Package Info


Denotative, locally stateful programming DSL & platform


(Up to date documentation is maintained at <>)

Read the README first! <> , for motivating examples, and concrete explanations of things described here.

/auto/ is a Haskell DSL and platform providing declarative, compositional, denotative semantics for discrete-step, locally stateful, interactive programs, games, and automations, with implicitly derived serialization. It is suited for any domain where either the input or the output can be described as a stream of values: a stream of input events, output views, etc.

/auto/ works by providing a type that encapsulates "value stream transformers", or locally stateful functions; by specifying your program as a (potentially cyclic) graph of relationships between value streams, you create a way of "declaring" a system based simply on static relationships between quantities.

Instead of a "state monad" type solution, where all functions have access to a rigid global state, /auto/ works by specifying relationships which each exist independently and on their own, without any global state.

A more fuller exposition is in the, in this project directory and also online at <>; you can get started by reading the tutorial, which is also in this project directory in the tutorial directory, and also incidentally online at <>. Also, check out the < auto-examples> repository on github for plenty of real-world and toy examples to learn from; I've also done a < blog series> on this library, with examples and full tutorials!

Support available on freenode's #haskell-auto, #haskell-game, and also on the github issue tracker for the source repository.

Import "Control.Auto" to begin!.

License: MIT



Package Version Update ID Released Package Hub Version Platforms Subpackages info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • x86-64
  • ghc-auto
  • ghc-auto-devel