Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Sun Jan 29 2023 Dirk Müller <>
- update to 0.10.3:
  * mpvitem: use loadFile() method on PlayListModel::playingItemChanged() signal
  * only link the KIO libs that are actualy used
  * Fix relative M3U loading
  * HProgressBar: refactor chapters menu into a popup with a listview
  * HProgressBar: add tooltip for 'Skip Chapter' checkbox in chapters popup
  * playlistmodel: getSiblingItems: use percent-encoded path with QUrl
* Wed Jan 25 2023 Dominique Leuenberger <>
- No need to BuildRequire yt-dlp/youtube-dl: this is only a
  runtime dependency.
* Sat Jan 07 2023 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.10.2
  * Fixed crash when "Maximum recent files" setting was set to
* Fri Jan 06 2023 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.10.1
  * Fixed not auto playing next file in playlist, when current
    file ends
  * Fixed opened file not playing when "Auto load videos from
    same folder" setting is disabled
* Tue Jan 03 2023 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.10.0
  * Playlist: added options to open m3u files (without support
    for extended attributes), add files and urls (only the url
    path will be displayed, no title and no duration), sort,
    clear and save the playlist
  * Playlist: added context menu for the playlist items
  * Playlist: added setting to remember playlist state
  * Subtitles: added setting to render subtitle in black borders
  * Video: added setting to set a default cover for music files
  * Added command line option to override the ytdl format
    selection setting (this option is overwritten if the GUI
    setting is changed)
  * Added MPRIS thumbnail
  * Recent files: fixed ordering, showing duplicates, clearing
    and adding when list is full
  * Fixed OSD showing without text
  * Playlist: fixed "Increase font size when fullscreen" setting
    not working
  * Playlist: removed rowHeight setting
* Wed Oct 12 2022 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.9.3
  * playlistmodel: set QUrl scheme if not set
  * actionsmodel: port QRegExp to QRegularExpression
  * only use Qt5X11Extras with qt5
  * cmake: add support for qt6
  * pass correct type to QMetaObject::invokeMethod
  * change emit to Q_EMIT
  * use a QUrl instead of a QString where a QUrl is expected
  * switch to Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS
- Added lang subpackage
* Fri Oct 07 2022 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.9.2
  * actionsmodel: change text of togglePlaylistAction action to
    just Playlist
  * recentfilesmodel: use custom implementation instead of
  * window: use Kirigami gridUnit for width and height
  * mpv: move mpris connections to cpp
  * Settings: improve right to left behaviour
  * footer: fix play next/previous button icons in right to left
  * footer: fix seek bar and volume bar right to left behaviour
  * playlistmodel: use a QUrl to determine the mimetype
  * mpv: fix includes and call methods from MpvCore instead of
  * Footer: improve font scaling
  * SubtitlesFolders: fix model name
  * settings: use qmlRegisterSingletonInstance instead of
  * Add a menu item in the Subtitles header button and menubar
    to open a subtitle file
  * CustomCommands: use `Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage` when there
    are no commands
  * Remove explicit use of ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, is part of
  * mpvitem: remove duplicated property
* Wed Aug 24 2022 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.9.1
  * Fixed two broken actions in the global menu
  * Fixed translations
* Mon Aug 22 2022 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Update to version 0.9.0
  * Refactored the shortcuts configuration, now it's available
    in the settings window with the other settings, instead of
    opening another window
  * Hamburger menu now only show a few actions, the rest are
    available in a submenu
  * When menubar is hidden the hamburger menu will be shown in
    the header/toolbar and when the header is hidden it's shown
    in the footer
  * Added a proper context menu for the video
  * Added setting to start playback when resuming playback of a
  * Added setting to set maximum number of recent files
  * Added option to clear recent files
  * Added setting to restore window size and position
  * Added settings to customize the subtitle font family, size,
    style (bold, italic), color, shadow color, shadow offset,
    border color, border width
  * Moved seek settings to playback settings page
  * Moved volume step setting to audio settings page
  * Custom commands that run on startup can be turned off so
    they are not set on next run
  * In mouse settings the action text, which is translatable, is
    shown instead of it's internal name
  * Toggling menubar and header/toolbar through actions
    remembers the state on next run
  * Restore time position for youtube videos
  * Improve mpv initialization to allow better hardware decoding
  * Ytdl-format property can be overwritten by a custom command
- Switch to yt-dlp where available