* Tue Mar 12 2024 Max Lin <mlin@suse.com>
- Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
- Use python_module macro to instead of package name in BuildRequires
- python3-GDAL now provides python311-gdal and python311-GDAL ability since
it was build with python 3.11
* Tue Jan 09 2024 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to bugfix release 3.8.3
- Update copyright year
* Wed Dec 20 2023 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to bugfix release 3.8.2
* Full list of changes in
* Tue Dec 05 2023 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to bugfix release 3.8.1
* Full list of changes in
- update to version 3.8.0
* Full list of changes in
* Sun Nov 19 2023 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to bugfix release version 3.7.3
see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.7.3/NEWS.md
* Sun Oct 01 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 3.7.2:
* GDAL 3.7.2 is a bugfix release.
* /vsiaz/: fix cached URL names when listing /vsiaz/
* /vsiaz/: add options to pass object_id/client_id/msi_res_id
* authentication requests (AZURE_IMDS_OBJECT_ID,
* /vsiaz/: implement Azure Active Directory Workload Identity
* typically for Azure Kubernetes
* ### Core
* TileMatrixSet::parse(): add support for OGC 2D Tile Matrix
Set v2 (#6882)
* Warper: do not modify bounds when doing
geographic->geographic on a dataset
* with world extent but not in [-180,180] (#8194)
* RMS resampling: avoid potential integer overflow with UInt16
* GDALChecksumImage(): fix 3.6.0 regression regarding integer
overflow on
* images with more than 2 billion pixels (#8254)
* gdalinfo -json output: emit a stac['proj:epsg'] = null object
when emitting
* proj:wkt2 or proj:projjson (#8137)
* gdalmdimtranslate: fix wrong output dimension size when using
syntax like
* '-array name=XXX,view=[::factor_gt_1]'
* gdal2tiles: fix exception with dataset in EPSG:4326 with
longitudes > 180 in
* WebMercator profile (#8100)
* gdal_retile.py: allow gaps in input files larger than grid
size (#8260)
* GeoPackage driver:
* GDALGeoPackageRasterBand::GetMetadata(): fix use after free
* fix missing GRID_CELL_ENCODING metadata item when there is
other metadata
* remove .aux.xml file in Delete()
* GTiff driver:
* fix reading .tif + .tif.aux.xml file with xml:ESRI SourceGCPs
* HDF5 driver:
* more efficient metadata collection (no functional change)
* deal with int64/uint64 attributes
* remove trailing space in multi-valued metadata items
* remove dataset name prefix in band level metadata
* address Planet's datacube band-specific metadata
* NITF driver:
* fix MIN/MAX_LONG/LAT when reading RPC00B
* add support for CSCSDB (Common Sensor Covariance Support
Data) DES from
* nitf_spec.xml: corrections to CSEXRB TRE
* OGCAPI driver:
* make it work when the media type of links (expected to be
* is missing, using Accept content negotiation (#7970)
* do not try to use the 'uri' member of a tilematrixset
definition document
* reproject bounding box from CRS84 to tile matrix set CRS
* skip too small overview levels
* remove erroneous taking into account of tilematrixset limits
* STACIT driver:
* correctly process asset 'href' starting with 'file://'
* make it tolerant to missing proj:epsg if proj:wkt2 or
proj:projjson are
* provided (#8137)
* apply vsis3 protocol to s3:// items
* WEBP driver:
* fix build against libwebp < 0.4.0 (#8111)
* Zarr driver:
* Zarr V2: fix duplicate array listing when both a 'foo' file
and 'foo/'
* directory exist on the object storage (#8192)
* Mon Sep 25 2023 Dirk Stoecker <opensuse@dstoecker.de>
- Add Conflicts entry between drivers package and old library version
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Dirk Stoecker <opensuse@dstoecker.de>
- Seperate drivers.ini from the library package
* Mon Aug 21 2023 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to bugfix release version 3.7.1
* see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.7.1/NEWS.md
- update to feature release version 3.7.0
+ see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.7.0/NEWS.md
- packaging:
* add new buildrequire pkgconfig(libarchive)
for new /vsi7z/ and /vsirar/ virtual file systems
* handle new delivered files
data/gfs.xsd: XML schema for .gfs files (#6655)
data/gml_registry.xsd: new file with XML schema of
gml_registry.xml (#6716)
data/ogrinfo_output.json.schema: validate ogrinfo -json output
data/gdalinfo_output.schema.json: validate gdalinfo -json
output (fixes #6850)
* spec-cleaner
* remove limitation for python < 3.11 as Factory has 3.11.4
* Fri May 26 2023 Boris Manojlovic <boris@steki.net>
- add required development rpms
* Fri Mar 17 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 3.6.3:
* bugfixes
* see https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.6.3/NEWS.md
Version: 3.6.2-bp155.1.7
* Sun Jan 08 2023 Matthias Eliasson <elimat@opensuse.org>
- Update to version 3.6.2 bugfix release
See changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.6.2/gdal/NEWS.md
* Thu Dec 15 2022 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to bugfix 3.6.1 (critical)
Important: GDAL 3.6.1 officially retracts GDAL 3.6.0
which cause corruption of the spatial index of GeoPackage files
it created (in tables with 100 000 features or more): cf
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/51188 and
GDAL 3.6.1 fixes that issue.
