Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Thu Nov 03 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.10.2
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our roadmap
  * UI
  - FEATURE: improve Service Set table layout (#2648)
  - FIX: modifying single time-period ranges had no effect (#2525)
  - FIX: activity log pagination is now on a single line (#2649)
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: triggering Sync manually produced an error on PostgreSQL (#2636)
  - FIX: purge stopped working for objects with uppercase characters (#2627)
  - FIX: Notification Apply rule is now possible (wasn't since v1.8) (#2142, #2634)
  - FIX: nested property access with intermediate NULL values now gives NULL (#2474, #2584)
  - FIX: automated Sync jobs stopped working (#2633)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FEATURE: more details shown in error messages related to invalid characters (#2646)
  - FIX: snapshots for Baskets containing Baskets failed since v1.10 (#2644)
  - FIX: Self Service API returned invalid JSON on PHP 8.1 (#2614)
  * Internals
  - FIX: issue with empty activity log, deprecate outdated method (#2630)
* Fri Oct 07 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.10.1
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: sync lower-cased all object names since v1.10 (#2608)
  - FIX: sync for Datalist entries has been fixed (#2618)
  - FIX: Sync now applied NULL values with merge policy (#2623)
  - FIX: Sync created Sync History entries for every preview (#2632)
  - FIX: "Purge" stopped working for Sync (#2627)
  * UI
  - FIX: "Modify" Services via the monitoring module (#2615, #2619)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FIX: restore Import/Sync/Job when exported with v1.10 (#2620)
  - FIX: restoring Job with ImportSource or SyncRule (#2528)
  * Database Schema
  - FIX: new DB schema failed due to duplicate line in SQL statement (#2609)
* Wed Sep 21 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.10.0
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: links from Service Previews (Icinga DSL) to templates (#2554)
  - FIX: daemon health visualization on systems w/o /proc filesystem (#2544)
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: Sync now compares keys in a case-insensitive way (#2598, #2419, #1140)
  - FIX: Sync now preserves Self Service API keys in override mode (#2590)
  - FEATURE: clone a row for nested Dictionary/Hash entries (#2555)
  - FEATURE: Sync in "override" mode now preserves Self Service API keys (#2590)
  - FEATURE: split a row in multiple ones, based on a Dictionary (#2555)
  - FEATURE: it's now possible to sync to a configuration branch (#2552)
  - FEATURE: Sync preview now allows to navigate single changes (#2607)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - BREAKING: configuration baskets no longer contain originalId (#2549)
  - FEATURE: exporting/snapshot-logic has been centralized (#2549)
  * Configuration Branches
  - FIX: PostgreSQL now allows for the same object in multiple branches (#2605)
  - FEATURE: merge comments can now be proposed (#2604)
  - FEATURE: activity log now shows author and committer (#2606)
  * Integrations
  - FIX: Monitoring Hooks are no longer provided with disable Director UI (#2597)
  - FIX: cleanup for IcingaDbCube (#2484)
  * Kickstart
  - FIX: breaking change in ipl/html, affected setups with ro INI files (#2595)
  - FEATURE: better explanation for missing DSL bodies fetched from core (#2557)
  - FIX: addressing service templates by name has been fixed (#2487)
  - FIX: allow for object_name in body only (#2576)
  - FIX: notice on PHP 8.1 (#2575)
  - FEATURE: Stack traces can now be requested (#2570)
  - FEATURE: Hosts can now be exported with their services (#2568)
  - FEATURE: "magic" variable overrides are now supported (#2569)
  * CLI
  - FIX: config deploy doesn't try to wait in case of no deployment (#2522)
  - FIX: renderer now shows full service sets (#2550)
  - FEATURE: improved wording for deployment error messages (#2523)
  - FEATURE: JSON can now be shipped via STDIN (#1570)
  - FEATURE: improved readability for some error messages (#2567)
