Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP6





Change Logs

Version: 0.54-bp155.1.5
* Mon Mar 13 2023 Antoine Belvire <>
- Update to 0.54:
  * Added experimental support for Wayland.
- Add new build dependency on libboost_system-devel.
* Tue Sep 27 2022 Antoine Belvire <>
- Pass --with-boost-libdir to configure: Workarounds boost
  detection failure on some architectures (ppc64, ppc64le and
  riscv64 notably) (gh#acaudwell/Gource#83).
* Thu Jun 16 2022 Andreas Stieger <>
- Update to 0.53
  * Add --high-dpi option
  * Fixed slider timestamp font not affected by --font-scale
  * Fixed hovering over end of slider stopping time advancing
* Sat Apr 09 2022 ecsos <>
- Update to 0.52
  * Support rendering at native resolution on Retina / Ultra HD displays.
  * Support ISO 8601 timestamp format.
  * Allow custom log and caption file timestamps to be strings.
  * Change regular expression library to PCRE2.
  * Fixed filenames not being affected by --font-scale (Carl Colena).
  * Fixed file key not being affected by --font-scale.
  * Added --file-idle-time-at-end option.
  * Added --fixed-user-size option.
Version: 0.51-bp154.1.29
* Wed Feb 05 2020
- Update to version 0.51:
  * Fixed --font-file relative path handling.
  * Fixed a bug in resolving the repository root directory from a
    relative path.
- Changes from version 0.50:
  * Right mouse button rotation now pivots around the camera.
  * Added --font-file option.
  * Added --enable-font-file option to configure.
  * Added --no-time-travel option.
  * Added --dir-name-position option.
  * Added --file-extension-fallback option.
  * Added --user-show-filter option.
  * Added --disable-input option.
  * Added --loop-delay-seconds option.
  * Added --font-scale option.
  * Added filename, dirname and user font size options.
  * Added workaround for FFMpeg error parsing Gource PPM video
  * Fixed a bug in the Mercurial log parser that caused changes to
    be missed.
  * Fixed file removal being cancelled by an action with an earlier
  * Fixed a bug in the log file format detection that could result
    in the wrong first entry being displayed for a custom log.
  * Fixed a bug where automatically cycling through a config with
    multiple repositories reset settings to their defaults.
- Remove obsolete conditional from spec file.
- Update URL.
* Mon Jul 16 2018
- Update to version 0.49:
  * Fixed compatibility with GLM
* Tue Jun 12 2018
- Update to version 0.48:
  * Can now generate logs from git sub module directories.
  * Fixed building with GLM 0.9.9.
Version: 0.47-bp150.1.3
* Fri Nov 17 2017
- gource 0.47:
  * Fix low mouse movement speed with some mice while repositioning
- includes changes from 0.46:
  * Add --screen option
- includes changes from 0.45:
  * Add --window-position XxY option
  * Add --frameless option
  * Add --file-show-filter REGEX option
  * Add --filename-time and filename-colour options
  * Improve handling of very low seconds-per-day values
  * Fix crash when SVN log lacks author information
  * Additional git log command validation
  * Allow lower case hex colours in custom logs
  * Now requires SDL 2 to build
* Thu Jul 13 2017
- update to 0.44:
  * Fixed crash when taking a screenshot with an odd resolution
  * Fixed type deduction compilation error with newer versions of GCC
  * Documentation improvements
- drop svn-gource, gource has buil-t in svn support
- drop
- drop gource-0.43-gcc6.patch, no longer required
- drop boost_ppc64le.patch, not being built for it
* Wed Feb 01 2017
- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Sat Jul 02 2016
- new patch: gource-0.43-gcc6.patch fixes boo#985356
  * fix no matching function for call to 'max(double,float)'
* Thu Aug 13 2015
- Fix boost libdir on ppc64le (boost_ppc64le.patch)
* Tue Nov 11 2014
- gource 0.43:
  + Updated boost autoconf macros to fix multi-arch detection.
- includes changes from gource 0.42:
  + Fixed bzr log command when no start date was specified.
  + Fixed hg log commit order when date range specified.
  + Fixed hg log command line on Windows.
  + Fixed parser bug in date range filtering code.
- includes changes from gource 0.41:
  + Multi-monitor support using SDL 2.0 when available.
  + SDL 1.2 support is deprecated.
  + Full screen mode now uses desktop resolution by default.
  + Added --start-date, --stop-date 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss' options.
  + Added --dir-name-depth option.
  + Changed --file-idle-time default value to 0.
  + Changed screenshot format to PNG.