Setting OGR_GPKG_ALLOW_THREADED_RTREE=NO environment variable
(at generation time) also works around the issue with GDAL 3.6.0.
Users who have generated corrupted GeoPackage files with 3.6.0
can regnerate them with 3.6.1 with:
"ogr2ogr out_ok.gpkg in_corrupted.gpkg"
(assuming a GeoPackage file with vector content only)
Consult the release notes for the list of issues addressed :
* Sat Nov 26 2022 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Improve packaging
+ add proj for datum presence for tests
+ add cmake-full with tests_support (ctest)
+ add bison, shapelib,OpenEXR,armadillo,qhull,libz4,pcre2
qhull,deflate are conditionnal(missing on Leap 15)
+ cmake force non use of internal, force use of external libs
except lerc not packaged.
+ Exclude more tests (remote,out-of-memory)
* Fri Nov 25 2022 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Set bash-completion as noarch
* Fri Nov 25 2022 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Update to 3.6.0:
* https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.6.0/gdal/NEWS.md
* Fixes boo#1205745
- Skipped 3.5.0:
* https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.5.0/gdal/NEWS.md
* Upstream dropped deprecated perl binding
* Drop unneeded patch:
- gdal-perl.patch
* Tue Mar 15 2022 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to version 3.4.2 bugfix release
See changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.4.2/gdal/NEWS.md
- Remove merged upstream patches gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch
and gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch
Version: 3.4.1-bp154.1.35
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Bjørn Lie <bjorn.lie@gmail.com>
- Add gdal-fix-poppler-leap.patch: Fix build on Leap 15.4 and
- Add fdups macro, BuildRequires already in place, remove
duplicate files.
* Mon Mar 07 2022 Bjørn Lie <bjorn.lie@gmail.com>
- Add gdal-fix-build-poppler.patch: Fix build with poppler 22.03.0
and newer.
* Tue Jan 04 2022 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Upgrade to version 3.4.1 bugfix release
+ Full changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.4.0/gdal/NEWS
+ Explicitly add a call to autogen.sh
+ Upstream PCIDSK: fix write heap-buffer-overflow boo#1194263
- Removed GDALmake.opt.in.patch due to cc1plus: warning:
- I gcore: No such file or directory [-Wmissing-include-dirs]
- Add conditionnal support for hdf4 boo#1192614 on Leap
build -with hdf4_support can be enabled
- Update copyright year
* Fri Dec 31 2021 D. Berge <opensuse@navlost.eu>
- Fix build on Leap 15.3
* Mon Nov 29 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Fix xerces detection by adding --with-xerces-inc parameter
* Mon Nov 01 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to version 3.3.3 bugfix release
+ Full changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.3.3/gdal/NEWS
- Removed upstream patches
+ gdal-poppler-2.10-a.patch
+ gdal-poppler-2.10-b.patch
* Wed Oct 20 2021 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Fix build with poppler 2.10:
* gdal-poppler-2.10-a.patch
* gdal-poppler-2.10-b.patch
* Tue Sep 07 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to version 3.3.2 bugfix release
+ Full changelog
* Sun Jul 11 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to version 3.3.1 bugfix release
+ Full changelog
* Mon May 24 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.3.0 version
* Full changelog
* Main changes python2 is now gone
- Packaging
+ bump libso version to 2.9
+ Remove python2 related stuff
+ Add support for heif,pcre,kml,sfcgal
make conditionnal support of libkml, sfcgal, heif
+ Prepare tests also conditionnal
+ Several small cleanup (merged, no more)
+ Remove autoreconf upstream is using last available
* Mon May 17 2021 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- remove bundled libraries, use system provided ones
* Tue May 04 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.2.3 (bug fix release)
* Full changelog
- Be warned about ahead changes with future 3.3.x version
* Fri Mar 12 2021 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Update to 3.2.2 (bug fix release):
* Full changelog
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.2.1:
