Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Thu Feb 03 2022 Peter Simons <>
- Update dhall to version 1.40.2 revision 2.
  * [Supports standard version 21.1.0](
  * [The interpreter now supports customizing headers using a `headers.dhall`
    configuration file](
  * [Generalize grammar for certain annotations](
  * [Add support for a trailing line comment without a newline](
  * [BUG FIX: `dhall repl` no longer ignores type annotations on `:let` commands](
  * Before this fix, `:let x : T = 3` would ignore the `: T` type annotation
  * [BUG FIX: Don't accept a bar after an empty union](
  * Before this fix, the interpreter would accept something like `<>|`, which
    is not valid according to the standard grammar
  * New `FromDhall`/`ToDhall` instances for `Day`/`TimeOfDay`/`TimeZone` [#2294]( [#2300](
  * These types correspond to the recent temporal literals added to the
  * [New `subExpressionsWith` `Traversal`](
  * [Add Template Haskell support for modifying field names in generated Haskell
  * This adds a new `makeHaskellTypesWith` utility with takes a
    `GenerateOptions` function argument for customizing the code-generation
  * This comes in handy when Dhall fields have names are reserved keywords in
    Haskell code.  You can now transform the Haskell field names to avoid
  * [Support GHC 9.2](
  * Fixes and improvements to documentation
  * [#2290](
  * Fixes and improvements to error messages
  * [#2303](
* Mon Nov 15 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.1 revision 5.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Nov 11 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.1 revision 4.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Sun Nov 07 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.1 revision 3.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Mon Sep 27 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.1 revision 2.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Wed Aug 25 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.1.
  * [BUG FIX: Fix equivalence check for `Date` / `Time` / `TimeZone`](
  * This fixes a serious bug in the recently introduced support for temporal
    literals where they would fail to type-check when given a correct type
    annotation or when they were checked against an existing type
  * For example, `00:00:00 : Time` was failing to type-check
* Sun Aug 22 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.40.0.
  * [Almost supports version 20.2.0 of the standard](
  * The main thing that is missing is support for the `headers.dhall` file
  * [BREAKING CHANGE TO THE LANGUAGE: Add support for `Date` / `Time` / `TimeZone` ](
  * This is a breaking change because `Date`, `Time`, and `TimeZone` are
    now reserved identifiers
  * [Improved fallback behavior for `?`](
  * [BREAKING CHANGE TO THE LANGUAGE: Require whitespace before `with`](
  * The parser now requires whitespace before the `with` keyword, which brings
    the Haskell implementation into closer compliance with the standard
  * In practice this is a technically breaking change which will not affect
    most programs
  * [New `FromDhall` instances for `Predicate`, `Equivalence`, and `Op`](
  * [`dhall lint` will now sort `let` bindings with imports](
  * `dhall lint` now reorders `let` bindings to move imports to the top so
    long as doing so does not change the behavior of the program
  * Fixes and improvements to code formatting
  * [#2280](
  * Fixes and improvements to error messages
  * [#2244](
  * [#2238](
* Mon Jul 19 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.39.0 revision 3.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Jul 15 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.39.0 revision 1.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Fri Jun 04 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.39.0.
