Package Info


A simple monadic graph library


A "not-very-Haskelly" API for calculating traversals of graphs that may be too large to fit into memory. The algorithms included are inspired by the visitor concept of the < Boost Graph Library>.

Here is a very simple example of how we might execute a depth-first-search. In this case the visitor simply collects the edges and vertices in the order that the corresponding functions get called. After the necessary imports,

> import Data.Array > import Data.Monoid > import Data.Graph.AdjacencyList > import Data.Graph.Algorithm > import Data.Graph.Algorithm.DepthFirstSearch

create an adjacency list where the vertices are labeled with integers.

> graph :: Array Int [Int] > graph = array (0, 3) [(0, [1,2]), (1, [3]), (2, [3]), (3, [])]


We need a data structure that instantiates Monoid to combine the results of our visitor functions.

' data Orderings = Orderings &#32;&#32;&#123;&#32;&#32;enterV :: [Int] &#32;&#32;, enterE :: [(Int, Int)] &#32;&#32;, gray :: [(Int, Int)] &#32;&#32;, exitV :: [Int] &#32;&#32;, black :: [(Int, Int)] &#32;&#32;&#125;&#32;deriving Show

instance Monoid Orderings where &#32;mempty = Orderings [] [] [] [] [] &#32;mappend (Orderings a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)(Orderings b1 b2 b3 b4 b5) = &#32;&#32;Orderings (a1 ++ b1) (a2 ++ b2) (a3 ++ b3) (a4 ++ b4) (a5 ++ b5) '

The dfs function's first argument is of type GraphSearch which is a visitor containing the functions to be run at various times during the search. The second argument is the starting vertex for the search.

' orderings :: GraphSearch (AdjacencyList Int) Orderings orderings = GraphSearch &#32;&#32;(v -> return $ mempty &#123;enterV = [v]&#125; &#32;&#32;(e -> return $ mempty &#123;enterE = [e]&#125; &#32;&#32;(e -> return $ mempty &#123;gray = [e]&#125; &#32;&#32;(v -> return $ mempty &#123;exitV = [v]&#125; &#32;&#32;(e -> return $ mempty &#123;black = [e]&#125; '

Finally runAdjacencylist unwraps the function in the Adjacencylist newtype and runs it on graph.

> dfsTest :: Orderings > dfsTest = runAdjacencyList (dfs orderings 0) graph

Running dfsTest in ghci will yield:

' Orderings &#123;enterV = [0,2,3,1], enterE = [(0,2),(2,3),(0,1)], gray = [], exitV = [3,2,1,0], black = [(1,3)]&#125; '.

License: BSD-3-Clause



Package Version Update ID Released Package Hub Version Platforms Subpackages
0.7-bp150.2.4 info GA Release 2018-08-01 15
  • AArch64
  • ghc-graphs
  • ghc-graphs-devel
0.7-bp150.2.6 info GA Release 2018-07-31 15
  • ppc64le
  • ghc-graphs
  • ghc-graphs-devel
0.7-bp150.2.7 info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • x86-64
  • ghc-graphs
  • ghc-graphs-devel