* Wed Oct 11 2023 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.9.1.
[#]# Changes in 0.9.1 [2023.10.11]
- Backport new instances from GHC 9.8/`base-4.19`:
* `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `SChar`, `SNat`, and `SSymbol`
* `Enum`, `Bounded`, `Num`, `Real`, and `Integral` instances for `Compose`
[#]# Changes in 0.9.0 [2023.03.05]
- Adapt to recent changes to `Down` instances:
* The `Bounded` instance for `Down` was changed in `base-` to swap
the values of `minBound` and `maxBound` for the underlying type. This
change has now been propagated to `base-orphans`.
* The `Enum` instance for `Down` was removed in `base-`, but a
different version of the instance was added back in `base-`, where
`succ` and `pred` are swapped. We have changed the backported version of
this instance in `base-orphans` to match the behavior of the instance
added in `base-`.
* The `Integral` instance for `Down` was removed from `base` entirely in
`base-`. We have finally removed it from `base-orphans` in this
release, as it actively makes it more difficult to define the
aforementioned `Enum` instance.
[#]# Changes in [2023.03.05]
- Fix GHC 9.4 build error that was accidentally introduced in
[#]# Changes in 0.8.8 [2023.03.05]
- Backport new instances from GHC 9.6.1/`base-`:
* `Functor` instances for the `(,,,,) a b c d`, `(,,,,,) a b c d e`, and
`(,,,,,) a b c d e f` tuple types.
* `Eq` and `Ord` instances for `Generically1`
[#]# Changes in 0.8.7 [2022.08.11]
- Backport new instances from GHC 9.2.2/`base-`:
* `Ix` instances for various integral types in `Foreign.C.Types`,
`Foreign.Ptr`, and `System.Posix.Types`. For a complete list of such types,
see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/7385.
- Backport a bugfix for the `Ord1 Down` instance from GHC 9.4/`base-4.17` such
that it now uses reverse sort order.
* Thu Dec 17 2020 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- disable %{ix86} build
* Tue Aug 18 2020 psimons@suse.com
- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.
* Tue Jun 16 2020 psimons@suse.com
- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner.
* Fri Nov 08 2019 psimons@suse.com
- Drop obsolete group attributes.
* Sat Oct 20 2018 psimons@suse.com
- Use https URL to refer to bugs.opensuse.org.
Version: 0.8.6-bp154.1.11
* Mon Nov 01 2021 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.6.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.6 [2021.10.29]
- Backport `Eq`, `Ord`, `Bounded`, `Enum`, and `Ix` instances for `Solo`,
introduced in GHC 9.2/`base-4.16`
- Remove the backported `Eq1` and `Ord1` instances for `Fixed` that were
introduced in `base-orphans-0.8.5`. While these briefly appeared in a
release candidate version of GHC 9.2.1, they were ultimately removed from
the final 9.2.1 release. This release of `base-orphans` synchronizes with
that change.
* Thu Sep 02 2021 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.5.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.5 [2021.08.29]
- Backport new instances from GHC 9.2/`base-4.16`
* `Eq1`, `Read1`, and `Show1` instances for `Complex`
* `Eq1` and `Ord1` instances for `Fixed`
* `Eq{1,2}`, `Ord{1,2}`, `Show{1,2}`, and `Read{1,2}` instances for `(,,)`
and `(,,,)`
* `Semigroup` and `Monoid` instances for `Data.Functor.Product` and
* Thu Dec 17 2020 Ond?ej SĂșkup <mimi.vx@gmail.com>
- disable %{ix86} build
* Thu Dec 10 2020 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.4.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.4 [2020.12.09]
- Backport the `Ord` instances for `TyCon` and `TypeRep` to be available on
GHC 7.0.
* Tue Oct 06 2020 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.3.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.3 [2020.09.30]
- Backport new instances from GHC 9.0/`base-4.15`
* `MonadFix` and `MonadZip` instances for `Complex`
* `Ix` instances for tuples of size 6 through 15
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Peter Simons <psimons@suse.com>
- Replace %setup -q with the more modern %autosetup macro.
* Tue Jun 16 2020 Peter Simons <psimons@suse.com>
- Re-generate file with latest version of spec-cleaner.
