AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Update to version revision 0 with cabal2obs.
- update to * Fix GHC 7.10 warnings due to imports
- update to - regenerated spec file * Add `IsList` instance for GHC >= 7.8 ([Icelandjack](https://github.com/Icelandjack)) * Add `NFData` instance (and `deepseq` dependency) * Add `IsString` instance * Remove deprecated entities * Stop supporting `base < 2` * Update documentation * New type class instances: `Eq`, `Ord`, `Read`, `Show`, `Alternative`, and `Foldable` * New function `apply` to use instead of `unDL` * Deprecate DList constructor and record selector to make it abstract (see [#4](https://github.com/spl/dlist/issues/4)) * Deprecate `maybeReturn` which is not directly relevant to dlists
- cabal-rpm new template for spec file * more transparent packaging * macros don't span spec file sections
- cabal2spec 0.25.5 spec file template
- initial packaging for Fedora automatically generated by cabal2spec-0.24.1