  - FEATURE: allows showing hosts with their services (#2565)
  - FEATURE: allow showing resolved Host services (#2571)
  - FEATURE: "magic" variable overrides are now supported (#2560)
  - FEATURE: error messages are now friendlier (#2567)
  - FEATURE: STDIN support for --json is now available (#1570)
  * Activity Log
  - FIX: deleted objects might have been missing related properties (#2559)
  * Deployment Log
  - FEATURE: visualization performance has been improved (#2551)
  * Internals
  - FEATURE: there is now a centralized Exporter implementation (#2549)
* Fri Apr 08 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.9.1
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this
    release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: DataList-backed fields failed to validate (#2475)
  - FIX: No Host list limit when adding a single service globally (#2481)
  - FIX: Cleared activity log caused exception (#2505, #2506)
  - FEATURE: Icinga Web 2.10 dark mode support (#2433)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FIX: failed to export Baskets with Service Sets (#2488)
  - FIX: Sync Rule restore from snapshot on name change (#2467)
  - FIX: Do not export UUIDs with Service Sets (#2488)
  * CLI
  - FEATURE: Allow to define deployment grace period on CLI (#2499)
  * Integrations
  - FIX: Cleanup IcingaDbCubeLinks (#2484)
  * DB Schema
  - FIX: applying DB Schema migrations failed on PostgreSQL (#2482)
* Fri Feb 18 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.9.0
  * Breaking Changes
  - Module dependencies have been raised, Upgrading and
    Installation documentations contain related details
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: string property modifiers now preserve NULL values (#2371)
  - FIX: "to int" property modifiers now fails for non-string values (#2372)
  - FEATURE: introduce 'disable' as your purge action on Sync (#2285)
  - FEATURE: there is now a simple "group by" Property Modifier (#2317)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FIX: Notification Apply Rules have not been exported (#2335)
  - FIX: Restore now supports the set_if_format switch (#2291)
  - FEATURE: it's now possible to purge objects of specific types (#2201)
  - FEATURE: exporting Users, User-Templates and -Groups is now possible (#2328)
  - FEATURE: Data Field Categories are now supported (#2256)
  * Permissions and Restrictions
  - FEATURE: allow using monitoring module permissions (#2304)
  - FEATURE: it's now possible to grant (global) access to scheduled downtimes (#2086)
  * Configuration / Templating
  - FEATURE: offering choices based on a specific imports is now possible (#1178)
  * User Interface
  - FIX: allow switching DB config while connection is failing (#2300)
  - FIX: Links to duplicate services in Sets didn't check for deactivation (#2323)
  - FIX: SQL error for Data Fields table on PostgreSQL (#2310)
  - FIX: SQL error when searching for Data Field Categories (#2367)
  - FIX: Icon used for Notifications has been changed (#2455)
  - FEATURE: show "deprecated" flag on object attribute inspection (#2312)
  - FEATURE: Service Template for single Host services provides auto-completion (#1974)
  * CLI
  - FEATURE: config deployment now allows to --wait for an Icinga restart (#2314)
  * Activity log
  - FEATURE: Activity log now allows for remarks (addon module required, #2471)
  * Documentation
  - FIX: configure the daemon with main setup instructions (#2296, #2320)
  * Internals
  - FEATURE: PHP 8.1 is now supported, works once available in Icinga Web (#2435)
  - FEATURE: Config Branches have been implemented, leveraged via Hook/Addon (#2376)
  - FEATURE: UUIDs have been implemented for most Icinga objects, more to come
  - FEATURE: new Deployment Hook, triggers onCollect(ing) Icinga startup info (#2315)
* Tue Jul 13 2021 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.8.1
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: show Override button when all Fields belong to Field Categories (#2303)
  - FIX: don't fail when showing a Host overriding multiple inherited groups (#2253)
  - FIX: deal with inherited values which are invalid for a select box (#2288)
