Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

Version: 2.304-bp155.1.4
* Wed Jan 18 2023 Andrea Manzini <>
- Update to version 2.304
  * Added glyph alternates for l k r u m y g j t w f
  * Added Stylistic set 1 and 2
  * Added full support for APL
  * Updated Greek alphabet
  * Different construction of italic e
  * Added alternates for != !== == === ligatures
  * Added full Double Struck alphabet
  * Contour polishing
  * Made triple equal ligature === more spacious
  * Added support for Udmurt language
* Tue Sep 21 2021 Ruben Smidt <>
- v2.242 Quick Fix (30.07.2021)
  + Added `???` `<:<` ligatures #434
  + Corrected the `⊈` (u+2288) #475
  + Remove second unicode value from `HT` (u+2409 u+0009) `CR` (u+240D u+000D) `LF` (u+240A u+000A) #476
- v2.241 (27.07.2021)
  + Made triple equal ligature `===` more spacious #25
  + Added 70 symbols from #47 `ƛ` `ϕ` `ϖ` `⁅` `⁆` `⦇` `⦈` `‴` `⟪` `⟦` `⟫` `⟧` `≃` `≔` `≅` `≇` `⋎` `∸` `⋐` `⋰` `⋱` `⋮` `≡` `∹` `≳` `≲` `⋯` `⊈` `≯` `≱` `≢` `≮` `≰` `÷` `≥` `≤` `~` `∅` `≺` `≼` `≟` `⤖` `≗` `⊓` `⊔` `⊑` `≋` `↭` `↞` `↠` `↣` `↥` `↦` `↧` `⇉` `⇑` `⇒` `⇓` `⇔` `⇧` `⇨` `⍳` `⍨` `♭` `♯` `𝔽` `𝕊` `⅀`
  + Added `ǒ` `ǐ` `ǔ` `ǖ` `ǘ` `ǚ` `ǜ` #187
  + Added Control code support #241
  + Tuned `#` #275
  + Added `=:` ligature #305
  + Added floor and ceiling mathematical characters `⎪` `⎩` `⎨` `⎧` `⎢` `⎣` `⎡` `⎭` `⎬` `⎫` `⎥` `⎦` `⎤` #328
  + Corrections in `Θ` `θ` `ξ` `Σ` `∑` #351
  + Added `Ɛ` `↋` `↊` `૪` #356
  + Added Cyrillic Kazakh letters #391
  + Added ligature `;;;` #393
  + The ligature `<-` have 3 digit exclusion #403
  + Changed the look of `~@` ligature #415
  + Fixed regression with `<--` ligature #417
  + Fixed interpolation error in Italic #431
  + Added EMQuad (u+2001) #439
  + Reworked `⚠️` #450
  + Made the tail of Italic `f` shorter to render better in kitty #441
  + Added SemiBold weight #453
  + Added more anchors to the marks #463
  + Added replacement (u+FFFD) #461
  + Added zeroWidthNoBreakSpace (u+FEFF) #467
  + Corrected placement of `*` in `*/` ligature in Regular master
  + Tuned `Ч` `ч`
  + Fixed consistency of `J` in italic
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Andy Shevchenko <>
- v2.225 (27.01.2021)
  + Added exclusion in `<-` ligature to look reasonable in negative arguments for C++ `<-1>` #107
  + `/**` brought back #202
  + `*/` `/*` aligned to match `*`  #215
  + Added multiline bracket characters `⎛` `⎞` `⎝`  `⎠` `⎜` #290
  + Tuned Greek letters construction and contour polish #336
  + Removed `[||]` ligature to more consistence with `[|`  `|]` #353
  + Added `ϖ` #369
  + Fixed monospace breaking by tuning `⟵` `⟶` `⟷` arrows to fit standart width #387
  + Added exclusion in `[<` `>]` to perform in `[<=5]` expression #388
  + Fixed Powerline arrows height #395
- v2.221 (28.12.2020)