Version: 0.8.2-bp152.1.10
* Tue Jan 28 2020 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.2.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.2 [2020.01.27]
- Backport new instances from GHC 8.10/`base-4.14`
* `Bits`, `Bounded`, `Enum`, `FiniteBits`, `Floating`, `Fractional`,
`Integral`, `Ix`, `Real`, `RealFrac`, `RealFloat` and `Storable` instances
for `Data.Ord.Down`
* `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `Alternative`, and `MonadPlus` instances
for `Kleisli`
* `Functor`, `Applicative`, and `Monad` instances for
`(,,) a b` and `(,,,) a b c`
* `Data` instances for `WrappedArrow` and `WrappedMonad`
* `Data` and `IsList` instances for `ZipList`
* `TestEquality` instance for `Compose`
- Backport the `Typeable (() :: Constraint)` instance to be available on
GHC 7.8.
* Fri Nov 08 2019 Peter Simons <psimons@suse.com>
- Drop obsolete group attributes.
* Tue Mar 26 2019 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.1.
[#]# Changes in 0.8.1 [2019.03.25]
- Ensure that the test suite passes non-negative numbers to `Bits` methods
that require them, such as `bit`, `setBit`, `clearBit`, `complementBit`,
and `testBit`.
Version: 0.8-bp151.1.13
* Sat Oct 20 2018 Peter Simons <psimons@suse.com>
- Use https URL to refer to bugs.opensuse.org.
* Wed Jul 18 2018 psimons@suse.com
- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space,
and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner.
* Fri Jul 13 2018 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.8.
[#]# Changes in 0.8 [2018.07.02]
- Backported new instance from GHC 8.6/`base-4.12`
* Data types in `GHC.Generics`:
- `Applicative` instance for `K1`
- `Semigroup` instances for `U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:*:)`, `(:.:)`, and `V1`
- `Monoid` instances for `U1`, `Par1`, `Rec1`, `K1`, `M1`, `(:*:)`, and `(:.:)`
* `Foldable` and `Traversable` instances for `Data.Monoid.Alt`
* `MonadFix`, `MonadZip`, `Data`, `Foldable`, `Traversable`, `Eq1`, `Ord1`,
`Read1`, and `Show1` instances for `Data.Ord.Down`
* Mon May 14 2018 psimons@suse.com
- Update base-orphans to version 0.7.
* `Alternative` instance for `ZipList`
* `Data` instance for `IntPtr` and `WordPtr`
* `Num`, `Functor`, `Applicative`, `Monad`, `Semigroup`, and `Monoid`
instances for `Data.Ord.Down`
* `MonadFail`, `Semigroup`, and `Monoid` instances for strict `ST`
Version: 0.6-bp150.2.4
* Thu Aug 03 2017 psimons@suse.com
- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.
* Thu Jul 27 2017 psimons@suse.com
- Update to version 0.6.
* Sun Jul 10 2016 psimons@suse.com
- Update to version 0.5.4 revision 0 with cabal2obs.
* Tue Apr 12 2016 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.5.4
* Backported Bits, FiniteBits, Floating, Fractional, Integral, IsString, Num, Real,
RealFloat, and RealFrac instances for Identity and Const
* Tue Mar 08 2016 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.5.3
* Backported Alternative, MonadPlus and MonadZip instances for U1 and Proxy, and
made the Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Alternative, and Monad instances for
U1 lazier to correspond with base-4.9
* Sun Feb 28 2016 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.5.2
* Backported Enum, Bounded, Ix, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadPlus,
MonadZip, Foldable, Traversable, and Data instances for datatypes
in the GHC.Generics module (introduced in base-4.9)
* Tue Feb 02 2016 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.5.1
* The Storable instances for Complex and Ratio are now exactly
as lazy as their counterparts in base
* Wed Jan 20 2016 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.5.0
* Backported instances introduced in GHC 8.0/base-4.9
* Thu Dec 17 2015 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.4.5
* Import Control.Monad.Instances
* Fix build on GHC HEAD (again)
* Sun Aug 16 2015 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.4.4
* Fix build on GHC HEAD
* Thu Aug 13 2015 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- update to 0.4.3
* Fix build on OSes where HTYPE_DEV_T = Int32
* Thu Aug 06 2015 mimi.vx@gmail.com
- initial commit