  * [Supports version 20.2.0 of the standard](
  * [Add support for Unix shebangs](
  * [BREAKING CHANGE TO THE API: `dhall {format,freeze,lint}` now accept multiple
  * The `--inplace` flag is no longer necessary and you can now specify
    multiple files to update in place on the command line, like
    `dhall format foo.dhall bar.dhall`
  * The `--inplace` flag is still accepted, but does nothing, and will emit a
  * This is a breaking change to the API for formatting/freezing/linting files
    because now you can specify multiple inputs instead of one input
  * [BREAKING CHANGE: Pre-6.0.0 hashes are no longer supported](
  * The interpreter no longer provides backwards compatibility for integrity
    checks computed before standard version 6.0.0
  * This is a breaking change to the API of the `Dhall.Binary` module, where
    certain utilities are no longer parameterized on a `StandardVersion`
  * This is also a breaking change to any Dhall code that depended on these
    really old integrity checks
  * [BUG FIX: Formatting `≡` now correctly preserves the original character set](
  * [BUG FIX: Don't panic on `Text/replace ""`](
  * [Quasiquotation support for Dhall](
  * You can now convert a Dhall expression to the corresponding syntax tree
    using a quasiquoter like this: `[dhall| \x -> x + 2 ]`
  * [New `Dhall.Marshal.{Encode,Decode}` modules](
  * These modules split up the `Dhall` module into two smaller modules for
    encoding and decoding logic, respectively
  * The `Dhall` module still re-exports the same functionality as before, so
    this is not a breaking change
  * [Support GHC 9.0.1](
  * Fixes and improvements to code formatting
  * [Improve pretty-printing of `sha256`](
* Tue May 18 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.38.1 revision 2.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Tue May 11 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.38.1 revision 1.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Tue May 11 2021 Ond?ej Súkup <>
- relax constraints on memory
* Mon Mar 29 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.38.1.
  * [Add `INLINABLE` annotations in more places](
  * This may improve performance by enabling more specializations
  * [Fix `hashable`-related test failures](
  * [Fix support for GHC 8.4.4](
  * … by using `GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving` (with a `z`)
  * [Allow doctest-0.18](
  * [Allow bytestring-0.11](
* Sat Feb 13 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.38.0 revision 2.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Jan 28 2021
- Update dhall to version 1.38.0 revision 1.
  * [BREAKING CHANGE: Detect preferred character set from input](
  * `dhall format` will now preserve the character set of the formatted file
    by default.  In other words, if the file uses ASCII punctuation then
    `dhall format` will format the file using ASCII punctuation.
  * If the file contains both ASCII and Unicode punctuation it will prefer
    Unicode by default
  * This is a breaking change because the `Lam` / `Pi` / `Combine` /
    `CombineTypes`, and `Prefer` constructors now take an additional argument
    to record which character set was used
  * [BUG FIX: Fix CORS compliance check](
  * Previous versions were not correctly enforcing CORS compliance
  * This implies that some imports that would have worked previously by
    accident will now fail; specifically: an import from one domain
    transitively importing something from another domain that has not opted
    into CORS
  * [Add `ToDhall (Fix f)` instance](
  * Fixes and improvements to error messages
  * [#2130](
* Tue Dec 29 2020
- Update dhall to version 1.37.1 revision 1.
  Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Ond?ej Súkup <>
- disable %{ix86} build
* Thu Dec 17 2020
- Update dhall to version 1.37.1.
  * [Fix performance regression for `with` expressions](
* Mon Dec 07 2020
- Update dhall to version 1.37.0.
  * [Supports version 20.0.0 of the standard](
  * [Implement revised `Text/replace` β-normalization](
  * [Allow `Text/replace ""` to support an abstract haystack](
  * [Support `if` expressions returning a type or kind](
  * BREAKING CHANGE TO THE API: [Improve error message for duplicate projection label](
  * This also makes the implementation more standards-compliant, by treating
    a duplicate label as a type error instead of a parse error
  * This is a breaking change since the `Project` constructor now stores a
    `[Text]` instead of `Set Text`
  * [Add `--cache` flag to `dhall hash`](
  * This flag adds the hashed expression to the cache when enabled
  * [Deprecate `Inject` / `Interpret`](
  * You should instead use `ToDhall` / `FromDhall`, respectively
  * Fixes and improvements to the haddocks:
  * [#2098](
  * [#2100](
  * Fixes and improvements to error messages:
  * [#2082](
  * [#2095](
  * Fixes and improvements to the parser:
  * [#2083](
  * Fixes and improvements to the pretty printer:
  * [#2083](
  * [#2101](