  + Tuned Vietnamese diacritics more, removed errors in `Ẫ`
  + Removed `0x0` ligature #346
  + Added `⟵` `⟷` `⟶` #255
  + Corrected vertical placement on BoxDrawing elements
  + Removed `.-` ligature #76
  + Disabled ligatures for lookahead/lookbehind prefixes (regex) #126
  + Added support for combined marks #228
  + Added `∪` #244
  + Added `➜`(U+279C), `✗`(U+2717), and `✓`(U+2713) #246
  + Added `<<~` #291
  + Added `‾` Overline #298
  + Tuned Cyrillic `в` #335
  + Increase height of BoxDraving #382
  + Added `‿` `∁` `∎` `⊸` `⊎` `⨀` `⨆` `∩` `∶` `⊢` `⊤` `⊥` `⊛` `⊖` `⊗` `⊙` `⊕` `◦` `⋆` `ℚ` `ℤ` `slashshortcomb`
  + Corrected placement of bar in `Đ`
  + Polished Digits
- v2.210 (12.11.2020)
  + Vertical metrics (win, hhea, typo) made equal to prevent different line-height #334 #286. In some cases it will increase line-height by 1px but in some cases it will decrease by 3px
  + Because of vertical metrics unification Vietnamese diacritics was made more compact in capital letters
  + Added symbols `□` `△` `▽` `◁` `▷` `▻` `◅` `►` `◄` `▪` `▫` `▴` `▾` `◂` `▸` `▵` `◃` `▹` `▿` `∘` `❮` `❯` `❰` `❱` `◌` `◯` `◎` `✕` `⚠` `⚡` `⌂` `◔` `◧` `◨` `◩` `◪` `◫` `⌄` `⌅` `◕` `⌥` `⌃` `⇧` `⌘` #277
  + Added Bitcoin symbol #292
  + Correction in Greek letters `Θ` `ρ` #336
  + Removed `0xFF` ligature #346
- v2.200 (21.10.2020)
  + Added Greek alphabet #58
  + Reworked diacritics #228
  + Removed *x-height* increasing from hinting. Affects non Retina screens. #286 #265 #272 #262 #275
  + A lot of tiding up of contours to meet Google Fonts criteria
  + Ligature for `0x` (hexadecimal) prefix #98
  + Lowered horizontal bar in *Florin* to make it more distinguishable form italic `f` #129
  + Changes the `8` construction to make it more distinguishable from `B` and `0` #188
  + Added Changelog #263
  + Variable font correctly grouped in one family with Italics #270
  + Reverted to previous construction of f #273
  + Corrected OneNote line height #278
  + Removed kerning pair #297
  + Add Overline #298
  + Increased difference between hyphen, en-dash, and em-dash #318
  + Removed the "tail" in the italic `a`
- v2.002 (27.08.2020)
  + Changed license from Apache 2.0. to SIL 1.1.
  + Corrected _Extra Light_ weight name in metadata #274
- v2.001 (13.07.2020)
  + Corrected proportion string in metadata in Italic #266
  + Changed the naming of source files to match previous
- v2.000 (10.07.2020)
  + Added 3 lighter weights with matching italics #1 SemiLight — Special for the dark background. It’s a slightly more thin version of Regular. Light — Will perform best on HiDpi in more big sizes. ExtraLight — If you want to go even thinner. Recommended for presentation mode.
  + Added Variable format for more precise weight tuning.
  + Project migrated from _FontLab_ to _Glyphs_. Source in UFO provided.
