Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Thu Dec 17 2020 Ondřej Súkup <>
- disable %{ix86} build
Version: 0.17.0-bp154.1.11
* Mon Nov 01 2021
- Update xmonad-contrib to version 0.17.0.
  Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in
  a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry
  at the top. You can review the file at:
* Wed Jun 02 2021
- Update xmonad-contrib to version 0.16 revision 1.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Ond?ej Súkup <>
- disable %{ix86} build
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Peter Simons <>
- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.
* Tue Jul 28 2020 Michel Normand <>
- Add _constraints for min 4GB disk space for some arches
  aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le
* Tue Jun 16 2020 Peter Simons <>
- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner.
Version: 0.16-bp152.2.3
* Thu May 07 2020 Peter Simons <>
- Fix cosmetic error in the %description.
* Fri Nov 08 2019 Peter Simons <>
- Drop obsolete group attributes.
* Mon Sep 23 2019
- Update xmonad-contrib to version 0.16.
  Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in
  a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry
  at the top. You can review the file at:
Version: 0.15-bp151.1.9
* Thu Oct 04 2018
- Update xmonad-contrib to version 0.15.
  [#]# unknown
  [#]# 0.15
  [#]## Breaking Changes
  * `XMonad.Layout.Groups` & `XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers`
    The layout will no longer perform refreshes inside of its message handling.
    If you have been relying on it to in your xmonad.hs, you will need to start
    sending its messages in a manner that properly handles refreshing, e.g. with
  [#]## New Modules
  * `XMonad.Util.Purex`
    Unlike the opaque `IO` actions that `X` actions can wrap, regular reads from
    the `XConf` and modifications to the `XState` are fundamentally pure --
    contrary to the current treatment of such actions in most xmonad code. Pure
    modifications to the `WindowSet` can be readily composed, but due to the
    need for those modifications to be properly handled by `windows`, other pure
    changes to the `XState` cannot be interleaved with those changes to the
    `WindowSet` without superfluous refreshes, hence breaking composability.
    This module aims to rectify that situation by drawing attention to it and
    providing `PureX`: a pure type with the same monadic interface to state as
    `X`. The `XLike` typeclass enables writing actions generic over the two
    monads; if pure, existing `X` actions can be generalised with only a change
    to the type signature. Various other utilities are provided, in particular
    the `defile` function which is needed by end-users.
  [#]## Bug Fixes and Minor Changes
  * Add support for GHC 8.6.1.
  * `XMonad.Actions.MessageHandling`
    Refresh-performing functions updated to better reflect the new `sendMessage`.
* Tue Jul 31 2018
- Add xmonad-contrib at version 0.14.
Version: 0.13-bp150.2.3
* Thu Aug 03 2017
- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.
* Sun Feb 12 2017
- Update to version 0.13 with cabal2obs.
* Sun Jul 10 2016
- Update to version 0.12 revision 2 with cabal2obs.
* Tue Dec 22 2015
- update to 0.12
- drop xmonad-contrib-0.11.4-import-Applicative.patch
  * Breaking Changes:
  + XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer.updatePointer arguments were changed. This allows
  including aspects of both of the TowardsCentre and Relative methods.
  * New Modules
  + XMonad.Actions.AfterDrag
  + XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects
  + XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces
  + XMonad.Config.Bepo
  + XMonad.Config.Dmwit
  + Daniel Wagner's configuration.
  + XMonad.Config.Mate
  + XMonad.Config.Prime
  + XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty
  + XMonad.Hooks.ManageDebug
  + XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter
  + XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory
  + XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats
  + XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition
  + XMonad.Layout.Dwindle
  + XMonad.Layout.Hidden
  + XMonad.Layout.IfMax
  + XMonad.Layout.PerScreen
  + XMonad.Layout.Stoppable
  + XMonad.Prompt.ConfirmPrompt
  + XMonad.Prompt.Pass
  + XMonad.Util.RemoteWindows
  + XMonad.Util.SpawnNamedPipe
  + XMonad.Util.WindowState
  * Miscellaneous Changes
  + Fix issue #9: XMonad.Prompt.Shell searchPredicate is ignored, defaults to isPrefixOf
  + Fix moveHistory when alwaysHighlight is enabled
  + XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceGroups now exports addRawWSGroup
  + Side tabs were added to the tabbed layout
  + XMonad/Layout/IndependentScreens now exports marshallSort
  + XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook now exports clearUrgency
  + Exceptions are now caught when finding commands on PATH in Prompt.Shell
  + Switched to Data.Default wherever possible
  + XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens now exports whenCurrentOn
  + XMonad.Util.NamedActions now exports addDescrKeys'
  + EWMH DEMANDS_ATTENTION support added to UrgencyHook
  + New useTransientFor modifier in XMonad.Layout.TrackFloating
  + Added the ability to remove arbitrary workspaces
* Sat Apr 04 2015
- update to 0.11.4
  + xmonad-contrib-0.11.4-import-Applicative.patch -- fix compilation in Xmonad.Util.Invisible