- packaging changes:
  + update source URL
  + drop ppc64le.patch, upstream
  + update and clean up dependencies
  + build with and use system tinyxml library instead of in-tree
  + build with SDL2 where available
* Fri Jan 10 2014
- Fix boot libdir for ppc64le
- added patches:
  * ppc64le.patch
* Mon Jul 22 2013
- license update: GPL-3.0+
  No indication of licenses that would restrict the GPL-3.0 license to 3
* Tue Jul 02 2013
- Update to version 0.40
  * Added caption support.
  * Improved command line interoperability on Windows.
  * Fixed directory deletion short circuiting processing
    the rest of a commit.
  * Fixed issue loading non-ascii user image filenames on windows.
  * Ignore UTF-8 byte order mark at the start of lines in custom
    log files.
  * Fix to boost macros for Macs and non-GNU systems (mistydemeo).
  * Autotools improvements (flameeyes).
* Tue Apr 23 2013
- Added version dependency in spec libboost >= 1.46
- Added new dependency glm-devel > 0.9.3 (devel:library:c_c++)
- updated to 0.39
  Changes since 0.38:
    Fixed blurry non power of 2 logos.
    File colour changes now supported in custom logs (rmyorston).
    Fixed building against Boost 1.50 (svenstaro).
    Updated boost autoconf macros (flameeyes).
    Autogen script (matthiaskrgr).
  Changes since 0.37:
    New high quality sprites.
    Fullscreen toggle with alt + enter.
    Window is now resizable. -WIDTHxHEIGHT! creates a non-resizable window.
    Lowered minimum zoom distance.
    Use AM_CPPFLAGS in to allow passing custom CPPFLAGS.
    Don't add files that match the path of a known directory.
    Fixed divide by zero in text shader causing artifacts on some video cards.
    Recursively search for repository directory when log-format not specified (thanks to Jörg Bachmann for original concept / prototype).
    New dependency on Boost Filesystem.
    Doubled the maximum zoom out distance.
    Allow negative timestamps before 1970 in custom log (artzub).
    Fix for UTF8-CPP checked.h compilation issue (vszakats).
    Fixed bug causing missing characters in text.
    Fixed --highlight-users option not using highlight-colour.
    highlight-colour default changed to white.
    Added --selection-colour option (applied to selected users and files).
    Added --dir-colour option (applied to directories).
  There are some new dependencies for building this version:
    GLM 0.9.3 (header only library)
    Boost Filesystem >= 1.46
* Fri Nov 11 2011
- updated to 0.37
- drop obsolete patch nonvoid.patch (applied upstream)
* Fri May 27 2011
- merge package from Contrib
- updated to version 0.34
- added two extra tools
* Wed Apr 13 2011
- update to version 0.32
  * Fixed behaviour of user camera tracking.
  * Added --with-tinyxml option to configure (use the system TinyXML library).
  * Fixed crash when SVN log entry contains no 'paths' element.
  * Handle directory deletion (happens in SVN logs).
* Tue Feb 08 2011
- update to version 0.29
  * SVN built-in support.
  * cvs2cl log support (cvs-exp support is now deprecated).
  * Made camera behaviour when zooming and selecting objects more
  * Improved interactive performance.
  * Added file extension key (--key or toggled with 'K').
  * Added mouse-over tool tips.
  * Added --highlight-colour option.
  * Added --hash-seed option. The S key now randomizes colours.
  * Added --output-custom-log option.
  * Exposed --time-scale option (previously only available
  * Removed arbitrary 1024 maximum length limit for log lines.
  * Fixed two file colouring bugs (quoted files from git, period in
    file path).
  * Fix handling of avatars for UTF-8 usernames on MACOSX.
  * Recover from video mode failing to set due to multi-sampling.
- update to version 0.28
  * Bazaar support for merged commits (Nick Moffit).
  * C++ efficiency improvements (Oliver Smith).
  * Improved cvs-exp log compatibility.
  * Re-show name of user when adding a new action if user is idle.
  * Added --padding option to control camera view padding.
  * More accurate camera tracking (tracks the bounding boxes of
  * Improved automatic rotation logic.
- update to version 0.27
  * Config file support (ini style .conf files) has been added. You
    can convert a gource command line to a conf file with
  - -save-config CONF_FILE.
  * Automatic camera rotation has been added which makes better use
    of the screen space.
  * Support for logos, titles and background images to brand your
    gource videos.
  * Take tga screenshots with F12. Combined with the --transparent
    option you can can use this to make gource decals.
* Tue Apr 13 2010
- update to 0.26a:
  * updated to latest version of GL autoconf macros.
* Fri Apr 02 2010 bitshuffler
- Updated to 0.26
* Sat Dec 05 2009
- initial version (0.18)