  - FIX: Service Set preview inline Service Template links (#2334)
  - FIX: show Services applied with Rules involving applied Hostgroups (#2313)
  - FIX: show deactivated services as such also for read-only users (#2344)
  - FIX: Overrides for Services belonging to Sets on root Host Templates (#2333)
  - FIX: show no header tabs for search result in web 2.8+ (#2141)
  - FIX: show and link dependencies for web 2.9+ (#2354)
  * Icinga Configuration
  - FIX: rare race condition, where generated config might miss some files (#2351)
  * Icinga API
  - FIX: use Icinga 2's generate-ticket API, required for v2.13.0 (#2348)
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: Purge didn't remove more than 1000 services at once (#2339)
  * Automation, User Interface
  - FIX: error message wording on failing related (or parent) object ref (#2224)
  - FIX: creating scheduled downtime via api failed (#1879)
* Tue Dec 15 2020 ecsos <>
- Update to 1.8.0
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: It's now possible to set Endpoint ports > 32767 on PostgreSQL (#928)
  - FIX: Group list is no longer prefixed with a comma (#2133)
  - FIX: Change wording, avoid black/whitelist (#2134, #2135)
  - FIX: Inherited values in sets (arrays) are now shown (#1310)
  - FIX: Column layout broke with Web 2.8, has been fixed (#2065)
  - FIX: filter suggestion gave wrong values for DataList fields (#1918)
  - FIX: clone-related scheduled downtime links have been fixes (#1894)
  - FEATURE: Data Fields can now be grouped into categories (#1969)
  - FEATURE: Inspect is now available for Packages, Stages and Files (#1995)
  - FEATURE: Allow to disable the Director frontend / UI (#2007)
  - FEATURE: Endpoints table now shows the object type (e.g. external) (#2050)
  - FEATURE: make sure that form label and fields stay close together (#2136)
  - FEATURE: show more content, reduce padding (expect on mobile) (#2140)
  - FEATURE: location details for non-Director services on Modify (#1531)
  - FEATURE: Service Set table can now also be searched for Services (#1873)
  - FEATURE: Apply-Rule-based Service Sets now show related Hosts (#2081)
  - FEATURE: Notification Apply Rules as a DirectorObject DataField (#2199)
  - FEATURE: Hint and Error styling has been unified and improved
  - FEATURE: Form field rendering for sets now deals with invalid values
  - FEATURE: Better descriptions for time-based and other fields (#1897, #1264)
  - FEATURE: Daemon tab now gets red instead of yellow when not running (#2238)
  * Translations
  - FEATURE: Italian translation is now available (#2080)
  - FEATURE: German translation has been refreshed (#2240)
  * CLI
  - FEATURE: Deployment Status and related utilities (#2189)
  * Import and Sync
  - FEATURE: allow defining update-only Sync Rules (#2059)
  - FEATURE: New Property Modifier: ListToObject (#2062)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: convert binary UUID to HEX presentation (#2138)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: get Host by Address (#2210)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: skip duplicates (#2215)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: trim strings (#1660)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: negate boolean (#2227)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier Reject/Select: improve usability (#2228)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: clone rows for every entry of an Array (#2192)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: unique array values (#2229)
  - FEATURE: Property Modifier: allow to rename columns (#2242)
  - FEATURE: Import Sources now allows downloading previewed data as JSON (#2096)
  - FEATURE: REST API Import now allows custom headers (#2132)
  - FEATURE: REST API Import can now extract nested properties (#2132)
  - FEATURE: REST API Form remembers passwords without exposing them (#2070)
  - FEATURE: UTF8 validation for failed imports gives better error message (#2143)
  - FEATURE: ArrayByElementPosition now allows filtering by key name (#1721)
  - FEATURE: Use your Director Objects as an Import Source (#2198)
  - FEATURE: Property modifiers are now granted access the current Property Name (#2241)
