Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP2





Change Logs

* Wed Apr 29 2020 Guillaume GARDET <>
- Requires binutils-gold for %arm and aarch64 - boo#1170826
* Thu Apr 16 2020 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- Revert truncate changelog for versions older than go1.12
* Thu Feb 13 2020 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.17 (released 2020/02/12) includes a fix to the runtime.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36574 runtime: "PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification failed with errno= 87" when running in Windows docker containers
  * Truncate changelog for versions older than go1.12
* Wed Jan 29 2020 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.16 (released 2020/01/28) includes two security fixes to
  the crypto/x509 package.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36839 crypto/x509, x/crypto/cryptobyte: panic in certificate parsing
  * go#36836 crypto/x509: certificate validation bypass on Windows 10
* Fri Jan 10 2020 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.15 (released 2020/01/09) includes fixes to the runtime
  and the net/http package.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36433 net/http: racing write to t.ProxyConnectHeader in dialConn when proxy URL includes auth credentials
  * go#36377 runtime: "fatal error: PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification failure" when running in Windows docker containers
  * go#36376 runtime: Timer buckets may get "stuck" for long periods of time after Windows 8/10 systems wake from sleep
  * go#36367 runtime: sweep increased allocation count crash on arm64
  * go#36002 doc: release history webpage contains suboptimal links
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.14 (released 2019/12/04) includes a fix to the runtime.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#35747 ensure that Go toolchain meets Apple's notarization requirements
  * go#35210 runtime: function textOff returns incorrect value if multiple text sections are present
* Fri Nov 01 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.13 (released 2019/10/31) fixes an issue on macOS 10.15
  Catalina where the non-notarized installer and binaries were
  being rejected by Gatekeeper. Only macOS users who hit this issue
  need to update.
  Refs boo#1141689.
* Tue Oct 29 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- Add %ifarch %arm aarch64 BuildRequires: binutils-gold to fix
  /usr/lib64/go/{version}/pkg/tool/linux_arm64/link: running gcc failed: exit status 1
  collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld'-
* Wed Oct 23 2019 Stefan Brüns <>
- Remove unneeded systemd BuildRequires.
* Mon Oct 21 2019 Stefan Brüns <>
- Fix broken go_api evaluation (1.12 < 1.5, when evaluated as floats),
  let RPM evaluate the expression, drop no longer required bc.
- Own the gdbinit.d directory, avoid the build dependency on gdb.
* Fri Oct 18 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.12 (released 2019/10/17) includes fixes to the go command,
  runtime, syscall and net packages.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#34881 net/http: Client.Do() panics when URL includes HTTP basic auth
  * go#34789 cmd/go/internal/modconv: TestConvertLegacyConfig failing on release-branch.go1.12
  * go#34713 runtime, internal/poll: darwin: ensure that no thread is consumed, nor a syscall.Read if FD isn't yet ready for I/O
  * go#34711 runtime: "program exceeds 50-thread limit" in test of os package on darwin-arm-mg912baios
  * go#34661 net: infinite loop in LookupAddr()
  * go#34641 syscall: (*LazyProc).Call does not keep arguments alive (anymore)
  * go#33983 cmd/cover: cannot run in directory with no .go files
  * go#33982 x/sys/unix: TestPassFD consistently failing in aix-ppc64 builder on release-branch.go1.12
  * go#33877 net/http: Transport leaks net.Conns if connections never become idle
  * go#33758 x/build, cmd/go: TestGoGetInsecure failing in release-branch.go1.12
  * go#33757 x/build, runtime: linux-s390x-ibm regression in TestGdbPython on release-branch.go1.12
  * go#33756 x/build: skip `darwin-386-10_14` builder on release-branch.go1.12
  * go#33673 cmd/go: regression on the default of CGO_ENABLED to 0 for cross builds
  * go#31887 cmd/go: downloads follow plain-HTTP redirects even when the -insecure flag is not set
  * go#31305 x/arch/arm64/arm64asm: TestObjdumpARM64TestDecode{GNU,Go}Syntaxdata failing at Go 1.12.3
* Thu Oct 17 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.11 (released 2019/10/17) includes security fixes to the
  crypto/dsa package addressing the following CVE:
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * boo#1154402 CVE-2019-17596
  * go#34961 crypto/dsa: invalid public key causes panic in dsa.Verify
* Thu Sep 26 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.10 (released 2019/09/25) includes security fixes to the
  net/http package addressing the following CVE:
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * boo#1152082 CVE-2019-16276
  * go#34540 net/http: invalid headers are normalized, allowing request smuggling
* Thu Aug 15 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.9 (released 2019/08/15) includes fixes to the linker and
  the os and math/big packages.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#33557 cmd/link: stack depth check too shallow
  * go#33424 os.RemoveAll: openFdAt function without O_CLOEXEC and cause fd escape to child process
  * go#33040 cmd/link: missing section for relocation target
  * go#32940 math/big: arm64 assembly code for shlVU is incorrect
  * go#30401 doc: syscall: document Setrlimit behavior change on Go 1.12 on macOS
* Tue Aug 13 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.8 (released 2019/08/13) includes security fixes to the
  net/http and net/url packages addressing CVEs:
  CVE-2019-9512 CVE-2019-9514 CVE-2019-14809
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * bnc#1146111 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9512: go: HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth
  * bnc#1146115 VUL-0: CVE-2019-9514: go: HTTP/2 implementation is vulnerable to a reset flood, potentially leading to a denial of service
  * bnc#1146123 VUL-0: CVE-2019-14809: go: malformed hosts in URLs leads to authorization bypass
  * go#33633 net/url: URL.Parse Multiple Parsing Issues
  * go#33631 net/http: Denial of Service vulnerabilities in the HTTP/2 implementation
* Wed Jul 10 2019 Martin Li?ka <>
- Set NO_BRP_AR in order to workaround issues when ar is used for
  a Go ELF file.
