change debian/compat to "9".
  * Complete rewrite of debian/rules.
  * Now uses hardening via debhelper.
  * Add $CPPFLAGS to $CFLAGS to really use hardening.
  * Upgrade to Standards-Version 3.9.5 (no changes).
  * m_vcf: Optimize missing names handling (Closes: bdo#624590).
  * Made debian/copyright machine readable.
  * m_abook: fix formatting (Closes: bdo#681526).
  * mutt-ldap-query: Add parameters for TLS and SASL_MECH (Closes: bdo#512074).
  * Mention user mutt-ldap-query configuration files in lbdbq(1) man page
    (Closes: bdo#534710).
  * Update ABQuery build mechanism
- Remove obsolete AUTHORS section
- Remove redundant %clean section
- Do not package INSTALL file into doc directory
* Thu Aug 01 2013
- new version 0.38
  * m_evolution: Try to evaluate the location of
    evolution-addressbook-export at runtime, since it is no longer
    available in /usr/bin since evolution
    (Closes: #583851, #598380).
  * m_vcf: Apply patch by Jamey Sharp <> to support VCF
    contacts without real name (Closes: #624590).
  * vcquery: Apply patch by martin f krafft <> to search
    in NICKNAME field, too. (Closes: #586300).
- remove lbdb-0.32-evolution.diff
* Tue Feb 08 2011
- Suggest perl(Net::LDAP) (bnc#669969)
* Wed May 19 2010
- new version 0.37
  * Fix bashisms in m_bbdb
  * Fix query shell functions to catch non-zero exit status in case they
    get invoked in set -e context.
  * m_evolution: support line breaks and long lines.
  * Fix documentation concerning the quotes on lbdbq call
- fix path to evolution-addressbook-export
* Tue Nov 03 2009
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
* Thu Oct 02 2008
- new version 0.36
  * Remove duplicate "See also: mutt" from
  * Update configure using autconf 2.61.
  * Apply charset conversation patch by Peter Colberg based on code by
    Tobias Schlemmer.
  * Remove duplicate declaration of $ignorant.
  * Handle mail addresses in mutt_ldap_query correct. Thanks to Colin
    Watson <> for providing a patch.
  * Mention ldapi URIs in mutt_ldap_query man page.
  * Protect "make distclean" by checking whether makefile exists.
  * Upgrade to Standards-Version 3.8.0:
  - Fix Homepage header in control file.
  * Add copyright holders to debian/copyright file.
  * Remove outdated override.Lintian.
* Fri Aug 10 2007
- new version 0.35.1
  * supports ldaps
* Wed May 16 2007
- new version 0.34
  * vcquery: avoid free() on unallocated memory if fullname is not set.
  * vcquery: Use value of concatenated N fields if FN field is missing.
- fix hostname lookup if multiple domains are listed in resolv.conf
* Mon Oct 16 2006
- new version 0.33
  * Add SORT_OUTPUT=reverse_comment to do reverse sort by the third column
    (most recent m_inmail timestamp at the top).
  * Comment out LDAP_NICKS in lbdb.rc because this should only be an
    example and if it is set there it overrides other LDAP settings
* Thu Aug 24 2006
- new version 0.32
- fix path to evolution-addressbook-export
* Wed Jan 25 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Mon May 09 2005
- update to version 0.30
* Fri Feb 27 2004
- run configure similar to the original debian package to reduce
  neededforbuild and to fix evolution addressbook query
- add gpg to default address query methods
* Thu Feb 26 2004
- update to version 0.29
* Sun Feb 08 2004
- update to version 0.28.2
- use %optflags, fix aliasing problems
* Wed Feb 12 2003
- new version 0.26.2
  * new ldap option $ignorant
  * support for multiple abook address books
* Fri Aug 16 2002
- removed emtpy post/postun scripts (#17916)
* Thu Apr 25 2002
- new version 0.26
- now uses m_getent instead of m_passwd (lbdb.rc.dif)
- moved files from %{_prefix}/lib to %{_libdir}/lbdb
* Tue Jul 24 2001
- new version 0.25