  - FIX: Import Source preview now catches all errors
  - FIX: Import Source download sends eventual errors as a valid JSON result
  - FIX: LDAP Import is now able to paginate limited results (#2019)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FIX: Restoring Import Sources creating Modifiers now works (#2053)
  - FEATURE: Support Baskets from Icinca for Windows (#2223)
  - FEATURE: It's now possible to use Notification Templates in Baskets
  - FEATURE: Snapshot status/diff layout has been improved (#2225)
  * Authentication and Permissions
  - FIX: Users restricted to Hostgroups can now use related Templates (#2020, #2101)
  - FEATURE: Optionally, restricted users can be allowed to set Groups (#2252)
  * Kickstart
  - FEATURE: Friendlier message if object to be removed is still in use (#2206)
  - FEATURE: Kickstart now removes obsolete External Commands (#985)
  * Icinga Configuration
  - FIX: Correctly render Service Dependencies with Array-style parent hosts (#2088)
  - FIX: times.begin and times.end are now rendered separately (#2193)
  - REMOVED: magic-apply-for (a hidden deprecated feature) has been removed (#1851)
  * Icinga Agent handling
  - FIX: Linux Agent installer now fails when unable to retrieve a certificate
  - FEATURE: Linux Agent installer now supports Alpine Linux (#2216)
  - FEATURE: Self Service API ignores empty/missing properties (e.g. no address)
  - FEATURE: Search is now also available for the REST API (#1889)
  - FEATURE: Deployment Status is now available (#2187)
  - FEATURE: UTF-8 characters and slashes are no longer escaped (#2243)
  * Self Service API
  - FIX: error handling has been fixed (#1728)
  * Database Support
  - FIX: Added UTF8 to valid PostgreSQL encodings (used to be UTF-8)
  * Background Daemon
  - FIX: Daemon Logger used to not override the given log level (#2139)
  - FEATURE: Daemon: prepare for future reactphp promise versions (#2137)
  - FEATURE: Daemon now logs that it is going to reload itself
  - FEATURE: Now collects the Deployment status from Icinga (#2045, #1988)
  * Documentation
  - FEATURE: We now also mention optional/indirect requirements (#2054, #2220)
  + Internals
  - FEATURE: Property Modifiers are now able to clone rows (#2060)
  - FEATURE: URL encoding for the Core API has been unified
  - FEATURE: PHP 8.0 has been released and is officially supported (#2233)
  - REMOVED: dipl has been dropped, we're using ipl/incubator since v1.7 (#2209)
  - FIX: typo in DeploymentHook::onSuccessfulDump() has been fixed (#2069)
  - FIX: forms now support dbResourceName (#2064)
* Tue Nov 05 2019
- Update to 1.7.2
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this
    release on our roadmap
  * DB Schema
  - FIX: Rolling out new installations on MySQL v5.6 fails
  * Icinga Configuration
  - FIX: Render service_name for Notifications (#2006)
  * User Interface
  - FIX: Cloning Import Sources failed since v1.7.0 (#1997)
  * CLI
  - FIX: Importing Import Sources failed since v1.7.0 (#2005)
  * Automation
  - FIX: Fixing linux install script version check (#2008)
  - FIX: Windows Kickstart Script - $GlobalZones was empty
  * Documentation
  - FIX: Missing single quote in mysql example bug (#2003)
* Wed Oct 16 2019
- Update to 1.7.1
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this
    release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: Cloning Sync rules failed since v1.7.0 (#1982)
  - FIX: It wasn't possible to multi-select Hosts belonging to a
    Group (#1973)
  - FIX: Removed an un-formatted error in case Icinga is
    unreachable (#1966)
  - FIX: Check for broken configs has been extended to Icinga
    v2.11.* (#1985)
  - FEATURE: Show a warning when detecting a downgraded
    installation (#1992)
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: Upper- and Lowercase property modifiers are now
    multibyte/UTF8-safe (#710)
  * Health Check
  - FIX: do not complain about no-due newly created jobs (#1994)
  * Background Daemon
  - FIX: Daemon didn't report DB state to systemd (#1983)
* Fri Oct 04 2019
- Exchange of the old service icingaweb2-module-jobs with the
  new icingaweb2-module-director.