* Wed Jul 10 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.7 (released 2019/07/08) includes fixes to cgo, the compiler,
  and the linker.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#32756 cmd/cgo: generates code with inappropriate array copy
  * go#32712 cmd/compile: wrong calculation result for bit operation
    that's inlined and has all constant shifts in rewrite rules
  * go#32697 debug/dwarf: cgo produces malformed DWARF data
  * go#32583 cmd/compile: `switch` statement on a custom `int32` type
    with negative values behaves differently in two consecutive calls
* Wed Jun 26 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- Use gcc9 by default by updating define gcc_go_version 9 (was 8)
  * drop unneeded patch gcc8-go.patch
* Tue Jun 25 2019 Pavol Cupka <>
- adding Web Assembly stuff from misc/wasm to fix boo#1139210
- fixing some minor rpmlint warnings
* Mon Jun 17 2019 Jeff Kowalczyk <>
- go1.12.6 (released 2019/06/11) includes fixes to the compiler, the linker,
  the go command, and the crypto/x509, net/http, and os packages.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#32484 cmd/link: fix deferreturn detector
  * go#32367 net/http: make Transport ignore 408 timeout messages from server
  * go#32295 cmd/go: tests failing on linux-amd64-longtest
  * go#32282 crypto/x509: macos 10.14 SIGSEGV in crypto/x509._Cfunc_FetchPEMRoots
  * go#32261 syscall: Windows user32 function (SendInput) behaves incorrectly when called within golang environment
  * go#32168 cmd/go: accept -Wl,-R,path
  * go#32081 os: windows processes started with foreign token inherit the wrong environment [CVE-2019-11888]
  * go#32013 cmd/compile: sparse slices with struct items are not initialized
  * go#30526 cmd/go: MacOS binaries invalid for eventual Apple Notary
Version: 1.12.17-1.29.2
* Mon Jun 08 2020
- Ensure ARM arch is set properly - boo#1169832
* Wed Apr 29 2020
- Requires binutils-gold for %arm and aarch64 - boo#1170826
* Thu Apr 16 2020
- Revert truncate changelog for versions older than go1.12
* Thu Feb 13 2020
- go1.12.17 (released 2020/02/12) includes a fix to the runtime.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36574 runtime: "PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification failed with errno= 87" when running in Windows docker containers
  * Truncate changelog for versions older than go1.12
* Wed Jan 29 2020
- go1.12.16 (released 2020/01/28) includes two security fixes to
  the crypto/x509 package.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36839 crypto/x509, x/crypto/cryptobyte: panic in certificate parsing
  * go#36836 crypto/x509: certificate validation bypass on Windows 10
* Fri Jan 10 2020
- go1.12.15 (released 2020/01/09) includes fixes to the runtime
  and the net/http package.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#36433 net/http: racing write to t.ProxyConnectHeader in dialConn when proxy URL includes auth credentials
  * go#36377 runtime: "fatal error: PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification failure" when running in Windows docker containers
  * go#36376 runtime: Timer buckets may get "stuck" for long periods of time after Windows 8/10 systems wake from sleep
  * go#36367 runtime: sweep increased allocation count crash on arm64
  * go#36002 doc: release history webpage contains suboptimal links
* Thu Dec 05 2019
- go1.12.14 (released 2019/12/04) includes a fix to the runtime.
  Refs boo#1141689.
  * go#35747 ensure that Go toolchain meets Apple's notarization requirements
  * go#35210 runtime: function textOff returns incorrect value if multiple text sections are present
* Fri Nov 01 2019
- go1.12.13 (released 2019/10/31) fixes an issue on macOS 10.15
  Catalina where the non-notarized installer and binaries were
  being rejected by Gatekeeper. Only macOS users who hit this issue
  need to update.
  Refs boo#1141689.
* Tue Oct 29 2019
- Add %ifarch %arm aarch64 BuildRequires: binutils-gold to fix
  /usr/lib64/go/{version}/pkg/tool/linux_arm64/link: running gcc failed: exit status 1
  collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld'-
* Wed Oct 23 2019
- Remove unneeded systemd BuildRequires.