* Full changelog
- Packaging:
+ Update copyright year
Version: 3.2.0-bp153.1.28
* Wed Nov 04 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.2.0:
* Full changelog
- Packaging:
+ Add python3-GDAL as require in gdal package
+ Remove shebang where it's not allowed in python's scripts
* Sat Oct 24 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.1.4 version bug fix release see changelog
* Tue Sep 08 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.1.3 version bug fix release see changelog
* Sun Jul 19 2020 Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de>
- Work-around occasional build failures due to incomplete ordering
in Makefile. (https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/2777)
- Avoid double gdal prefix for /usr/share/gdal/gdal/*
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.1.2 version bug fix release see changelog
* Tue Jun 30 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to 3.1.1 version with full changelog
- Packaging:
+ drop merged upstream gdal-fix-docs.patch
+ Rework our way to deliver the package:
- Remove building doc as we don't deliver it
- Use upstream man page already present in tar
- Simplify all %if doc related stuff
+ Lower again a bit _constraints: 2.5G RAM 4.0G HDD
* Tue Jun 16 2020 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Add _constraints to avoid build failure
* Mon Jun 15 2020 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Fix docs and man builds for Tumbleweed with upstream patch:
* gdal-fix-docs.patch
- Disable docs/man on Leap - https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/2690
* Thu Jun 11 2020 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Update to 3.1.0:
* New binaries: gdal_viewshed gdalmdiminfo gdalmdimtranslate
* full changelog:
- Refresh patch:
* GDALmake.opt.in.patch
- Drop upstream patches:
* gdal-ecwjp2-sdk-5.5_dep1.patch
* gdal-ecwjp2-sdk-5.5.patch
Version: 3.0.4-bp152.1.2
* Sat Feb 01 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to version 3.0.4 bugfix release
+ strongly recommended release for people creating GeoTIFF files
in EPSG:3857 / WebMercator projection with previous 3x version
+ Changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.0.4/gdal/NEWS
* Wed Jan 22 2020 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- update to version 3.0.3 bugfix release
+ Fix build with poppler 0.83 boo#1161399
+ Changelog https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.0.3/gdal/NEWS
- Remove merged upstream patch
- refresh spec file with spec-cleaner
* Wed Nov 06 2019 Libor Pechacek <lpechacek@gmx.com>
- update to 3.0.2
Full changelogs:
- Refreshed patches:
* Thu Oct 10 2019 Martin Pluskal <mpluskal@suse.com>
- Spec file cleanups
- Remove poppler boost dependnecy
- Enable LTO and zstd
* Sun Oct 06 2019 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Fix build error on TW due to boo#1153146 poppler missing boost
* Thu Sep 05 2019 Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de>
- Fix build with Swig 4.0, add
- Spec file cleanup, remove conditionals for Leap 42.x and older
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Dirk Stoecker <opensuse@dstoecker.de>
- update to 3.0.1
Full changelogs:
Patch pkg-config-libpq.patch included upstream
* Mon Jul 08 2019 Dirk Stoecker <opensuse@dstoecker.de>
- update to version 2.4.2
Full changelog https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.4.2-News
Version: 2.4.1-bp151.2.3
* Thu Apr 11 2019 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Fix build with fgdb_support option enabled
* Thu Apr 04 2019 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to version 2.4.1 (52 bugfix release)
Full changelog https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.4.1-News
- Packaging:
+ Remove merged upstream patch
+ Add pkg-config-libpq.patch upstream issue#1412 pr#1418 wip
use pkg-config for libpq
+ Secure libproj detection with tail -n1
* Thu Mar 07 2019 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Fix boo#1128276 by providing correct Obsolete
* Sat Feb 23 2019 John Vandenberg <jayvdb@gmail.com>
- Use the Python package name 'GDAL' as used by upstream
* Wed Jan 30 2019 Wolfgang Bauer <wbauer@tmo.at>