  + *ML comment ligatures are vertically misaligned #77
  + Ligatures in a glob pattern look inconsistent #88
  + Zero - hinting the dot #104
  + Big space above text in OneNote #210
  + Corrected hinting #218 #235 #239 #252
  + Monospaced detection errors #227 #230
  + Corrected wrong interpretation in `<||> |>`#234
  + Reworked `%`, `‰` #236
  + Missing some Powerline symbols #240
  + Disable `>-` ligature when followed by `<` (`>-<`) #251
  + Add the Latin Capital Letter Sharp S `U+1E9E` #262
  + Added superior & inferior numbers `⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉`
  + Fine tuning of capital, ascender & descender metrics
  + Raised the bar in `f` to work better in context of the line
  + More spacing tuning in arrow ligatures
  + Corrections in `-<` `-<<` `<-` `<!--`
  + More pronounced bar in `Ħ` `Ŧ` `ћ` `ħ` `đ` `ŧ`
  + Correct `u+02C9` placement
  + Corrected placement of _Ogonek_ in `Ų`
  + Corrections in Vietnamese diacritics
- v1.0.6 (29.04.2020)
  + Fixed problems with rendering of Powerline symbols #189
  + Added support of Vietnamese language #14 #209
  + All diacritics redone. Corrected a bunch of problems of placing & more balanced mass.
  + Added DesignSpace+UFO source files. Just converted & dumped as they are, for now. There are issues with Masters compatibility. Tested in Glyphs app.
  + Fixed construction of `†` `‡` `∏` `∐` #205 #206
  + Added exclusion in `/*` ligature #88
  + Refactored `ß`
  + `~=` ligature removed #204
  + Added `>->` ligature #194
  + Added `u0336` Long stroke overlay #190
  + Added ligature `//=` #185
  + Corrected contour of the arrows in ligatures #196
  + In Medium weights the height of `[` `]` `{` `}` decreased by one pixel in 12px, 13px sizes. This is a hinting bug.
* Tue Mar 31 2020 Robert Riemann <>
- v1.0.5
  + Lowered the height of Powerline arrows
  + <*> Interpolation bug fix
  + Removed ligatures from loading sequences [-> [=>
  + Tuned 1 to be more distinguishable from i in small sizes
  + Sorted glyphs by unicode order
  + Added U+02BC "Modifier Letter Apostrophe"
  + Added new ligature @_
  + Added 29 glyphs: Ə ə Ǧ ǧ Ǫ ǫ Ǵ ǵ ∀ ∃ ∈ ∋ ∐ ⟨ ⟩ ∧ ∨ ∷ ∼ ≈ ≡ ⍴ ­■ ▲ ▶ ▼ ◀ ◆ ●
  + Added support of
  + Refactored ¶ l j
- v1.0.4
  + Added No Ligature version. Only in .ttf format. It called JetBrains Mono NL.
  + Fixed problems with tiny gaps between the Box Drawing elements.
  + Balanced the size of <> </> ligatures to match in mass.
  + Fixed problem with not working <-- ligature.
  + Added U+FEFF symbol. No-break zero space.
  + <!-- --> ligatures now should be on the same heights.
  + Corrected ===> behaviour in loading sequences.
  + Corrected A placement in italics.
  + Made dot in the 0 smaller, so it will be more distinguishable from 8 at small sizes.
- v1.0.3
  + Added support of Box Drawings 159 symbols
  + Added ligature <--
  + Removed the \/ & /\ ligatures
  + Corrected behaviour of ligatures in a glob pattern
  + Changed the $ & dependent glyphs
  + Added no-break space
  + Corrected unexpected >= ligature usage in >=< sequence
  + Refactored w, W, m, M
  + Slightly tuned ascenders & descenders
  + Added support of Mongolian language
  + Better placement of the dot in 0
  + Reorganised family names
- v1.0.2
  + Reorganised font family names for better recognition in Terminal apps
  + Added powerline glyphs
  + Added ₽ λ ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙
  + New ligature <#--
  + Fixed bug with escape sequence ligature \/
  + [+->] excluded from ligature sequence
  + Dutch language now presented in Mac Font Book app
- v1.0.1
  + Update PANOSE and PostScript metadata to be visible as monospaced font on Windows 10
  + Corrected the italic ß ſ
* Thu Jan 16 2020 Matwey Kornilov <>
- Initial version