Package Info


A functional web framework


A Haskell web framework where you write plain old functions.

/Provided you have/ < stack> /installed, you can run this example like a shell script (it'll listen on port 3000):/

' #!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --resolver lts-5.5 --install-ghc runghc --package fn --package warp &#123;-&#35; LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings &#35;-&#125; import Data.Monoid ((&#60;&#62;)) import Data.Text (Text) import Network.Wai (Response) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run) import Web.Fn

data Ctxt = Ctxt &#123; _req :: FnRequest &#125; instance RequestContext Ctxt where &#32; getRequest = _req &#32; setRequest c r = c &#123; _req = r &#125;

initializer :: IO Ctxt initializer = return (Ctxt defaultFnRequest)

main :: IO () main = do ctxt <- initializer &#32; run 3000 $ toWAI ctxt site

site :: Ctxt -> IO Response site ctxt = route ctxt [ end ==> indexH &#32; , path &#34;echo&#34; // param &#34;msg&#34; ==> echoH &#32; , path &#34;echo&#34; // segment ==> echoH &#32; ] &#32; fallthrough notFoundText &#34;Page not found.&#34;

indexH :: Ctxt -> IO (Maybe Response) indexH _ = okText &#34;Try visiting /echo?msg='hello' or /echo/hello&#34;

echoH :: Ctxt -> Text -> IO (Maybe Response) echoH _ msg = okText $ &#34;Echoing '&#34; &#60;&#62; msg &#60;&#62; &#34;'.&#34; '

Fn lets you write web code that just looks like normal Haskell code.

  • An application has some "context", which must contain a 'Request', but can

contain other data as well, like database connection pools, etc. This context will be passed to each of your handlers, updated with the current HTTP Request.

  • Routes are declared to capture parameters and/or segments of the url, and

then routed to handler functions that have the appropriate number and type of arguments. These functions return 'IO (Maybe Response)', where 'Nothing' indicates to Fn that you want it to keep looking for matching routes.

  • All handlers just use plain old 'IO', which means it is easy to call them

from GHCi, 'forkIO', etc.

  • All of this is a small wrapper around the WAI interface, so you have the

flexilibility to do anything you need to do with HTTP.

The name comes from the fact that Fn emphasizes functions (over monads), where all necessary data is passed via function arguments, and control flow is mediated by return values.

License: ISC



Package Version Update ID Released Package Hub Version Platforms Subpackages info GA Release 2018-08-01 15
  • AArch64
  • ghc-fn
  • ghc-fn-devel info GA Release 2018-07-31 15
  • ppc64le
  • ghc-fn
  • ghc-fn-devel info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • x86-64
  • ghc-fn
  • ghc-fn-devel