- Add upstream patches to fix build with the latest poppler in
* Poppler-revision-version-management.patch
* add-support-for-poppler-0.72.0-and-0.73.0.patch
* Mon Dec 24 2018 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Update to 2.4.0:
* In a nutshell:
- New GDAL drivers:
?BYN: read/write support for Natural Resources Canada's Geoid binary format
?EEDAI: read-only driver for Google Earth Engine Data API
IGNFHeightASCIIGrid: read-only driver to read IGN-France height correction ASCII grids
?NGW: NextGIS Web read-only driver
NTv1: read-only driver for NTv1 datum shift grids
- New OGR drivers:
?EEDA: read-only driver for Google Earth Engine Data API
?GeoJSONSeq: read/creation support of new-line or record-separator separated GeoJSON features (#378)
?NGW: NextGIS Web read-write driver
- Improved drivers:
BAG: add read support for variable-resolution grids, and write support for single-resolution grids
GTiff driver: add Lerc and WebP codecs
PostgisRaster?: add support for out-db rasters
- RFC 72: Make GDAL Python autotest suite use pytest framework
- Add /vsihdfs/ virtual file system handler for Hadoop File System (via libhdfs)
- Add /vsiwebhdfs/ read-write virtual file system for Web Hadoop File System REST API
- gdal_contour rewriting: speed optimizations and capability to compute polygon isosurfaces.
- Remove PHP and Ruby bindings.
- Continued code linting in C++, Python scripts, Shell scripts and autotest
* Backward compatibility issues
- The value of COMPRESSION_ZSTD used for ZStd-in-TIFF compression has been changed.
ZStd-compressed TIFF files produced by GDAL 2.3.0 will not be readable
* Full changelog: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.4.0-News
- Add md5 checksum
- Refresh patch:
* gdal-perl.patch
* Mon Dec 24 2018 Guillaume GARDET <guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org>
- Update to 2.3.3: Bugfix
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.3.3-News
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Bruno Friedmann <bruno@ioda-net.ch>
- Update to new bugfix 2.3.2 version
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.3.2-News
This adds 65 bug fixes on top of 2.3.1.
The C and C++ API and ABI are unchanged.
- Packaging:
+ spec-cleaner -m -i URL and Requires order changes
+ Remove patch gdal-fix_ecw5_detection.patch (merged upstream)
+ Redone patch GDALmake.opt.in.patch with version 2.3.2
* Tue Jul 31 2018 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Remove patch gdal-libproj.patch, we can't have hardcoded libproj
soversion. Replaced by dynamic sed formula.
Fix boo#1102889
* Fri Jul 27 2018 guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org
- Fix FileGDB support
* Tue Jul 17 2018 guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org
- Add patch to fix ECW5 detection in configure:
* gdal-fix_ecw5_detection.patch
* Tue Jul 10 2018 guillaume@opensuse.org
- Enable KEA support
* Fri Jul 06 2018 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Upgrade to new bugfix 2.3.1 version
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.3.0-News
+ Fix build with recent Poppler (0.64) (#573)
+ PDF driver: fix build against PDFium (#612)
+ Do not use json-c private API RDA and AmigoCloud? drivers(#618)
+ fix build against MySQL 8.0
+ Include gdalsse_priv.h from user defined paths
+ Unix:
- update GRASS drivers to support GRASS 7.4.0 (#633)
- configure: use CXXFLAGS when CXX is used (#693)
- Packaging : redone patches against new version
+ gdal-perl.patch
* Thu Jun 14 2018 guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org
- Add optional filegdb_api support, disabled by default
* Fri Jun 01 2018 opensuse@dstoecker.de
- require libopenjp2 for devel package
* Mon May 14 2018 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Upgrade to new 2.3.0 version
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.3.0-News
+ Source code is now hosted on github
+ RFC 70: Guessing output format from output file name extension
for utilities
+ RFC 68: C++11 Compilation requirement
GDAL now requires a C++11 compatible compiler. External code
using GDAL C++ API will also need to enable at least C++11
compilation mode, if the compiler defaults to C++98/C++03.
