Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Mon Oct 11 2021 Peter Simons <>
- Update hlint to version 3.2.7 revision 2.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Sep 02 2021
- Update hlint to version 3.2.7 revision 1.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Mon Jan 18 2021
- Update hlint to version 3.2.7.
  3.2.7, released 2021-01-16
    [#1202], add missing parentheses for Avoid Lambda
    [#1201], allow matching through the & operator (similar to $)
    [#1196], fix removed parens with operator sections in some cases
* Mon Jan 04 2021
- Update hlint to version 3.2.6.
  3.2.6, released 2020-12-30
    Fixes to the release generation script
* Wed Dec 30 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.2.5.
  3.2.5, released 2020-12-30
    Fixes to the release generation script
  3.2.4, released 2020-12-30
    [#1193], add warnings for redundant flip
    [#1183], allow matches where users specify unnecessary brackets
    [#1177], remove suggestions for fromMaybe False/fromMaybe True
    [#1176], suggest use of unzip
    [#1159], spot redundant brackets due to fixities, default ignored
    [#1172], suggest reusing fromLeft/fromRight
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Ond?ej SĂșkup <>
- disable %{ix86} build
* Mon Nov 23 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.2.3.
  3.2.3, released 2020-11-23
    [#1160], never consult the .hscolour file for color preferences
    [#1171], do not refactor redundant lambda with case
    [#1169], default to -A32 (doubles speed for 4 CPU)
    [#1169], make -j actually use parallelism
    [#1167], enable refactoring for "Use lambda"
* Sun Nov 15 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.2.2.
  3.2.2, released 2020-11-15
    [#1166], detect more unboxed data to avoid suggesting newtype
    [#1153], fix incorrect redundant bracket with @($foo)
    [#1163], do not suggest "Use lambda" when there are guards
    [#1160], add showIdeaANSI to show Idea values with escape codes
* Fri Oct 16 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.2.1.
  3.2.1, released 2020-10-15
    [#1150], remove the Duplicate hint (was slow)
    [#1149], allow within to use module wildcards, e.g. **.Foo
    [#1141], make redundant return highlight just the return
    [#1142], suggest newtype instead of data for data family instances
    [#1138], show allowed fields in YAML error message
    [#1131], fix potential variable capture in zipWith/repeat hint
    [#1129], add hints to use const and \_ x -> x where appropriate
* Tue Sep 15 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.2.
  3.2, released 2020-09-14
    [#75], make Windows 10 use color terminals
    Make sure the extension removed matches what you called it
  * #1124, make test into a flag rather than a mode, use --test
    [#1073], add LHS/RHS hints to the summary
  * Remove test --proof, --quickcheck and --typecheck, --tempdir
  * #1123, delete grep mode
    [#1122], show the --refactor command line with --loud
    [#1120], enable refactoring for use section
    [#1114], enable refactoring for redundant as-pattern
    [#1116], enable refactoring for redundant section
    [#1115], more TVar/TMVar hints
    [#1113], suggest x >>= pure . f becomes x <&> f
    [#1111], add hint for \x y -> (x,y) to (,), and for (,,)
    [#1108], enable refactoring for redundant variable capture
    [#1105], enable refactoring for more redundant return hints
    [#1103], enable refactoring for Redundant void
    [#1083], add hints for mempty as a function
    [#1097], enable refactoring for more avoid lambda hints
    [#1094], error on `-XFoo` if `Foo` is not a known extension
    [#1090], improve --verbose to print more information
    [#1085], support eta-reduce refactoring
    [#780], ignore dist and dist-newstyle directories
    [#1076], fix -XNoCpp and CPP around LANGUAGE extensions
    [#1077], warn on unused StandaloneKindSignatures
    [#1070], warn on unused ImportQualifiedPost
    [#1067], require apply-refact (fixes lots of bugs)
    [#1064], don't remove OverloadedLists if there is a []
* Wed Aug 19 2020 Michel Normand <>
- Add _constraints with 6GB min disk space for ppc64/ppc64le
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Peter Simons <>
- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.
* Thu Jun 25 2020
- Update hlint to version 3.1.6.
