AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- added patch secure_gnutls_options.patch from Debian, fixing bad default ciphers [bdo#803204]
- Fix references to the info files in rpm scriptlets: the file installed is called iksemel.gz, NOT iksemel.info.gz (info still finds this file). - Move install_info_delete from postun to preun: the file should be present during removal, so it can be parsed.
- Use BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gnutls) instead of gnutls-devel for Factory in keeping with gnutls package naming changes.
- fix license to be in spdx.org format
- Remove .la files from standard library directories - Remove redundant/unwanted tags/sections (cf. specfile guidelines) - Avoid rx as default file mode - Add pkgconfig autoprovides
- fixed deps as adviced by msmeissn o iksemel requires libiksemel3, not the other way round
- update to version 1.4 - specmods o added header o sort TAGS o shared lib to subpkg libiksemel3
- remove bogus Packager and Vendor tags from specfiles. (#337404)
- spec file fixes - remove static libraries - install info files the right way Di Sep 26 00:00:00 UTC 2006 - Peter Nixon - Initial package