+ Stricter const-ness in OGRGeomFieldDefn, OGRFeatureDefn and
OGRFeature classes, impacting out-of-tree drivers that subclass
- Packaging : redone patches against new version
+ GDALmake.opt.in.patch
+ gdal-libproj.patch
* Mon May 07 2018 guillaume.gardet@opensuse.org
- Add optional support to ECW5 JPEG lib support disabled by default
Version: 2.2.4-bp150.2.1
* Thu Apr 05 2018 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Fix boo#1088014 by adding missing LICENSE in lib and main package
Remove misplaced LICENSE.txt in /usr/share/gdal
* Thu Mar 22 2018 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Update to new upstream bugfix release 2.2.4
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.2.4-News
- Remove merged patch gdal-json-c-0.13.patch
- Maximize usage of pkgconfig
* Fri Jan 12 2018 dimstar@opensuse.org
- Replace poppler-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(poppler): the
name 'poppler-devel' was last used in openSUSE 11.4. By using the
pkgconfig() symbol, we don't have to care for actual package
- Add gdal-json-c-0.13.patch: Fix build with json-c 0.13.
* Thu Nov 23 2017 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Update to new upstream bugfix release 2.2.3
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.2.3-News
- Packaging :
+ remove wrong /usr/bin/env python shebang
+ use /usr/bin/python3 for all /usr/bin/gdal*.py scripts
- Remove gdal-2.2.2-mariadb_102_build_fix.patch merged upstream
* Wed Nov 08 2017 kstreitova@suse.com
- add gdal-2.2.2-mariadb_102_build_fix.patch to fix build with
MariaDB 10.2 (in our case the build with libmariadb library
from the mariadb-connector-c package)
* upstream commit d63c1a90f81fc3c1f58a8742fb68baf81340ea03)
* Sat Sep 23 2017 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- New upstream bugfix release 2.2.2
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.2.2-News
* Tue Aug 01 2017 tchvatal@suse.com
- Drop the php5 dependency. The php7 bindings are not ready and we
are removing php5
* Fri Jul 14 2017 toddrme2178@gmail.com
- Add python2-gdal provides for the python-gdal subpackage for
compatibility with single-spec python macros.
* Wed Jul 12 2017 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- New upstream bugfix release 2.2.1
See details https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.2.1-News
- Packaging
+ Remove gdal-upstream-issue#6898-changeset#38636.patch merged
* Wed May 24 2017 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- New upstream release 2.2.0
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.2.0-News
- Packaging
+ add patch gdal-upstream-issue#6898-changeset#38636.patch
fixing non void return garbage in swig/perl.
+ redone patches against 2.2.0
* Fri Feb 03 2017 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- New upstream bugfix release 2.1.3
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.1.3-News
* Sat Oct 29 2016 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Due to build failure on non x86 arch, and advise from upstream
comment out the usage of obsolete jasper.
We have openjpeg2 anyway.
* Fri Oct 28 2016 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- New upstream bugfix release 2.1.2
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.1.2-News
- Packaging changes
- remove netcdf-gcp-fix.patch (uptream)
* Mon Oct 17 2016 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- Packaging changes
- Fixed gdal-libproj.patch to point to libproj.so.12
* Fri Sep 30 2016 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- Packaging changes
- Added netcdf-gcp-fix.patch from upstream (#6666)
* Sun Sep 25 2016 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- New upstream bugfix release 2.1.1
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.1.1-News
- Packaging changes
- Remove ogr_wrap.patch included upstream
- Added support to liblzma
Version: 2.1.0-2.1
* Tue May 10 2016 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- New upstream release 2.1.0
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.1.0-News
- packaging changes
- Removed gdal-python_install.patch
- Removed gdal-2.0.2-sqlite-crash.patch
- Removed gdal-configure.patch
- Added ogr_wrap.patch to solve no-return-in-non-void-function error