* Mon Sep 30 2019
- update to 1.7.0
  * Breaking Changes
  - At least PHP 5.6.3 is now required, Director 1.7.x will
    refuse to work with older versions
  - New dependencies have been introduced, Upgrading and
    Installation documentations contain related details
  * Fixed issues
  - You can find issues and feature requests related to this
    release on our roadmap
  * User Interface
  - FIX: Service-related links in Activity Log have been
    corrected (#1377, #1816)
  - FIX: Activity Log now works for Service Sets
    (#1287, #1786, #1816)
  - FIX: Assign Filters are no longer mandatory when modifying
    Service Groups (#930)
  - FIX: Object type for CheckCommands has been corrected in
    config preview (#1799)
  - FIX: Import preview in combination with Black/Whitelisting
  - FIX: Routing/redirection when working with Data Fields
  - FIX: Auto-suggestion field was positioned wrongly once
    scrolled down
  - FIX: Timezone inconsistencie have been fixed (#1700)
  - FIX: Link-like buttons where shortened on Icinga Web 2.7
  - FIX: Search in range-filtered Activity Log no longer fails
  - FEATURE: It's now possible to clone a Service to a different
    Host (#1796)
  - FEATURE: Scheduled Downtimes for "Hosts AND their services"
  - FEATURE: Auto-suggestion and more for Fields based on Data
    Lists (#1846)
  - FEATURE: Show missing dependencies (#1938)
  * Translations
  - FEATURE: German translation has been refreshed (#1951)
  - FEATURE: Japanese is now available (#1869)
  * Import and Sync
  - FIX: Avoid caching between multiple runs of sync (#1836)
  - FIX: Imported Rows Table (history) eventually failed on
    Icinga Web 2 (#1925)
  - FIX: Improved error handling on preview (#1941)
  - FEATURE: When fetching invalid data, Import refers erroneous
    rows (#1741)
  - FEATURE: Sync now offers a preview, showing what would happen
  - FEATURE: ParseURL property modifier has been added (#1746)
  - FEATURE: There is a new generic REST API Import Source
  - FEATURE: Sync now supports Notifications and Dependencies
    (#1212, #925, #1209)
  - FEATURE: Limits (memory, execution time) raised for Import
    runs via UI (#1954)
  * Configuration Baskets
  - FIX: snapshots do no longer fail for deleted elements on
    snapshot (#1940)
  - FEATURE: baskets now support External Commands (#1854)
  - FIX: Command Arguments can now be managed via API (#1416)
  * CLI
  - FIX: importsource fetch did not apply configured property
    modifiers (#1819)
  - FEATURE: Service Groups are now available on CLI (#1745)
  - FEATURE: A new background daemon has been introduced (#1905)
  * Icinga Configuration
  - FIX: Allow to render single configuration files larger than
    16MB (#1787)
  - FIX: Icinga v2.11 version detection for Agent Installation
    script (#1957)
  - DEPRECATED: magic-apply-for (a hidden feature) is now
    deprecated (#1850)
  - FEATURE: It's now possible to define Scheduled Downtimes
    (#347, #1828)
  - FEATURE: Allow to render command definitions as (v1.x-like)
    strings (#1809)
  - FEATURE: host address now allows 255 characters (#1890)
  - FEATURE: Director now assists with Services applied to parent
    Zones (#1634)
  - FEATURE: Warn affected setups when affected by a specific
    core issue (#1958)
  * Documentation
  - FIX: Installation instructions have been adjusted to fit MySQL 8
  * Internals
  - FIX: support different timezones with MySQL (#1332, #1840)
  - FIX: support importing DSL-based Command Arguments (#1812)
  - FEATURE: a new Hook allows to run custom code at deployment
    time (#1342, #1843)
  - FEATURE: there is a new low-level IcingaObjectFormHook