  3.1.6, released 2020-06-24
    [#1062], make sure matching inserts brackets if required
    [#1058], weaken the self-definition check to match more things
    [#1060], suggest [] ++ x and [] ++ x to x
* Tue Jun 23 2020
- Add hlint at version 3.1.5.
Version: 2.0.9-bp150.1.3
* Thu Aug 03 2017
- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.
* Thu Jul 27 2017
- Update to version 2.0.9.
* Sun Feb 12 2017
- Update to version 1.9.41 with cabal2obs.
* Sun Jul 10 2016
- Update to version 1.9.35 revision 0 with cabal2obs.
* Sat Jun 11 2016
- update to 1.9.35
  * fix parse error reports
  * update hlint.ghci to work with modern GHC
  * Require extra-1.4.9
* Thu Jun 02 2016
- update to 1.9.34
  * fix some incorrect line numbers in literate Haskell
  * fix literate Haskell and CPP
  * remove type-incorrect "on" hint
  * warn about join seq
  * suggest <|> instead of mplus in a few cases
* Fri Mar 25 2016
- updateto 1.9.32
  * require cpphs-1.20.1, has important fixes
  * treat select $ specially, as per esqueleto conventions
  * don't modify qualification on substitutions
  * add void/mapM_/forM_ hints
* Wed Mar 02 2016
- update to 1.9.31
  * don't suggest removing ~ if the Strict extension is on
* Sun Feb 28 2016
- update to 1.9.30
  * fix incorrect hints of foldr/foldl on a tuple accumulator
  * add warnings about foldable methods on tuple
  * Put warnings before suggestions in the HTML report
* Thu Feb 04 2016
- update to 1.9.28
  * spot newtype deriving inside classes
  * avoid recompiling everything twice
  * don't suggest removing bang patterns on let
  * Rename HintStructure to HintPattern
  * add an hlint function to the HLint3 API
  * warn about unused DefaultSignatures extension
  * add -XHaskell2010 and fix -XHaskell98
  * Allow checking even if a function has different arities
  * don't warn on a -> (b -> c), it's sometimes sensible
  * make parse errors severity Error
  * warn on otherwise in a pattern variable
  * eta reduce fun x = f $ x
  * don't ever suggest liftM
  * downgrade built in hints, Error => Warning => Suggestion
  * add a Suggestion level severity
  * make sure you close file handles
  * add hint compare x y == EQ and /=
  * add hint concatMap id ==> concat
  * include refactorings is --json output
* Sun Jan 03 2016
- update to 1.9.26
  * fix all lint warnings
  * expose argsSettings
* Tue Dec 15 2015
- update to 1.9.25
  * fix stdin output and --refactor on Windows
  * improve spotting redundant brackets around patterns
  * reenable redundant where hint
  * require haskell-src-exts-1.17
  * allow test_ as a prefix
* Tue Nov 03 2015
- update to 1.9.22
  * Don't suggest redundant lambda on view patterns
  * Add --no-exit-code flag
  * don't suggest string literals
  * disable 'rec' stealing extensions by default
  * add hints for eta-reduced operators
  * integrate a --refactor flag
  * fix the -fglasgow-exts hint
  * better name for moving brackets to eliminate $
  * Extra hints for <$>
  * Remove a redundant fmap hint
  * add =<< rules in addition to >>=
* Sun May 31 2015
- update to 1.9.21
  * ignore a BOM if it exists
  * don't find files starting with . when searching directories
  * Suggest concat even if the [] is written ""
* Mon Apr 27 2015
- version bump to 1.9.20
  * fix the zipWith/repeat hint
  * don't remove RecursiveDo if they use the rec statement
  * Add a suggestion concatMap/map ==> concatMap
  * More GHC 7.10 warnings and build support
* Sun Mar 15 2015
- version bump to 1.9.17
    + support hscolour-1.21
* Fri Jan 30 2015
- version bump to 1.9.16
    +make "hlint ." work again
    +avoid warnings with GHC 7.10
    +build with GHC 7.10
    +don't suggest const for values using RecordWildCards
    +remove the encoding bits of the API
    +add an HLint3 prototype API
    +make the --quickcheck tests work on GHC 7.8
    +Add --tempdir flag to the test mode
* Sat Nov 22 2014
- change mv to install command
- move rpmlintrc to hlint.rpmlintrc
* Fri Nov 21 2014
-initial commit