- Submitted ogr_wrap.patch upstream: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6506
- Redone patch GDALmake.opt.in.patch
* Tue Feb 23 2016 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Upgrade to 2x series version : 2.0.2 bugfix release
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.0.2-News
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.0.1-News
- https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/2.0.0-News
- packaging
- Redone patch GDALmake.opt.in.patch and gdal-libproj.patch
- Delete upstream merged gdal-python-swig3-issue6045.path
- Delete upstream merged gdal_swig-perl-issue3084.patch
- Add gdal-2.0.2-sqlite-crash.patch Fix upstream issue 6360
- spec-cleaner minimal (pkgconfig make unresolvable all except
Leap and Tumbleweed)
* Thu Feb 04 2016 behrisch@users.sourceforge.net
- Fixing PACKAGE_* redefines in cpl_config.h
* Sun Jan 31 2016 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- New upstream patch release 1.11.4
* Wed Dec 09 2015 mpluskal@suse.com
- Enable opencl and freexl support
- Update dependencies
* Fri Sep 25 2015 ecsos@opensuse.org
- Upgrade to version 1.11.3
see http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Release/1.11.3-News
- remove following patches, because their are now in source:
- gdal-poppler-0.31.patch
- gdal-python-swig3-issue6045.patch
- gdal-gcc5-getaddrinfo-issue6073.patch
* Fri Aug 28 2015 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- packaging
Redone exclusion for <= 1310 and 1315
Cleanup empty perl bs files
- Build fixes
* Fix python coding in swig3+ (backport of gdal20)
with patch gdal-python-swig3-issue6045.patch
* Fix gcc5 build upstream issue 6073
* Wed Aug 26 2015 bruno@ioda-net.ch
- Adding python3 support
- move fdupes from buildroot (mix python scripts otherwise)
fdupes is run against source html directory
- dos2unix Fix EOL warnings
* Sat Jul 04 2015 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
- Fix build to use libproj9
* Fri May 29 2015 guillaume@opensuse.org
- Fix ECW detection in configure script (need to add -pthread to CFLAGS)
* Sat May 02 2015 ecsos@opensuse.org
- Upgrade to version 1.11.2
* Build
- configure: fix detection of OCI by changing linking order
to please modern GCC (#5550)
- configure: fix test to accept MariaDB 10.X as valid MySQL
- More compiler warnings addressed (#5414)
- Windows build of PDF: fix compilation issue with
Visual Studio 2012 (#5744)
- Windows build: Add support for MrSID 9.1 SDK (#5814)
- Windows build: when building netCDF, HDF4, HDF5 as plugins,
call registration of 'sub-drivers' GMT, HDF4Image and
HDF5Image (#5802)
* Port
- CSV finder: Stop probing for csv/horiz_cs.csv. (#5698)
- /vsicurl/: avoid reading after end-of-file and fix failure
when reading more than 16MB in a single time (#5786)
- CPLHexToBinary(): faster implementation (#5812)
* GDAL Core and algorithms
- Make GetMaskBand?() work with GDT_UInt16 alpha bands (#5692)
- Fix 32bit overflow in GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO() (#5713)
- RPC transformer: take into account nodata in RPC DEM (#5680)
- RPC transformer: add RPC_DEM_MISSING_VALUE transformer option
to avoid failure when there's no DEM at the transformed point
- Fix GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() wrong extent in some
circumstances (e.g. dataset of big dimension with world
coordinates) (#5693)
- Fix crash when calling GetTiledVirtualMem?() on non-Linux
platform (#5728)
- warp: fix integer overflow when reprojecting into an area
with (part of) bounds completely outside of the source
projection (#5789)
- OpenCL warper: fix OpenCL code compilation with NVIDIA OpenCL
* Utilities
- gdalwarp: initialize destination dataset to no_data value
when automatically propagating source nodata (#5675)
- gdalwarp: only apply INIT_DEST when processing the first
input dataset (#5387)
- gdaldem: avoid too large files to be produced when using
- co COMPRESS=xxxx -co TILED=YES (#5678)
* GDAL drivers
- GRASS driver:
- fix compilation issues against GRASS 7 (#2953)
- GIF driver:
- fix crash on images without color table (#5792)
- validate the size of the graphic control extension block
- GTiff driver:
- Internal overviews: for near, average, gauss, and pixel
