AArch64 | |
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- update to * Support for throwing in the template-haskell Q monad * Support for transformers 0.5
- update to * Use `transformers-compat` to allow support for `ExceptT` even on older `transformers` versions. * `stm` support
- remove unnecessary build requires
- Initial packaging (version 0.6.1)
- Update Cabal build instructions to support ghc-8.6.1.
- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space, and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner.
- Update exceptions to version 0.10.0. 0.10.0 - ----- * Fix a regression in 0.9.0 whereby the non-IO effects in `bracket`'s `use` action were not visible to the `release` action, and the non-IO effects in the `release` action were not visible after the `bracket` call. * The type of `generalBracket` was changed in order to restore those non-IO effects, so if you are a library author that provides a `MonadMask` instance, you will need to update your implementation of this method. * Add `MonadMask` instance for `MaybeT` * Add `onError` function whose action also runs on errors which are not exceptions, such as a `Nothing` or a `Left`. 0.9.0 - ---- * Add `generalBracket` to the `MonadMask` typeclass, allowing more valid instances. Note that functions such as `bracket` and `finally` are now based off of `generalBracket`, so if you are a library author that provides a `MonadMask` instance, you will need to provide an implementation of this method. * Add `MonadMask` instances for `ExceptT` and `ErrorT`
- Prefer the new %license attribute over %doc. - Update Cabal file to revision 5. * support GHC 8.4.x * support QuickCheck 2.11.x