interleaving, make sure to use the same code path for
compressed vs uncompressed overviews (#5701)
- allow lossless copying of CMYK JPEG into JPEG-in-TIFF
- when overriding metadata in update mode, make sure to clear
it from PAM file (#5807)
- fix GTiffRasterBand::DirectIO() to work with TIFF files
with multiple directories (overviews, masks) (#5831)
- Internal libtiff: partial (mostly security related fixes)
upgrade to 4.0.4beta (#5830)
- ISIS3 driver:
- fix to recognize IsisCube?.Mapping.LatitudeType? =
Planetocentric (#5717)
- JP2OpenJPEG driver:
- add compatibility with OpenJPEG 2.1 (#5579)
- JPEG driver:
- Report non-fatal libjpeg errors as CE_Warning
- KMLSuperOverlay driver:
- remove useless and unreliable computations on floating
point numbers that caused issues (truncated raster)
on 32bit (#5683)
- USGSDEM driver:
- take into account horizontal unit = ft in the UTM case
- VRT driver:
- fix RasterIO() to be able to fill buffers larger than 2GB
(#5700, #5734)
* OGR core
- ogr_core.h: only ignore -Wfloat-equal for IsInit?() and not
for the rest of the file and files that inc it (#5299)
- OGR layer algebra: properly initialize field maps to avoid
Valgrind warnings in OGRLayer::Update() (#5778)
* OGR drivers
- CSV driver:
- fix segfault when reading allCountries.txt of geonames.org
- FileGDB:
- avoid emitting error when opening a FileGDB v9, so that
OpenFileGDB can be tried to open it, in the case FileGDB
is a plugin (#5674)
- GeoJSON driver:
- ESRIJson: parse correctly rings of esriGeometryPolygon
objects to build correct Polygon or MultiPolygon? (#5538)
- GML driver:
- Fix incorrect geometry cast when reading GML topogeometries
- Update GFS files for RUIAN (UVOH & OB) (#5770)
- LIBKML driver:
- when skipped, fix segfault on second OGRRegisterAll() call
- do not delete the libkml singleton factory (linked to #5775)
- MapInfo? File driver:
- Add GDA94 datum entries to the lookup table (#5671)
- fix segfault in CreateFeature?() if passing an invalid OGR
feature style string (#1209)
- MSSQL driver:
- Fix recognizing image columns as geometry columns for the
select layers. (#5498)
- Fix issue when creating non-spatial table (#5696)
- Fix to read metadata if the tables are specified in the
connection string (#5796)
- Fix invalid use of CSLAddString() in OGR MSSQL (#5810)
- Fix crash if the tablename is specified in the connection
string (#5826)
- MySQL driver:
- don't be dependant on locale when building spatial filter
- NAS driver:
- make chevrons configurable by NAS_INDICATOR (#5708)
- OCI driver:
- Initialize member variable to avoid UpdateLayerExtents?()
to be called randomly on non spatial tables (#5376)
- fix FID (multi_load=off, OGRNullFID) - start with 1
(not -1) (#5454)
- OpenFileGDB driver:
- fix ResetReading?() on SQL layer with ORDER BY on indexed
column (#5669)
- add support for non spatial GDB v9 tables (#5673)
- PG driver:
- fix GDAL 1.11.0 regression that prevented to retrieve more
than 500 features from a connection with tables= parameter
and on a SQL result layer (#5837)
- SQLite/Spatialite driver:
- remove 'T' suffix when formatting the content of a Date
field (#5672)
- fix segmentation fault when executing OGR2SQLITE_Register()
when compiling against sqlite 3.8.7 (#5725)
- make GetFIDColumn() work when run as first method call
- VRT driver:
- do not propagate ignoring of x and y cols of a
PointFromColumns? to the source layer (#5777)
- XLSX driver:
- fix column numbering when there are more than 26 columns
* SWIG Language Bindings
- Python bindings:
- Fix hang of Python in case of repeated call to gdal/ogr.
UseExceptions?() and CE_Warning emitted (#5704)
- fix processing error of ogr_python.i with SWIG 3 (#5795)
- NUMPY driver: avoid returning CE_None in GetGeoTransform?()
when there's no geotransform set (#5801)
* Fri Mar 27 2015 dimstar@opensuse.org
- Add gdal-poppler-0.31.patch: Fix build with poppler 0.31+.
* Tue Mar 10 2015 schubert.seb@gmail.com
- Fix hard coded proj4 library name
* gdal-libproj.patch
* Sun Mar 08 2015 mpluskal@suse.com
- Update perl package dependencies
* Mon Feb 09 2015 mpluskal@suse.com
- Add GDALmake.opt.in.patch to fix random failures of parallel
* Mon Feb 09 2015 mpluskal@suse.com
- Build with hdf5 on suse recent suse releases.
- Correct license and bundle license with packages.
- Misc spec file cleanups.
- Build with webp support if possible.
- Use autoreconf when possible to avoid issues with improper
cflags used and parallel builds.
- Rename package to match upstream name (gdal) - library is
provided as libgdal1 which matches shared libraries policy.
* Tue Dec 16 2014 guillaume@opensuse.org
- Add optional support to ECW JPEG lib support (disabled by default)
* Sat Oct 11 2014 behrisch@users.sourceforge.net
- fixing build with older autotools (SLE11SP3, CentOS6)
- removing obsolete patch
* Thu Oct 02 2014 ecsos@schirra.net
Upgrade to version 1.11.1
- Build
* Fix compilation errors with json-c 0.12 (#5449)
* configure: fix for cpl_recode_iconv.cpp compilation error
on freebsd 10 (#5452)
* Fix compilation error in alg/gdalgrid.cpp when AVX is available,
but not SSE (#5566)
* Fix wrong include order in ingr and nitf subdirs w.r.t internal
libtiff (#5644)
* Add CPL_UNUSED for gcc >= 4 (#5414)
- Port
* CPLSpawn() on Windows: quote arguments with spaces
in them (#5469)
* /vsigzip/: avoid infinite loop when reading broken
.gml.gz file (#5486)
* /vsizip/: fix bug that caused premature end of file condition
with some read patterns (#5530)
* /vsizip/: on >4GB zips: accept .zip declare 0 disks (#5615)
* Fix stack corruption upon thread termination with
CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption on Windows 32 bit (#5590,
reported by cleo)
* cpl_http.cpp: truly set CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL if available (#5568)
- GDAL Core
* EXIF reader: add missing validation for some data types (#3078)
* Fix segfault in GDALPamRasterBand::SerializeToXML() when
saving an empty RAT (#5451)
* Windows plugin: complementary fix to #5211 to avoid error
dialog box when there are dependency problems (#5525)
* RPC transformer with DEM: fix near interpolation
(patch by liminlu0314, #5553)
* OpenCL warper: remove unused variable in bilinear resampling
that can cause compilation error (#5518)
* GDALCreateTPSTransformer(): fix crash if the forward or backward
transform cannot be computed (#5588)
* Overview: ignore alpha=0 values when compute an average overview
of an alpha band; and also avoid memory errors when calling
GetMaskBand?()/GetMaskFlags() after overview computation if
GetMaskXXX() has been called before (#5640)
- Utilities
* gdal2tiles.py: fix inverted long/lat in BoundingBox? and
Origin elements of tilemapresource.xml (#5336)
* pct2rgb.py: make it work (again) with color tables with
less than 256 entries (#5555)
Previous upgrades from version 1.11.0
- New GDAL drivers:
* KRO: read/write support for KRO KOKOR Raw format
- New OGR drivers:
* CartoDB : read/write support
* GME (Google Map Engine) : read/write support
* GPKG (GeoPackage): read-write support (vector part of the spec.)
* OpenFileGDB: read-only support (no external dependency)
* SXF: read-only support
* WALK : read-only support
* WAsP .map : read-write support
- Significantly improved drivers: GML, LIBKML
- RFC 40: enhanced RAT support (#5129)
- RFC 41: multiple geometry fields support
- RFC 42: OGR Layer laundered field lookup
- RFC 43: add GDALMajorObject::GetMetadataDomainList?() (#5275)
- RFC 45: GDAL datasets and raster bands as virtual memory mapping
- Upgrade to EPSG 8.2 database
* Thu Oct 03 2013 Angelos Tzotsos <tzotsos@opensuse.org>
Upgrade to version 1.10.1:
- Compilation fixes for iOS (#5197, #5198)
- Fix VSISubFileHandle::Eof() behaviour to be POSIX compliant, so that the shapefile reader can read the last feature when using /vsitar (#5093)
- vsicache: fix for 32bit binaries when file size is over 2GB (#5170)
- warper: Fix warping when input pixel size is too close to 0 (#5190)
- GDALFillNodata(): Fix use of uninitialized memory and integer overflows (#4010, #5203)
- Fix ref-counting of callable passed to gdal.PushErrorHandler?() (#5186)